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Accueil - Rivages de France. Conservatoire du littoral : dernières acquisitions, actualités, publications - Conservatoire du littoral. Site officiel du Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle | Le Muséum national d'Histoire naturelle. Internet DREAL Rhône-Alpes. Ministère du Développement durable. Ministère de l'agriculture, de l'agroalimentaire et de la forêt.


RNR. PNF. PNR. Natura 2000. Natura 2000 Le réseau Natura 2000 est un ensemble de sites naturels européens, terrestres et marins, identifiés pour la rareté ou la fragilité des espèces sauvages, animales ou végétales, et de leurs habitats. Natura 2000 concilie préservation de la nature et préoccupations socio-économiques. En France, le réseau Natura 2000 comprend 1758 sites. Natura 2000 en quelques chiffres Natura 2000 en Europe Les sites Natura 2000 recouvrent le territoire de l’Union européenne à hauteur de 18,40% 5 491 sites classés en tant que zone de protection spéciale pour les oiseaux (ZPS) 22 594 sites classés en tant que zones spéciales de conservation (ZSC) 27 308 sites (terrestres et/ou marins) 26 410 sites terrestres soit 787 767 km2 2960 sites marins soit 251 565 km2 Directive Habitat-Faune-Flore Types d’habitats naturels : 233 Espèce animale : 1 563 Espèces végétales : 966Directive oiseaux Espèce oiseaux : 617 Source baromètre N 2000/CE – décembre 2014 Natura 2000 en France 1 758 Sites terrestres en France.

THE ECONOMICS OF ECOSYSTEMS AND BIODIVERSITY - Environment. Additional tools Human well-being is dependent upon "ecosystem services" provided by nature for free. Such services include water provision, air purification, fisheries, timber production and nutrient cycling to name a few. These are predominantly public goods with no markets and no prices, so their loss often is not detected by our current economic incentive system and can thus continues unabated.

A variety of pressures resulting from population growth, changing diets, urbanisation, climate change and many other factors is causing biodiversity to decline. As a result, ecosystems are continuously being degraded. The world’s poor are most at risk from the continuing loss of biodiversity, as they are the ones that are most reliant on the ecosystem services that are being degraded.

The TEEB initiative was launched in response to a proposal by the G8+5 Environment Ministers (Potsdam, Germany 2007) to develop a global study on the economics of biodiversity loss. CESE. European Commission - Environment. Additional tools The Beyond GDP initiative is about developing indicators that are as clear and appealing as GDP, but more inclusive of environmental and social aspects of progress. This website aims to promote sharing of information on recent developments and ongoing work. 19.03.2014 Eurostat published new quality of life indicators for EU On the occasion of the International Day of Happiness - established by the United Nations and celebrated throughout the world on the 20 March – Eurostat released its new online publication on Quality of Life indicators.Eurostat’s approach is based on 8 + 1 quality of life dimensions. The eight dimensions, which encompass both objective factors and subjective perceptions are: material living conditions, productive or main activity, health, education, leisure or social interactions, economic and physical safety, governance, basic rights and as well natural and living conditions.

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