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Reviews & Ratings for Family Movies, TV Shows, Websites, Video Games, Books and Music. Scrivener: A Writer’s Best Friend. Writing an article, a novel, or a research paper can be a daunting task.

Scrivener: A Writer’s Best Friend

Collected information has a way of getting lost amidst dozens of folders, outlining notes vanish mysteriously, and the very thought of starting a large writing project seems paralyzing, especially when sitting in front of the blinking cursor on an empty screen. While it can’t do the actual writing work for you, Scrivener can help you to manage your project with ease, keep everything together and support your individual writing process – no matter if you are absolutely organized or love the chaos. The following review will give you a first hand insight into the mighty piece of software, enabling you to get an idea of what it can do for you and hopefully motivating you to pick up the pen – pardon me – the keyboard, again.

What Does It Do, and Who Is It For? Scrivener, by Literature & Latte, combines the features of a word processor with the power of a digital organizer and project management tool. Escaping Mediocrity.