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Free CSS Templates. Créer un site internet gratuit facilement. Free CSS Templates - Download free CSS templates. Free CSS Templates (373 free templates) Free templates, graphics, web design articles and more. This is a web template, featuring 3 separate pages: Home, contact and portfolio.

Free templates, graphics, web design articles and more.

There’s no need to link back to this site when using it but it is always appreciated should you choose to! You can download the Joomla version here, thanks to for converting the template. The top squiggly arrow is removable without any problems. Simply remove the arrow.jpg reference from the html documents. You can see a preview of the page here or you can download the template in a zip file If you need the PSD file you can download it here. Website Templates.

3d animation using pure CSS3. A couple of days ago, somebody tweeted a great looking CSS3 example.

3d animation using pure CSS3

I was absolutely stunned by the example And all that Malarkey created and was wondering how he was able to produce that kind of effect. I knew about the CSS3 transition property, but how to create that 3d effect? At that point, I started digging through the Safari Reference Library, where I eventually found the Safari CSS Visual Effects Guide: Transforms page.

This page describes a CSS property I've never seen before: -webkit-perspective. The perspective property is what we need to create the 3d effect. Simply open up the demo page and hover the movie poster elements and be amazed. For those who don't have a webkit browser, I've added a small video to this post to see the demo in action. Video Here's a small video example, where the page is running on the latest version of Safari. Looks pretty nifty, doesn't it? As usual, we're using HTML as the backbone for this effect. That's all we need to create the nifty effect! 20 stunning examples of CSS 3D transforms. Ajouter Un Menu De Navigation Horizontal Dans Blogger ~ The Blogueur. Ajouter un Menu de Navigation Horizontal à votre Blog Blogger.

Ajouter Un Menu De Navigation Horizontal Dans Blogger ~ The Blogueur

Le menu de navigation est le cœur de tout page web car il offre le chemin vers toutes les pages importantes de votre Blog. Je vous ai apporté un total de 30 menus de navigation de haute qualité avec leur codes HTML et CSS. Il vous suffit de copier et coller les codes et c'est tout! Comment Ajouter Un Menu De Navigation Horizontal Dans Blogger Comme mentionné ci-dessus, il suffit de copier/coller le code du menu et le mettre dans un gadget HTML/JavaScript juste au dessous de l'en-tête de votre blog comme indiqué dans l'image suivante : Ensuite vous devez modifier cette partie du code HTML dans tous les codes ci-dessous : Remplacer le signe # avec les liens/l'URLs des pages et Link 1 Link 2 ... avec les titres des pages.

<li><a href="#" ><span>Link n</span></a></li> Menus De Navigation Horizontales HTML/CSS Vous pouvez voir la démo des menus dans les liens suivants :Live Démo 1Live Démo 2. A Dynamic Stack of Index Cards(CSS3) We will create a dynamic stack of index cards solely with HTML and CSS3 and use such CSS3 features as transform and transition (for the dynamic effects) and @font-face, box-shadow and border-radius (for the styling).

a Dynamic Stack of Index Cards(CSS3)

Let’s start with the simple HTML-markup, which consists of simple, unordered list, filled with random content. Now the CSS. I’m using the Yahoo User Interface(YUI) 2 CSS Reset to achieve similar results in all browsers, then we’ll need to define the fonts we want to use with @font-face (for more information on @font-face have a look at our recent post 30 Beautiful and Free Fonts You Can Use with @font-face) and add some general CSS rules. The fonts Note This and Kulminoituva, both of which are available in @font-face kits (with all necessary font-formats and preformatted CSS-file) on Font Squirrel, are the ones used in my example design.

Then we’ll need to style the index cards. Additionally we’ll use some CSS3 stylings to kick our cards a notch up. The Newspaper Clipping Image Generator - Create your own fun newspaper.