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Nanomsg: Towards Full-Blown Configuration Management - 250bpm. There have been no administrative functionality in ZeroMQ, nor there is one in nanomsg. Adding such functionality is currently being discussed on nanomsg mailing list and I feel that it may prove confusing for those not directly involved in the discussion. This blog post thus tries to introduce the basic idea and the use cases without digging too deep into the implementation details. When you are connecting two components via nanomsg, you typically do it something like this: nn_connect (s, " The problem with that is that the IP address is hardcoded into the executable.

. $ . And the implementation would look like this: The above works OK, however, when there is large number of sockets in the application, the command line approach becomes rather annoying. . $ cat mycomponent.config socketA socketB socketC And the corresponding implementation in the component would look something like this: 7 Useful Git Tips for Beginners. By Tobias Günther Back when I first started to use Git for version control, I wasn’t sure if all the learning I invested into it would pay off. Branching, staging, stashing — these Git terms were all foreign to me. Today, I can’t imagine life without Git. Git not only gave me a much-needed ability to version-control my work, it also made me a better programmer. Here’s a series of simple tips that will help you make Git an important part of your web development workflow. Tip 1: Spend Some Time Learning Git Basics Learning the basics doesn’t mean you have to read the entire Git documentation from start to finish (although if that’s your thing, I wouldn’t discourage you from doing it).

There’s so much educational content on Git that I’m sure there’s something out there that fits your personal preferences and optimal learning style. Here are a few Git learning resources to check out: Tip 2: Start with a Simple Git Workflow Less is more. Often, Git is associated with complex workflows. Sublime Text 2 Python Development Environment in Windows Guide — On Coding. This guide will show you how to setup a great development environment for Python using Sublime Text 2 on Windows. If you’re new to Python or looking to move to Sublime Text 2, this guide is for you. If you’ve completed parts of this guide on your own, please confirm your settings by going to the sections marked “Test” first before moving on.

Now, let’s take a look at the tools we will need: Python 3 - We need to develop in Python 3 to avoid future technical debt from upgrading from Python 2. Text Editor - We need a fully robust text editor with plugins, builds, syntax highlighting, regex matching, multiple views, and text editing prowess. Package Tools - We need modern package tools so we can install new software, plugins, and tools at the drop of a hat. Lint - We need a smart lint that will allow us to write clean, readable code. Unit Testing - We need a tool that can offer automated unit testing of our software and equip us with robust tools for writing tests. But wait! No worries. Floobits Debuts Remote Pair Programming Tool Where You Can Collaborate In Your Favorite Native Editor. Y Combinator-backed Floobits, a new startup allowing two people to write software at the same time on the same codebase — known as pair programming — is officially launching today to help better connect remote developers and distributed teams.

What makes this company’s implementation interesting, however, is that instead of requiring developers to use a web-based editor as many pair programming solutions today do, Floobits users can pair program directly within the text editors they’re already comfortable using through the installation of plug-ins. And for those who do prefer to work via an online editor instead of a native one, Floobits has integrated its web-based editor with one-click access to Google Hangouts for chat, audio and video conferencing. Meanwhile, on the native side, the company currently supports plug-ins for Sublime Text, Emacs, and VIM. At launch, the service offers freemium pricing, where free accounts have up to five workspaces available.

Let’s see, shall we? Jonathan Medd's Blog. Centralized Workflow | Atlassian Git Tutorial. Like Subversion, the Centralized Workflow uses a central repository to serve as the single point-of-entry for all changes to the project. Instead of trunk, the default development branch is called master and all changes are committed into this branch. This workflow doesn’t require any other branches besides master. Developers start by cloning the central repository. In their own local copies of the project, they edit files and commit changes as they would with SVN; however, these new commits are stored locally—they’re completely isolated from the central repository. This lets developers defer synchronizing upstream until they’re at a convenient break point. To publish changes to the official project, developers “push” their local master branch to the central repository. Managing Conflicts The central repository represents the official project, so its commit history should be treated as sacred and immutable.