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Scientists Unveil New ‘Tree of Life’ De dentro para fora: tudo o que você precisa saber sobre controle mental. O termo “controle mental” evoca visões de alguém manipulando as pessoas, alguém malvado, um cientista que realiza lavagens cerebrais, ou um ser sobrenatural com poderes de dominar as pessoas usando apenas o poder da sua mente.

De dentro para fora: tudo o que você precisa saber sobre controle mental

Mas como as pessoas não costumam experienciar isso na vida cotidiana, muitos não acreditam em controle mental, e acham que é apenas fantasia, tema adequado para filmes, jogos e livros. Eles estão errados. O controle mental existe, ocorre todos os dias e pode estar acontecendo agora mesmo com você. Mundo dos insetos De acordo com William G.

Um exemplo é uma forma juvenil de um certo verme parasita que é engolido por seu hospedeiro, uma formiga. No entanto, alguns parasitas vão bem além disso. A vespa fêmea apreende a aranha e se inclina nela, com uma picada que a paralisa temporariamente. Dentro de cerca de uma semana, o ovo choca e uma larva permanece presa ao abdome da aranha; desta vez, no entanto, a larva abre buracos na aranha para poder sugar seu sangue. The Fourth Phase of Water: Dr. Gerald Pollack at TEDxGuelphU.


Historia_da_fisica. Icists find quantum coherence and quantum entanglement are two sides of the same coin. (—Quantum coherence and quantum entanglement are two landmark features of quantum physics, and now physicists have demonstrated that the two phenomena are "operationally equivalent"—that is, equivalent for all practical purposes, though still conceptually distinct.

icists find quantum coherence and quantum entanglement are two sides of the same coin

This finding allows physicists to apply decades of research on entanglement to the more fundamental but less-well-researched concept of coherence, offering the possibility of advancing a wide range of quantum technologies. Close relatives with the same roots Although physicists have known that coherence and entanglement are close relatives, the exact relationship between the two resources has not been clear. It's well-known that quantum coherence and quantum entanglement are both rooted in the superposition principle—the phenomenon in which a single quantum state simultaneously consists of multiple states—but in different ways. Quantum coherence deals with the idea that all objects have wave-like properties.

Audiofile: Music and the making of science : A view From the Bridge. Posted on behalf of Kerri Smith Is music simply a pleasant accompaniment to thought, or a driving force behind it?

Audiofile: Music and the making of science : A view From the Bridge

The third episode of Nature’s new podcast series on science and sound, Audiofile, examines music’s influence on the development of modern science and the foundations of acoustics (as did our essay series). It also suggests a tantalizing link between Galileo’s scientific mindset and his upbringing: his father, Vincenzo, was a lute maker who conducted what some suggest are the first experiments in acoustics. Father might have inspired in son the idea of measuring a physical system and producing a hypothesis from it. Scientists often search for harmony and beauty, if not explicitly.

Musical analogies continue to help scientists make sense of tricky concepts, as historian of science Jim Bennett explains in the podcast. Conversations on the Intersection Between Faith and Science. The award-winning public radio program On Being, with Krista Tippett, has provided us with in-depth audio interviews on the intersection between faith and science with a range of guests including theoretical physicists and Vatican Observatory astronomers.

Conversations on the Intersection Between Faith and Science

Listen below and use the comments section to add your voice to the conversation. Freeman Dyson and Paul Davies on Einstein’s God Albert Einstein’s quip that “God does not play dice with the universe,” was about quantum physics, not a statement of faith. But he did ponder the relationship between science and religion and his sense of “the order deeply hidden behind everything.” Freeman Dyson and Paul Davies, both theoretical physicists, join Krista Tippett to explore Einstein’s wisdom on mystery, eternity and the mind of God. Janna Levin on Mathematics, Purpose and Truth As a theoretical physicist, Janna Levin probes whether the universe is finite or infinite.

Missing link in metal physics explains Earth's magnetic field. Earth's magnetic field is crucial for our existence, as it shields the life on our planet's surface from deadly cosmic rays.

Missing link in metal physics explains Earth's magnetic field

It is generated by turbulent motions of liquid iron in Earth's core. Iron is a metal, which means it can easily conduct a flow of electrons that makes up an electric current. New findings from a team including Carnegie's Ronald Cohen and Peng Zhang shows that a missing piece of the traditional theory explaining why metals become less conductive when they are heated was needed to complete the puzzle that explains this field-generating process. Their work is published in Nature. The center of the Earth is very hot, and the flow of heat from the planet's center towards the surface is thought to drive most of the dynamics of the Earth, ranging from volcanoes to plate tectonics. The electrons in metals, such as the iron in Earth's core, carry current and heat. "We uncovered an effect that had been hiding in plain sight for 80 years," Cohen said.

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