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Critical Thinking

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Critical Thinking Index Page. The Reasoning Page. The Reasoning Page This page does not solely focus on argumentation in natural language, but broadens the arena to address the issue of the nature and contexts of good reasoning. Thus, the page includes everything from formal logic resources (because in many contexts formal reasoning is good and appropriate reasoning) to resources in rhetoric (despite what Plato thought, persuasion is not inimical to reasoning). I have also included links to reasoning in specific contexts. This resource began with links gathered from Peter Suber's Guide to Philosophy on the Internet (no longer updated), Episteme Links, and Dey Alexander's Philosophy in Cyberspace. The listing of course syllabi was begun from Andrew Carpenter's Course Materials in Philosophy page (disappeared, for some reason), and the World Lecture Hall philosophy page.

Entries that have a * are particularly useful. Bruce B. Argumentation/Critical Thinking/Informal Logic Critical Thinking Resources, Handouts, Class Notes, etc. Conferences. Critical thinking web. Voice of the Shuttle. Critical thinking On The Web. Top Ten Argument Mapping Tutorials. Six online tutorials in argument mapping, a core requirement for advanced critical thinking.The Skeptic's Dictionary - over 400 definitions and essays.

The Fallacy Files by Gary Curtis. Best website on fallacies. Butterflies and Wheels. Excellent reading - news, articles, and much more. Critical Thinking: What It Is and Why It Counts by Peter Facione. What is critical thinking? Nobody said it better than Francis Bacon, back in 1605: A shorter version is the art of being right. Or, more prosaically: critical thinking is the skillful application of a repertoire of validated general techniques for deciding the level of confidence you should have in a proposition in the light of the available evidence.

More definitions... Program for Critical Thinking Program for better decision making Our umbrella site. Latest additions 6 Dec The Idea Emporium Zany. 21 May in Vendors Thinkshop New Zealand-based online store selling thinking skills resources of various kinds.