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Luís Miguel Costa


Tony Robbins Reveals Secrets to Become Wealthy, Successful, and Inspirational. INVESTING The biggest personal finance mistake people make is waiting for a pile of cash, says life coach Tony Robbins.

Tony Robbins Reveals Secrets to Become Wealthy, Successful, and Inspirational

WEALTH Life coach Tony Robbins explains how you can attain financial security more easily than you think. BREAKTHROUGH Life coach Tony Robbins explains how he realized he was never going to have the impact on the world that he wanted if he tried to do it all by himself. HUNGER According to life coach Tony Robbins, one difference that separates successful entrepreneurs from unsuccessful ones stands above all others. ADVICE Life coach Tony Robbins reveals the best counsel he's ever received.

INSPIRATION Life coach Tony Robbins explains what it takes to truly command a room of people. MONEY The first business entrepreneurs need to build has no employees, but still bring you income for life, says life coach Tony Robbins. 30 Pictures Taken At The Right Moment. A few moments later, the young woman pictured above had salt water in her eyes and sand between her teeth, but in this VERY brief moment, all was perfect.

30 Pictures Taken At The Right Moment

Moments like this are so fleeting, the human eye alone can hardly process how stunning an isolated moment like this is. That’s where the eye of the camera really becomes useful. Once in a blue moon you take a picture that captures a split second moment with stunning clarity. Now, more than ever, these photos are being taken and shared. For starters, you bring your camera phone everywhere you go and so it’s always available should the perfect picture opportunity arise. Some of the greatest photos taken at just the right moment include animals and nature, simply because they are so authentic, appearing like the natural wonders they are. Even if the “I can’t believe this photo just happened” isn’t taken of you, or anyone you know, they are still great to look at. Nothing spells love like 2 sweet kitties! Spoiler Alert: He misses the catch.


Multimédia. Voluntariado. Gestão e Qualidade. Need to really, actually disable all cache. I've been hopelessly wandering the world-wide web trying to figure out how to really, actually disable cache in Firefox.

Need to really, actually disable all cache

I've found a lot of solutions that don't actually, really do anything at all. Most answers explain how to delete the cache, but I need to disable it, not delete it, for all types of content, whether images, HTML, CSS, name it. All of it, always, every time, without exceptions. The particular problem I have now is that my CSS (hosted on localhost:82) always gets remembered for some reason. I need to reload about 3-5 times before Firefox actually bothers to read the CSS file again.

Here are my about:config items that I've configured already: browser.cache.disk.enable = FALSE browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl = FALSE browser.cache.memory.enable = FALSE browser.cache.offline.capacity = 0. Conversão de Medidas Online - Use nossa ferramenta de conversão.


Saúde. Bio-energética. Bem-estar. Actualidades. Coisas Pessoais. Gestão Pessoal. Viagens. Deveres & Direitos. Interesses. Publicidade. Festas. Mapas Mentais. Desporto. Psicologia. Liderança e Grupos em trabalho. Livros. Formação Pessoal. Toastmasters. Informática. Trabalho. Ferramentas de Trabalho. Consultoria. Formação. Khan Academy. Coaching.