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3ds Max Timing Belt Pulleys (Tutorial part 1) Quadruped Robot. Quadruped robot. Quadruped Robot - Walking & Climbing test. Advanced MultiCopter Design | Copter. This section is topics related to advanced multicopter construction and design. Note: For information on understanding how a multicopter works please go HereFor information on how to build your own simple Quadcopter using kits or frames go HereFor information on building or setting up a copter for first Person View (FPV) go Here There are several popular frame layouts for MultiCopters The Tricopter uses 3 motor / propeller propulsion units with a servo to rotate one of them to compensate for adverse yaw.Tricopters were popular early on when the brushless motor / propeller units were new and scarce.They suffer from less than stellar performance and do not scale well to larger sizes.But they still have some popularity for small, light hobby use applications.Because this is primarily an outdated design we will not expand further on it in this article.

A well made and very practical and versatile 3DR Iris Quadcopter capable of taking video and photos with the popular GoPro camera. KK2.0 Flight Controller – Setup and Settings | RC Pro Reviews ~ "Lift Your Knowledge" RC Pro Setup Guide by: Tom Zadar KK2.0 Flight Controller Board with v1.6 firmware I am using this Flight Controller Board on my Walkera QR X400. Overview: There are so many setup guides, settings, and videos for the KK2.0 that it’s hard to know where to start so I am making a simple 12 step setup guide.

Setup: Step 1: Program a model in your transmitter and use Acro mode. . * I reset a current model in my Spektrum DX7, Reversed AILE and ELEV, selected Arco mode then bound to the receiver. Step 2: Mount the KK2.0 onto your Quad. Step 3: Mount your Power Distribution Board, Receiver, and ESC’s. Step 4: Hook up the Receiver plugs into the Receiver Flight Controller. Picture Courtesy of HobbyKing. The video covers Step 4. Step 5: Do a Receiver Test on the Flight Controller. Step 6: Go into Load Motor Layout and select the type that you have. Step 7: Go into Show Motor Layout. Step 8: Calibrate the ESC’s – TAKE OFF THE PROPELLERS OR DISCONNECT ONE WIRE FROM EACH MOTOR Step 9: Do a Sensor test. Linear Actuator Design. Woodworking for engineers.

How Gears Work" ­Gears are used in tons of mechanical devices. They do several important jobs, but most important, they provide a gear reduction in motorized equipment. This is key because, often, a small motor spinning very fast can provide enough power for a device, but not enough torque. For instance, an electric screwdriver has a very large gear reduction because it needs lots of torque to turn screws, bu­t the motor only produces a small amount of torque at a high speed. With a gear reduction, the output speed can be reduced while the torque is increased. ­ Another thing gears do is adjust the direction of rotation. There are a lot of intricacies in the different types of gears. A Hydraulic System. The basic idea behind any hydraulic system is very simple: Force that is applied at one point is transmitted to another point using an incompressible fluid. The fluid is almost always an oil of some sort.

The force is almost always multiplied in the process. The picture below shows the simplest possible hydraulic system: A Simple hydraulic system consisting of two pistons and an oil-filled pipe connecting them. Click on the red arrow to see the animation. In this drawing, two pistons (red) fit into two glass cylinders filled with oil (light blue) and connected to one another with an oil-filled pipe. The neat thing about hydraulic systems is that it is very easy to add force multiplication (or division) to the system.

Hydraulic multiplication. To determine the multiplication factor, start by looking at the size of the pistons. The brakes in your car are a good example of a basic piston-driven hydraulic system. How to make Solenoid Engine (Tutorial) How a Car Engine Works - Animagraffs. Seattle Robotics Society Encoder. Recently many kind of robot contests have being opened and some interesting reports of the challenge are found on the web. Line Following is a kind of robot contests which measures running speed on the line. I built a tiny line following robot which can run on the desk-only moving the key board aside will do.

It is for only a personal toy as it is reduced in size less than one fifth compared to typical line following robots. I believe that it is suitable for home use in small houses and apartments. About Line Follower The line follower is a self operating robot that follows a line drawn on the floor. Capture line position with optical sensors mounted at the front end of the robot. There are two line styles, white line on the black floor and black line on the white floor. Hardware Mechanics Right image shows bottom view and side view of the built line following robot.

The line following robot is upheld in three points of two driving wheels and a free wheel. Electronics Software. Arc Welding Lessons. Mechanisms & automata. Understanding the Quantum delusions | Debunking Relativity. To put in simple words, classical mechanics is the physics of the macroscopic world AND quantum mechanics is the physics of the microscopic subatomic world, otherwise called as the quantum world.

So while classical mechanics describes motion of objects and various phenomena/events at a much larger scale, quantum mechanics describes motion of particles and various phenomena/ events at the subatomic level. In 1901, Max Planck from his work on black body radiation first suggested the idea that energy at the most fundamental level exists in discrete lumps (or quanta) and not as a continuous variable unlike what we think of it in our everyday world. While this is without doubt one of the greatest discoveries in science, the idea of ‘quantisation’ of energy had caused so much confusion amongst the scientific crowd that it paved way to an entirely new branch of science with weird assumptions and stupid rules.

Things in ‘accurate world’ Now we go to a cereals store and ask for 20kg of rice. Understanding the Quantum delusions | Debunking Relativity. Superplexus Circles, 24" (1st Circles commission) Making The Reciprocating Rack & Pinion. Four Stop Reciprocating Motion. Steam locomotive linkage system. Physics -Fluid Flow (3 of 7) Bernoulli's Equation. 2-Motor Walkers. 2 motor walkers BEAM walkers with 2 motors and 2 or more legs There are a surprising variety of walking 'bots you can build that are driven by just two motors. Probably the biggest thing differentiating these designs is the number of legs the walker has -- 4, 6, or 8. 2 motors walkers with 4 legs By far, the most common BEAM walker is some variation or another of a 2-motor / 4-legged robot layout: A wide variety of frame designs, leg designs, and motor geometries have been developed for 2-motor / 4-legged walkers -- but I've got more on that in my page on 2-motor / 4-legged walker design.

Note that I also have subsequent pages detailing control schemes, plans, and circuits for 2-motor / 4-legged walkers. More legs There are also some designs with more-complex mechanical linkages that use two motors to drive more than 4 legs. Here, the legs are attached to a gear, and pivot around a "fixed" pivot point some distance away from the gear. A-Pod part 1. Robotics Projects. Robot hand, made for less than 10 bucks (excluding servos and controller :-) 6 legged robot, wireless remote controlled Ethan in the kids robot lab Start of the large 6 leg robot, see autocad drawings for details. Probably use linear actuators (screw drives) to move joints, though I'm looking into small hydraulic actuators Screw drives with stepper motors attached.

WiFi garden cart, will allow me to drive around the farm in Canada over the internet. autocad image of the 6 leg robot Close up of the leg, joints will be pillow blocks with 3/4" stainless rod Side view of leg Base of a new robot under construction. How to Build a Robot Tutorials - Society of Robots. This is where brazing excels. Brazing is significantly cheaper, much safer, can do aluminum much easier, tiny parts no problem, equipment is much smaller, and best of all brazing is much simpler to learn! Step 4 - Brazing The actual brazing step is probably the easiest and quickest of the steps.

If you are a novice, dont worry it is really easy, almost self-explanatory. Simply heat the joint between the two metals that you wish to join until just before they start to glow red (or until the flux becomes clear). Both metals in the assembly should be heated as uniformly as possible so they reach brazing temperature at the same time. This is an example of proper brazing technique: Step 5: Cleaning the Brazed Joint After you've brazed the assembly, you must clean it. First - removal of the flux residues hot water bath then a hot hydrochloric acid bath Second - pickling to remove any oxide scale formed during the brazing process Flux removal is a simple, but essential operation.

Robotics Activities - Build Your Own Robot Arm. Component Addition. Earlier in this lesson, we learned that vectors oriented at right angles to one another can be added together using the Pythagorean theorem. For instance, two displacement vectors with magnitude and direction of 11 km, North and 11 km, East can be added together to produce a resultant vector that is directed both north and east. When the two vectors are added head-to-tail as shown below, the resultant is the hypotenuse of a right triangle. The sides of the right triangle have lengths of 11 km and 11 km. The resultant can be determined using the Pythagorean theorem; it has a magnitude of 15.6 km. The solution is shown below the diagram.

This Pythagorean approach is a useful approach for adding any two vectors that are directed at right angles to one another. A right triangle has two sides plus a hypotenuse; so the Pythagorean theorem is perfect for adding two right angle vectors. Addition of Three or More Right Angle Vectors Example 1: (SQRT indicates square root) Example 2: A = Ax + Ay. Micromouse : Maze solving algorithm | Invobot : Artificially intelligent. This is my maze solving robot project which worked out pretty well. I have put up my whole project report that i submitted to my college but i have chucked out the exact code. if i get a good response and demans then i will surely give you all the exact working code of my project. If you are interested only to learn about the algorithm and not worried about the design pl skip to the section 5 of this text. 1 INTRODUCTION Atonomous robots have wide reaching applications.From Bomb sniffing to finding humans in wreckage to home automation.Major problems facing designers are power and reliable sensing mechanism and unfamiliar terrain obotic competitions have inspired engineers for many years.Competitions are held all around the world based on autonomous robots.

One of the competions with the richest history is micromouse . 2 MICROMOUSE DESIGN AND HARDWARE The Major criteria of micromouse design remained the size of the robot which will allow smooth 90-degree turns and U-turns possible. Land Crawler eXtreme Locomotion Demo Video. Robotics. Robotics is the branch of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots,[1] as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. These technologies deal with automated machines that can take the place of humans in dangerous environments or manufacturing processes, or resemble humans in appearance, behavior, and/or cognition. Many of today's robots are inspired by nature contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotics.

The concept of creating machines that can operate autonomously dates back to classical times, but research into the functionality and potential uses of robots did not grow substantially until the 20th century.[2] Throughout history, robotics has been often seen to mimic human behavior, and often manage tasks in a similar fashion. Etymology[edit] History of robotics[edit] Robotic aspects[edit] Components[edit] Power source[edit] This Wickedly Fast Running Robot Is Now Commercially Available. The Mechanical Advantage of Simple Machines. Mechanical Principles (1930) by Ralph Steiner [4min selection] World smallest V12 engine. SPIDER CONCEPT. These are a few example inputs and the resulting coupler curves as described by the relationships in the enable text of the Klann linkage. The inputs and resulting outputs are displayed in the tables next to each graph. The yellow curves trace out the path of each of the points through one complete revolution of the crank.

The dimensions are unitless as the linkage is entirely mechanical and can be scaled up or down. Animated gif files of each case can be viewed in a new window by clicking the link below the tables. Enable001 – These inputs are the ones used in the four figures above and shown in figure 2 of the enable text. Enable002 – This is one possible combination to get an almost straight line. Simulation CGI of Theo Jansen 's Mechanism. Complex Linkage Mechanisms – Theo Jansen Mechanism 51018 | ROBOTS ROBOTICS. Recognition of Finger Motions for Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand via Surface EMG. 1. Introduction Recently, myoelectric prosthetic arms/hands, in which arm/hand gesture is distinguished by the identification of the surface electromyogram (SEMG) and the artificial arms/hands are controlled based on the result of the identification, have been studied (Weir, 2003).

The SEMG has attracted an attention of researchers as an interface signal of an electric actuated arm for many years, and many of studies on the identification of the SEMG signal have been executed. Nowadays, it can be said that the SEMG is the most powerful source of control signal to develop the myoelectric prosthetic arms/hands. From the 1970s to the 1980s, elementary pattern recognition technique such as linear discriminant analysis, was used for the identification of the SEMG signals in (Graupe et al., 1978) and (Lee et al., 1984). The amplitude and the frequency band are typical information extracted from the SEMG signal, which can be used for the identification of arm/hand gesture. 2.

Figure 1. 2.1. 3. South Korean Cheetaroid Wants to Join the Cat Robot Race. Four-legged robots are multiplying in labs around the world, and a number of projects are drawing inspiration from one particular family of animals: big cats. This new breed includes Boston Dynamics's Cheetah, MIT's Cheetah Robot, Osaka University's Pneupard, and EPFL's CheetahCub. The latest specimen comes from South Korea and is called Cheetaroid. Now, you may be asking why we need quadruped robots and, in particular, cat-inspired ones. The creators of the Cheetaroid, a team from Sogang University's Robotic Systems Control Laboratory, led by Professor Kyoungchul Kong, are envisioning different applications. They illustrate those in the image below, which shows how Cheetaroid could be used to assist firefighters, soldiers, disabled individuals, and—well, we're not exactly sure what's going on in the lower right image but we wouldn't want to be the guy in the bite suit.

Lately, most quadruped projects have focused on building faster and more efficient robots. . [ Cheetaroid Project ] Robots:scarleth – Legged Robotics. MechaTE Robot Right Hand. Phasma | takram design engineering. Phasma insectoid robot (w/ video) Documents/Robotic Arm References/robotic arm design.pdf.