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Applicazioni educative ordinate secondo il mode... Addressing Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs with Technology. A major criticism I have of most educational institutions is that their primary focus is on students’ intellectual and cognitive development.

Addressing Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs with Technology

Too often individual learner’s needs do not enter into the equation of their educations. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a useful model for educators to use to help insure that they are addressing more of the whole child. Applying Abraham Maslow’s theory of a pyramid-shaped hierarchy — physiological needs, personal safety, social affiliation, self-esteem and self-actualization — to education is an ideal way to assess lesson plans, courses and educational programs. By asking themselves whether these needs are being met in their school or classroom, educators can assess how well they are applying Maslow’s hierarchy to their teaching practice (How to Apply Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to Education). Some general strategies for addressing these needs in the classroom can be found at Addressing Our Needs: Maslow Comes to Life for Educators and Students.

Blooms, SAMR & the 3 C's - iSupport. All the apps you’ll ever need As I prepared for an upcoming presentation at a local University I unloaded my test iPad of all its applications and created a new iPad, complete only with apps which I use at school every week.

Blooms, SAMR & the 3 C's - iSupport

This iPad would become my “essentials” iPad, strategically and efficiently full of apps I wholly recommend to every educator I meet. I went through the apps and I developed a list, indicating the apps purpose. I found that these purposes consistently fell into 3 categories: Consumption, Creation and Collaboration. I found I had many educational gaming type apps (gamification of learning) which fitted into the Consumption category. Today I chose to focus on these 3 “C’s” activities, and it was clear that they could be easily aligned to Blooms Taxonomy objectives. When you are considering your teaching tool kit, consider a concise balance between these apps. Which apps are you consuming (researching, learning specific facts) with?

A New Wonderful Wheel on SAMR and Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. The buzz that the Modern Taxonomy Wheel generated over the last couple of weeks has not yet died out and now we have a new updated wheel from the same guy Allan Carrington.

A New Wonderful Wheel on SAMR and Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

We love Allan's work and we find it really interesting. His wheels come along in such a visually attractive way summarizing most of the apps and web tools we have been sharing here with you. If you already had a chance to have a look at the previous wheel and compare it with this new one you will notice that Allan has brought about some new updates to the new wheel.

There is now a particular shared focus on both SAMR model and Bloom's digital taxonomy to help teachers better leverage technology in their teaching. If you are not familiar with what SAMR is all about, please read this post. Everything Teachers Need to Know about Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. April 8, 2015 Bloom's Taxonomy is one of the major themes here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning.

Everything Teachers Need to Know about Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

We have been extensively sharing resources on it and we have a separate section where you can access and check all the resources we have posted so far. A refresher for you, Blooms traditional taxonomy which was published sometime in the middle of the last century was revised in 2001 and henceforth was labelled Blooms Revised Taxonomy. This revision is a little bit different from the original one in that it replaces nouns with verbs and places emphasis on the process of creating by putting it on the top of the thinking continuum. Since the emergence of the Revised Taxonomy, several educators have been adding to it expanding thus its scope and making it even more comprehensible by integrating technology component into it. 20 Great Rubrics for Integrating Bloom's Digital Taxonomy in Your Teaching.

June 15, 2014 I have always been inspired by the great work of Andrew Church.

20 Great Rubrics for Integrating Bloom's Digital Taxonomy in Your Teaching

This guy has been one of my authority sources for everything related to Bloom's digital taxonomy. Andrew provided a detailed account of how teachers can align the thinking levels of Bloom's original taxonomy with the different digital tools. I have already shared here several examples of web tools and mobile apps that can be used to promote Bloom's digital thinking skills; but today I am sharing with you some wonderful rubrics to help you integrate Bloom's digital taxonomy into your teaching. New Handy Chart on iPad Bloom's Taxonomy Apps.

Interesting Graphic Featuring 30+ iPad Apps for Bloom's Taxonomy. Una Tassonomia degli obbiettivi educativi per l'apprendimento in Internet.
