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Techniques d'interview

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Comment préparer et faire une bonne interview de quelqu'un. Dans cet article, je vous donne 13 conseils sur comment réaliser une bonne interview.

Comment préparer et faire une bonne interview de quelqu'un

Une excellente manière de se faire connaître rapidement dans son domaine d’activité, et de générer du contenu de bonne qualité et ce, simplement, c’est de faire des interviews de personnes ayant de l’autorité dans votre domaine d’activité. Une fois interviewées, ces personnes vont en parler à leur audience et donc vous faire connaître auprès de leur public. Mais faire une interview ne s’improvise pas. Voici mes 13 conseils pour réaliser une interview de qualité. Conseil n°1 : Faites des recherches en amont sur la personne que vous allez interviewer Avant toute chose, assurez-vous que la personne en question est qualifiée pour être considérée comme experte. A titre d’exemple, il m’est arrivé de discuter sur Skype avec deux personnes pour monter un partenariat. Mieux vous connaissez votre interlocuteur avant l’interview, plus elle sera de qualité. Tout se prépare ! Parlez de son site internet. La solution ? Smartphone Video Production, Simple Gear Basics for Interviews using an iPhone 6.

How to Interview Influencers (Even If You'd Rather Curl up and Die) What is it with interviews?

How to Interview Influencers (Even If You'd Rather Curl up and Die)

All the top bloggers seem to do them. They get to know each other. They share their knowledge and stories. And they engage, educate and entertain their fans. Interviews are the mark of a professional blogger, and you’re dying to join that club. But something’s holding you back. You know that publishing an interview with a big name could do wonders for your credibility, but you don’t feel ready – too much could go wrong. You could be ignored or even rejected. You could embarrass yourself, trip over your tongue, or ask stupid, boring questions. You could even land an interview with your favorite influencer only for the technology to fail and screw up your opportunity of a lifetime. But in reality, most of your anxiety around interviews is simply a fear of the unknown. Once you know the right way to approach interviews, they can be easy and even enjoyable.

Why Interviews Rock (and Why They’re Easier Than You Think) The good news? How to interview someone like a journalist. Interviews matter.

How to interview someone like a journalist

A good interview is the foundation of good reporting. They are the best way of understanding a complicated situation and seeing it from someone else’s perspective. A wise, old editor of mine used to say ‘report it out.’ She meant ‘go talk to people, don’t rely on your own opinions and judgment.’ It’s a good maxim. Update 19 July 2016: I wrote this article back in 2006 when I was interviewing and writing pretty much all the time and it was based on my experience as a freelance journalist for Wired, Director and Popular Science.

Les techniques de l’interview. Dix secrets de fabrication : 1.

Les techniques de l’interview

Créer un climat de confiance. 13 simple journalist techniques for effective interviews. Photo: magnusfranklin LIKE ANY creative profession, travel journalism forces you to use your perception to reinterpret the world around you.

13 simple journalist techniques for effective interviews

You try to engage an audience with ideas and issues — you create something meaningful from all the incoherent information and noise out there. The finished product may be a piece of writing that you craft, but the material a result of the interviews you conduct. But here’s the catch: Good journalism is dependent on a total stranger’s cooperation and participation. At the heart of this issue is the interview. And while sources vary — some people know exactly what they want to say while others love to make you sweat for a basic quote — how you conduct the interview has more to do with the outcome than anything. It’s odd that so much emphasis is put on teaching journalists how to write an article when that skill is useless without also teaching journalists how to develop strong interview techniques. 1. Avoid Starbucks! 30 Tips on How to Interview Like a Journalist. As a 16-year tech journalist and founder of a brand journalism business, I’ve conducted tons and tons of interviews.

While I have “lots of experience” I also realize it’s a synonym for “I’m getting stale.” In an effort to reboot my interview style, I decided to look for inspiration from other journalists. This article began with me questioning fellow journalists for their best advice on how to interview. What follows is some of my own advice, but a ton more from industry colleagues on how to conduct a journalistic interview for print, blog, radio, TV, and films. TIP 1: Find a good interviewee D’uh, right? “The truth is that some people have a good story to tell on a subject, and others don’t. TIP 2: It’s your job to research This was the most oft repeated advice, when it’s possible. When you exhibit your knowledge “the person knows you took the time to do so and they then provide a much better interview,” explained journalist Joan Wenner. TIP 3: Let your preconceptions go or not?