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yWriter6 by Spacejock Software. yWriter is a powerful novel-writing program which is free to download and use.

yWriter6 by Spacejock Software

It's designed for Windows 7 and later. SMPC Resources. Resources Music Cognition and Music Psychology Labs: Visit our map of Music Cognition and Music Psychology Labs: Sites included on this map belong to SMPC members who have provided location information on their labs.

SMPC Resources

> Green markers indicate labs with associated graduate programs in music. > Yellow markers indicate labs with associated graduate programs in psychology / neuroscience > Red markers indicate labs with associated graduate programs in music and psychology / neuroscience > Purple markers indicate labs with associated graduate programs in electrical engineering / computer science > Blue markers indicate labs without associated graduate programs. Top 21 Free Qualitative Data Analysis Software - User Reviews, Features, Pricing and Comparison in 2017 -Predictive Analytics Today. Vmarinj. ELAN - The Language Archive. - Know your audience. Documentos y Producciones » Investigación y Documentación Musical en Colombia. Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts. Open Access Music Resources. Open Access Music Journals. Musopen - Free sheet music, royalty free music, and public domain resources.

Open Music Library. List of Open-Access Music Journals. Freely accessible scholarship (and occasionally journalism) on music.

List of Open-Access Music Journals

Please contact me if you have any suggestions or corrections, or to let me know if the links are not working. Note that all journals are in English unless otherwise noted in square brackets [ ]. If a journal is multiple languages, English is always listed last. Contemporary Music (4 titles) Ex tempore (articles from back issues only) Information is Beautiful. DiRT Directory. TAPoR. Tools & Software - Digital Humanities - Research Guides at University of Tennessee Knoxville. Repository maps.

Find - Directory of Open Access Repositories. Search or Browse for Repositories <intR>²Dok "Ergani - Historical Archive of Aegean" Repository 4TU.Centre for Research Data AAB College repository Aaltodoc Publication Archive ABACUS.

Find - Directory of Open Access Repositories

Aberdeen University Research Archive (AURA) Abertay Research Collections CADAIR (Aberystwyth University Repository) Resources. Sonidos y sentidos: Entrevista con Steven Feld. HOME - JAR. SONIC IDEAS. Bienvenidos Ideas Sónicas / Sonic Ideas es uno de los frutos del CMMAS y al mismo tiempo es el primero de una serie de proyectos orientados a la investigación y difusión de todos los aspectos relacionados con la música, las artes sonoras y la tecnología.


Deep Web Search - A How-To Site. Where to start a deep web search is easy.

Deep Web Search - A How-To Site

You hit and when you brick wall it, you go to which is the academic database of Google. After you brick wall there, your true deep web search begins. You need to know something about your topic in order to choose the next tool. To be fair, some of these sites have improved their index-ability with Google and are now technically no longer Deep Web, rather kind-of-deep-web. However, there are only a few that have done so. To all the 35F and 35G’s out there at Fort Huachuca and elsewhere, you will find some useful links here to hone in on your AO. White Paper: The Deep Web: Surfacing Hidden Value. This White Paper is a version of the one on the BrightPlanet site.

White Paper: The Deep Web: Surfacing Hidden Value

Although it is designed as a marketing tool for a program "for existing Web portals that need to provide targeted, comprehensive information to their site visitors," its insight into the structure of the Web makes it worthwhile reading for all those involved in e-publishing. —J.A.T. Searching on the Internet today can be compared to dragging a net across the surface of the ocean. While a great deal may be caught in the net, there is still a wealth of information that is deep, and therefore, missed. The reason is simple: Most of the Web's information is buried far down on dynamically generated sites, and standard search engines never find it. Traditional search engines create their indices by spidering or crawling surface Web pages. The Ultimate Guide to the Invisible Web. Search engines are, in a sense, the heartbeat of the internet; “Googling” has become a part of everyday speech and is even recognized by Merriam-Webster as a grammatically correct verb.

The Ultimate Guide to the Invisible Web

It’s a common misconception, however, that Googling a search term will reveal every site out there that addresses your search. Typical search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing actually access only a tiny fraction — estimated at 0.03% — of the internet. The sites that traditional searches yield are part of what’s known as the Surface Web, which is comprised of indexed pages that a search engine’s web crawlers are programmed to retrieve. "As much as 90 percent of the internet is only accessible through deb web websites. " So where’s the rest? News aggregator - Wikipedia. Function[edit] Visiting many separate websites frequently to find out if content on the site has been updated can take a long time.

News aggregator - Wikipedia

Aggregation technology helps to consolidate many websites into one page that can show the new or updated information from many sites. Aggregators reduce the time and effort needed to regularly check websites for updates, creating a unique information space or personal newspaper. Once subscribed to a feed, an aggregator is able to check for new content at user-determined intervals and retrieve the update. 100 Useful Tips and Tools to Research the Deep Web.

By Alisa Miller Experts say that typical search engines like Yahoo!

100 Useful Tips and Tools to Research the Deep Web

And Google only pick up about 1% of the information available on the Internet. The rest of that information is considered to be hidden in the deep web, also referred to as the invisible web. So how can you find all the rest of this information? This list offers 100 tips and tools to help you get the most out of your Internet searches. Musicmap. Genres of popular music. GOSPEL:Andraé Crouch, Blind Willie Johnson, Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, Charles H. Gabriel,Edwin Hawkins, Elvis Presley, Erma Franklin, Fanny Crosby, George F. Root, Gloria Gaither,Kirk Franklin, Kris Kristofferson, Mahalia Jackson, Mississippi Mass Choir, Philip Bliss, Rance Allen,Sounds of Blackness, The Staple Singers, Thomas A. MusicNet.

MusicNet is a collection of 330 freely-licensed classical music recordings, together with over 1 million annotated labels indicating the precise time of each note in every recording, the instrument that plays each note, and the note's position in the metrical structure of the composition. The labels are acquired from musical scores aligned to recordings by dynamic time warping. The labels are verified by trained musicians; we estimate a labeling error rate of 4%. We offer the MusicNet labels to the machine learning and music communities as a resource for training models and a common benchmark for comparing results. Política pública de ciencia abierta en Colombia presente y futuro. 101 Innovations in Scholarly Communication - the Changing Research Workflow. Poster presented at Force 2015 In the fast developing world of scholarly communication it is good to take a step back and look at the patterns and processes of innovation in this field.

To this end, we have selected 101 innovations (in the form of tools & sites) and graphically displayed them by year and also according to 6 phases of the research workflow: collection of data & literature, analysis, writing, publishing & archiving, outreach and assessment. This overview facilitates discussion on processes of innovation, disruption, diffusion, consolidation, competition and success, but also of failure and stagnation, over the last 3 decades. Spatial Workstation – Facebook 360 Video. The Facebook 360 Spatial Workstation is designed for use by professional sound designers. 7 Step to Do Academic Research Using Digital Technologies.


Herramientas de Periodismo: 41 herramientas para curación de contenido. Investigación – Herramientas – Revisión Teórica. ↓ Skip to Main Content. 297023445001. Connexions - Content - Search. Investigación. BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine): Hit List. Loading Error: Cannot Load Popup Box. Son. Archivo Abierto Institucional de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos: Browsing DSpace. Divulgamat. RIED: revista iberoamericana de educación a distancia. 2014, Vol. 17. Music Educators Journal. Organización y Gestión Educativa - Direcciones de interés. REVISTA FUENTES.

Defender, a estas alturas, la importancia del liderazgo escolar para la transformación educativa no parece aportar más novedad que reiterar lo ya conocido. Efectivamente, tenemos claras evidencias empíricas que establecen una relación medible, aunque indirecta, entre el comportamiento de las personas que ejercen el liderazgo y el desempeño de los estudiantes, pero también conocemos la capacidad de los y las líderes para incidir y transformar la cultura escolar, incluso su papel dinamizador de la comunidad en la que está inserto el centro educativo. RUSC.