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Reputation 2.0- How Twitter is Redefining Corporate Reputation Management - Non-Fiction Article - web , twitter, social media. Karina Cherfas June 20, 2010 "He who steals my purse steals trash. He who steals from me my good name…makes me poor indeed," said Iago in Othello. Indeed Shakespeare believed it was, "the purest treasure mortal times afford. " Men have fought duels over it. Companies have succeeded or failed because of it. Reputation. Effective crisis response, i.e. what a company does, what it says, and most importantly how it mobilizes its resources to respond effectively in a crisis, provides companies with a competitive advantage and can enhance reputation.

The communications industry has been going through some of the most incredible and dramatic transformations in decades. Twitter was created by Jack Dorsey in 2006. Doorley and Garcia (2007) have identified five rules for managing a crisis quickly, clearly and effectively: Tell it all Tell it fast Tell them what you're doing about it Tell them when it's over Get back to work Trust 2.0 New Corporate Strategies Branding 2.0 Out with the Old 1. 2. 3. 4. Kenneth Cole in revolutionary hashtag hijacking [#fail] Memo to brands of all shapes and sizes: do not jump onto hashtag bandwagons, especially ones that involve bloodshed, unless you want to purposefully incur the wrath of the outraged.

The latest example of what not to do as part of your social media strategy comes from fashion retailer Kenneth Cole, so called after the designer who established the company. What’s worse is that Cole himself appears to be personally responsible for this inappropriate tweet: Oh boy... haven't we been here before? If you cast your mind back you may remember that Habitat pulled a similar move in June 2009 when it used hashtags related to the protests in Iran as part of its promotional tweets. It then blamed and fired the intern, and duly killed its Twitter account. No such luck for Kenneth Cole, as the designer himself appears to be at fault. “Thoughts that end in -KC are from me personally; others are behind the seams insights from my inspiring associates.”

Cue the backlash. How to Deal with Negative Comments [Marketing Cast] If you have been blogging for a while, you have probably felt the frustration associated with negative comments. If you are new to blogging, you probably fear receiving biting criticism. But you might be surprised to learn that, as David Meerman Scott points out, "negative comments can sometimes be a good thing. " In this episode of the Weekly Marketing Cast , David discusses how marketers can deal with negative comments. Understand the Criticism "When you have somebody who is thoughtfully critical of you, respond to them and show that your organization is human and you are a caring person," says David.

React in the Same Channel "It is always a good idea to react in the same media that the comment was made in," says David. Don't Respond to Bullies "If it is a thoughtful comment, it deserves a response. How do you deal with negative comments? La e-réputation en 10 points clés. Nous le constatons tous les jours : la question de la e-réputation monte en puissance. Pas seulement sur le web, où tout le monde en parle, mais aussi et surtout dans les comités de direction. Pour beaucoup, c’est un réflexe de protection face aux attaques potentielles sur Internet.

Dans un monde connecté et en conversation, c’est une préoccupation légitime. Toutefois, entre gestion de crise sur le web et gestion de la réputation, il y a un océan. Tentons de décrire les contours de la e-réputation en 10 points : 1 – La e-réputation n’existe pas en soi. 2 – Travailler sur la e-réputation, c’est comprendre les ressorts de la réputation. 3 - La réputation, avec son sous ensemble de e-réputation, se gère comme un actif stratégique. 4 – Le diagnostic de e-réputation est un moment fondateur. 5 – La e-réputation se conçoit comme une démarche de progrès, au service de la stratégie d’entreprise. 6 – La e-réputation présente deux versants : risques/opportunités. Laurent Reynes. Les 5 piliers de l’E-réputation. Le 22 Août 2009, dans l’un des premiers billets de ce blog, Amine avait rédigé le billet: l’E-réputation: Mode d’emploi où il expliquait à qui s’adressait l’e-réputation avec un schéma qui spécifie les processus de surveillance et de management qui en découlent.

Aujourd’hui, je représente dans le schéma ci-dessous ma vision de l’e-réputation, qui à mon sens, s’appuie sur 5 piliers issus des processus de surveillance et de management. 1. Faire un bilan de mon image et de celle de mes concurrents 2. 3. 4. 5. Cette représentation de l’e-réputation s’applique, à mon avis, autant aux individus qu’aux entreprises. Et vous lecteurs fidèles de ce blog, blogueurs et professionnels dans le domaine, qu’est ce que vous en dites ? Like this: J'aime chargement… Que faire si ma marque/mon nom est présente de manière négative.