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The forgotten art of untucking the tail. The forgotten art of untucking the tail A tiny detail we’ve lost since the hunter-gatherer times and how to fix it I’ve been spending most of my time lately learning about biomechanics, healthy alignment and how movement affects our bodies in relation to gravity.

The forgotten art of untucking the tail

The research from the last few years shows that the way we move affect us not only mechanically, as it was previously thought, but also causing biochemical changes on cellular level, changing us from inside out. This process of the body adapting to and being shaped by movement is called mechanotransduction. We seem to be living in the world that encourages sitting with the tail tucked under. The furniture we use sitting all day is optimised for comfort and convenience, but usually not ergonomically adapted for pelvic floor health. There is a well spread myth in our society that pelvic floor issues are a normal consequence of pregnancy and birth, or ageing for men.

Tight muscle does NOT equal a strong muscle.


Leave Yourself Wanting More. By Leo Babauta I think most of us have a tendency to do as much as we possibly can.

Leave Yourself Wanting More

But doing less might be better. When we go to a great restaurant, we want to try all the dishes, eat as much of the delicious food as we can. Oliver Burkeman: New Year’s resolutions worth making. It has come to my attention that, despite my long-running campaign against them, new year’s resolutions are still a thing.

Oliver Burkeman: New Year’s resolutions worth making

How to fold a suit, pants and shirt to go in a suitcase without wrinkling. Slide Show: Rose-Lynn Fisher's 'The Topography of Tears' Simplifier ses objectifs. La plupart des personnes que j’accompagne se heurtent dès le départ à la difficulté de la fixation d’objectif.

Simplifier ses objectifs

Lors de notre premier entretien, celui-ci est souvent flou. Mais après leur avoir expliqué la notion d’objectif “SMART” (Spécifique – Mesurable – Atteignable – Réaliste – Temporellement défini), il devient parfois beaucoup trop précis ! Or, un cadre trop précis peut être à double tranchant, et nous empêcher de réussir… Laissez-moi vous donner un exemple personnel.

Lorsque j’ai commencé à pratiquer la méditation, je n’avais pas d’objectif particulier. Nous ne serons plus jamais déconnectés… Jenna Wortham (@jennydeluxe) pour le New York Times a commis un de ces papiers faciles sur les vertus de la déconnexion à l’heure d’un monde toujours plus connecté.

Nous ne serons plus jamais déconnectés…

« Facebook n’est pas le problème : c’est le symptôme ! » A Most Delightful Map : Krulwich Wonders... Le syndrome de l'imposteur. Mélanie travaille depuis maintenant sept ans au service politique d'une grande radio.

Le syndrome de l'imposteur

25 Napping Facts Every College Student Should Know. Written By: Angelita Williams It's almost cruel the way adults ease children into life outside of the house.

25 Napping Facts Every College Student Should Know

They got us on board with the whole going to school thing by letting us take naps in pre-school. But then, come kindergarten, no more naps! Nothing but 12 more grades of trying to focus all day without a siesta. Believe you can change. This post is part two of the series Raw Nerve.

Believe you can change

Carol Dweck was obsessed with failure. You know how some people just seem to succeed at everything they do, while others seem helpless, doomed to a life of constant failure? Dweck noticed that too — and she was determined to figure out why. So she began watching kids, trying to see if she could spot the difference between the two groups. In a 1978 study with Carol Diener, she gave kids various puzzles and recorded what they said as they tried to solve them. But the puzzles kept coming — and they kept getting harder.

There's More to Life Than Being Happy - Emily Esfahani Smith. "It is the very pursuit of happiness that thwarts happiness.

There's More to Life Than Being Happy - Emily Esfahani Smith

" In September 1942, Viktor Frankl, a prominent Jewish psychiatrist and neurologist in Vienna, was arrested and transported to a Nazi concentration camp with his wife and parents. Three years later, when his camp was liberated, most of his family, including his pregnant wife, had perished -- but he, prisoner number 119104, had lived. In his bestselling 1946 book, Man's Search for Meaning, which he wrote in nine days about his experiences in the camps, Frankl concluded that the difference between those who had lived and those who had died came down to one thing: Meaning, an insight he came to early in life.

When he was a high school student, one of his science teachers declared to the class, "Life is nothing more than a combustion process, a process of oxidation. " » Teaching Kids to Pack Ultralight. Post written by Leo Babauta.

» Teaching Kids to Pack Ultralight

Eva and I and our five kids (the sixth is in college) just got back from a 4-day trip to gorgeous San Diego, and instead of being exhausted from wearying travel, we came back with smiles on our faces. This is despite four days of walking for hours as we explored, running around and building sand castles on beaches as the sun set, hiking in Torrey Pines on our last day, taking planes and multiple trains.

Our secret was packing ultralight.