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How Anyone Can Create A Virtual Reality Experience With One Line of Code. View the demo »View the documentation and source code » Earlier this month, I found that it was possible to experience virtual reality content at an entry level on a low budget – around $50.

How Anyone Can Create A Virtual Reality Experience With One Line of Code

But that only gets us as far as viewing existing content. If we want to broaden this new VR field to a truly diverse and innovative range of material, we need to make creation as accessible as consumption. Even with inexpensive viewers, we still need a desktop computer — powerful mobile tablets have limited content creation capabilities and it’s all but impossible on something as small as a phone without a keyboard. We also need software for both authoring and display. Greyscalegorilla Store. Element 3D V2 - 3D Object based Particle Plug-in. SkyBox Studio. Sixpack film. Das doppelte Spiel - alle wussten, keiner hat denunziert (4) Teil 1: Dieulefit - die Kleinstadt, die Juden rettete Teil 2: Fluchtpunkt Dieulefit, das Internat Beauvallon Teil 3: Deutsche Kommunisten im französischen Widerstand Das Rathaus von Dieulefit ist ein stolzer, dreistöckiger Bau aus dem ausgehenden 19.

Das doppelte Spiel - alle wussten, keiner hat denunziert (4)

Jahrhundert, dem man gerade ein modernes und architektonisch gewagtes Kulturzentrum an die Seite gestellt hat. Hinter der hellen Natursteinfassade des Rathauses arbeitete während der Kriegsjahre eine junge Frau, die ganz entscheidend zum Erfolg des zivilen Widerstands in Dieulefit beigetragen hat: Jeanne Barnier. Gefälschte Ausweise Marguerite Soubeyran, die Direktorin des Internats von Beauvallon, die für ihre Schützlinge in der Schule und auch für so manchen Gast in der Pension Beauvallon Ausweispapiere, vor allem aber auch Lebensmittelkarten brauchte, hatte sie überzeugt, diese zu fälschen.

„Wir mussten damals die Grundschulreife ablegen und dafür brauchte ich einen Personalausweis. „Man wird dich hängen“ „Jeannette, sie brauchen Urlaub“ Inhalt » Bild und Bit. Great historical recordings free to enjoy or download in MP3 format. What is native advertising anyway? In the new world of content – the world where all organisations get to produce it – jargon is plentiful.

What is native advertising anyway?

Phrases such as corporate journalism, vendor content, brand publishing and custom content are everywhere. But where does native advertising play in this mix? Put simply, native advertising is a sub-set of the catch-all content marketing, meaning the practice of using content to build trust and engagement with would-be customers. Native advertising can be a promoted tweet on Twitter, suggested post on Facebook or one of those full-page ads between Flipboard pages, but more commonly it is about how brands now work with online publications to reach people. They've long done so, of course, through display advertisements and various other promotions. The difference between display ads online – the square MPU units, leaderboards that straddle the top of pages and several other industry-standard formats – and native ads is that the latter are in the flow of editorial content.

Virtual Reality: The Future of Narrative Journalism? This was the first time I had stepped foot in a refugee camp.

Virtual Reality: The Future of Narrative Journalism?

I was in Zaatari, waiting for Sidra, a 12-year-old girl who has spent the last 18 months in Jordan, to lead me around the settlement. We met her family, walked to school, and visited the nearby bakery. We saw men working out and boys playing on computers. She told me about her classmates and life at the camp in general. Before I knew it, I was in the middle of a friendly game of soccer, with children running at me from all directions. No, I wasn’t actually in Jordan. Sidra and her family eating dinner in Clouds Over Sidra.