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Gli still life paradossali di Randy Lewis. C’è un esercizio mentale che consiste nello scoprire punti in comune tra oggetti che non sembrano avere alcuna particolare relazione fra loro.

Gli still life paradossali di Randy Lewis

Fissarli per giorni finché non vi si rivelano può essere un buon metodo ma guardare l’account Instagram di Randy Lewis rende il tutto molto più semplice. Still Life Photography of Food in Motion. Fotografie di oggetti abbandonati sulle spiagge inglesi. Curious Still Life Images Combine Oil Paintings and Photography. An image of an image of an image.

Curious Still Life Images Combine Oil Paintings and Photography

Photographer John Chervinsky boggles the mind and captivates the eye in his work Studio Physics. Interested in a medley of contrasting ideas, Chervinsky explores reality vs. representation as well as “the physical phenomena of still and moving objects in space over time.” To create each multi-layered image, the photograph is first composed and shot as a still life. Chervinsky then crops a portion of the photo and sends it to a painting factory in China, where an anonymous artist produces an oil painting of the cropped photograph. The canvas is sent back to Chervinsky, who re-photographs the exact same still life but with the new Chinese addition. Via Faith is Torment. Coffee Still Lives by Brooke Holms. Cereal Magazine a fait appel au photographe Australien Brooke Holm et à la directrice artistique Marsha Golemac pour réaliser une série créative autour du café.

Coffee Still Lives by Brooke Holms

Sous la forme de natures mortes contemporaines, on découvre ainsi le café à l’état de grain, de trace laissée dans une tasse vide ou passant du noir au crème lorsqu’il est mélangé avec du lait. À découvrir. Photographer Scans Every Item He Consumes Over 14 Years, Builds Astonishing Collages. My Things No.5, 2005 My Things, Booking Keeping of 2007-08 Since 2001, Beijing-based photographer Hong Hao has been recording every single item that passes through his fingers over the course of each day, those he uses and those he discards.

Photographer Scans Every Item He Consumes Over 14 Years, Builds Astonishing Collages

In a practice that he describes as a form of “bookkeeping,” he scans each object one by one, saves the images, and returns to them once more to weave them together into labyrinthine digital collages. Hong Hao’s My Things was born of the artist’s curiosity about modern living and consumption; it became his way of stepping back from and appraising the detritus that accrued throughout his routine.

Photographs Inspired by Classic Botanical Prints from the 18th and 19th Century. William Rugen is a Seattle based photographer.

Photographs Inspired by Classic Botanical Prints from the 18th and 19th Century

Known for his projects “Western Dioramas” which explores man’s relationship with the vast American west, and “Consumed” in which he documented every single thing he ate over the course of one year, his most recent project “New Botanicals” was exhibited at Seattle’s Core Gallery in the spring of 2012. Can you please introduce us to “New Botanicals”? “New Botanicals” is an homage and graphical update to the classic botanical prints from the 18th and 19th century.

I have a background in biology and have always had an affinity for scientific illustrations. Minimalist and Colorful Photography. Sur son compte Instagram, Aurélie Cerise publie des photographies colorées et minimalistes.

Minimalist and Colorful Photography

Elle se met en scène ou joue avec des objets du quotidien, ou encore des éléments en papier qu’elle fabrique elle-même. Un petit monde acidulé et haut en couleurs proche de l’enfance. Long Story Short #07 : Aurely Cerise par Orange. Oak Seed Studio on Behance. Bob Cornelis - Karesansui: Photographic Zen Gardens. The Japanese rock garden ("karesansui" or, as it's often called, "zen garden") is a small landscape consisting of carefully arranged rocks, trees and bushes on a bed of sand or gravel raked to represent water.

Bob Cornelis - Karesansui: Photographic Zen Gardens

It is meant to mimic the intimate essence of nature, not its true appearance. It serves as a meditation aid and instills a quiet state of mind. Karesansui was the inspiration for this project. I have been a meditation practitioner for many years and sought to invite others, through these photographs, to enter the still mind-space that meditation brings. I have abstracted the idea of the zen garden using simple shapes, arranged harmoniously with each other and with their surroundings. In the earliest text on Japanese gardening, "creating a garden" is referred to as "setting stones. " Sweet Still Lifes Take Us on a Journey to the Seashore.

© Mirjam Bleeker / Offset © Mirjam Bleeker / Offset Over the course of their two decades of collaboration, Amsterdam-based photographer Mirjam Bleeker and stylist Frank Visser have invented their own language, a finely tuned visual vocabulary that allows them to work almost in silence, with each understanding the artistic impulses of the other.

Sweet Still Lifes Take Us on a Journey to the Seashore

For this reason, says Bleeker, the dynamic duo was able to create a series of vibrant, evocative still lifes using only their joint instincts and hardly any words. The sun-bleached seashells, succulent berries, and dried and fresh flora that compose these arrangements were collected over the course of their travels together to beachside villas or gathered as part of Visser’s extensive collection of curiosities. For the pair of them—Visser placing the objects and Bleeker framing them—the shoot was relatively spontaneous, embarked on as a way of returning to the playfulness and experimentation that drives all artistic endeavors.

Robert Moran. Riguardare. Gli oggetti di Michele Provinciali. Le spiagge di fine agosto serbano gli oggetti che i molti sbadati avventori hanno lasciato, chi gettato, chi dimenticato, chi nascosto; qualcuno è già stato restituito, un po’ per volta, a fine giornata durante l’intera estate, ma ora le cose celate sotto i cumuli di sabbia, prontamente e febbrilmente occultate dalla polvere o allontanate velocemente dall’acqua verso il mare aperto, dormono nella calma dei giorni invernali (per alcune il sonno dura mesi, per altre anni) prima di essere disseppellite come tesori nascosti.

Riguardare. Gli oggetti di Michele Provinciali

Il tempo di queste sparizioni diventa un tempo infinito in cui gli oggetti, persi sotto le dune, cambiano inevitabilmente, facendosi irriconoscibili, come svuotati o sconvolti da quella loro condizione di perdita e abbandono nell’attesa improbabile della grazia del ritrovamento. Le cose si disfano, si sfanno, ma fino a un certo punto. "Icons": le fotografie che hanno cambiato la storia ricreate attraverso miniature Still-Life - Vanilla Magazine. The Favorite Foods of Famous Artists Illustrated with Conceptual Still Life Photos. William Eggleston Maurizio Cattelan.

The Favorite Foods of Famous Artists Illustrated with Conceptual Still Life Photos

Photos of Vintage Objects Evoke Nostalgia for Simpler Times. Feeling nostalgic for everyday items that still exist despite being past their prime, photographer Robert Moran collected these now obsolete cultural artifacts for well over three years. Once upon a time these objects were cherished, depended on, used and abused and then discarded, replaced by something sleeker, faster and more efficient. For his still life series Relics, he hopes to honor our inventive past and preserve some of its icons for future generations. Before he began working on this series, Moran had rarely given much thought to vintage items until one day he came across an antique shop. His eyes stumbled on a vintage table fan and he loved the design, it was so unlike a fan we might have in our homes today.

Fotografia: preziosità fiamminghe nelle still lifes di Marco Schifano - Sky Arte. In mostra a Milano 35 scatti del fotografo romano, tra nature morte e scene ambientate in un set sempre meticolosamente costruito e osservato, per valorizzarne ogni più sensuale dettaglio. Clocks Set Design by Benoit Challand. Benoit Challand est un illustrateur français qui maîtrise aussi la modélisation 3D. Il vient de publier une série de set designs explorant l’univers des horloges et de la roche, où chaque image est traitée comme un duo de modèles et de textures. Une belle métaphore de la matière rocheuse que seul le temps érode. Everyday Objects Optical Illusions. Nature morte di oggetti.

Kai Aragaki Photography. Agé de 17 ans, le photographe Kai Aragaki, basé en Arizona, aime prendre des photographies minimalistes sous forme de kits avec des suites graphiques jouant avec les formes et les couleurs : de jolis dégradés de fleurs, de maille de laine et de crayons, des origamis et des mots intelligemment associés à des pantones. Photobotanicus - Barry Rosenthal - Found In Nature. Relics of Technology. In pictures: 31 great examples of still life photography. In issue 123 of Digital Camera magazine we have asked you to submit your best still life photography photographs to our gallery for a chance to win a Lowepro rucksack worth £150/£235.

The three best photographs will be featured in issue 125. We’ve got full details and tips for this photo contest here. 35 Superb Examples of Still Life Photography. Inspiration by Bill Jones 17inShare A demanding art, still life photography allows the photographer to create images having full control over lighting, mood, and composition. Below are some great examples of this. Composizione di una cucina. Cinquant'anni di oggetti.