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Smitten kitchen. Orangette. How Sweet It Is. Chocolate Chip Cookie Kahlua Milkshakes. I fully believe something. At certain times, there isn’t much better in this world than chocolate chip cookies. And chocolate chip cookies are so perfect on their own that they rarely need to be trashed up. Right? Right. Fortunately I’m always right.

Annnnd another thing I fully believe is that store-bought cookies generally taste like garbage. And speaking of life lessons learned in your 20s, I really feel like I need to learn how to sew. So… just say no to store-bought cookies. EXCEPT… when you live right near an incredible bakery that makes some of the best cookies known to man. Do you know how good these cookies are? I wish you could see how serious he was about this.

Anyway – we’ve been back on the cookie bandwagon. But! Except now? Chocolate Chip Cookie Kahlua Milkshakes makes 2 shakes 2 cups coffee ice cream 1 1/2 cups milk (I used vanilla almond-coconut milk) 1/2 cup kahlua 2 large chocolate chip cookies + 1 more to crumble on top 6 ice cubes Save me. Foodgawker | feed your eyes.