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Tipped Out. Evolution of Change: Signs for the Future of Business | Smart Data Collective. I like taking the time once in a while to tie different trends together, it just helps me focus on what's really happening now and helps me understand where things might be going. Taken individually there are some very interesting things happening in technology and business but when you link them together a picture starts to emerge that is almost staggering in depth and breadth of change potential.

I was reading "The Singularity is Near" by Ray Kurzweil the other day and a point jumped out at me that I think is extremely important when looking at change, whether you agree with Kurzweil's ideas on singularity or not. That concept is that technology growth or the growth of any evolutionary process is exponential, and is not linear or does not simply continue at current growth rates over time. In fact many evolutionary processes see double exponential growth, so in fact the growth of the exponent is exponential. So what are the individual changes or shifts that we are seeing? Big data. The Age Of Relevance. Editor’s note: This is a guest post submitted by Mahendra Palsule, who has worked as an Editor at Techmeme since 2009. Apart from curating tech news, he likes analyzing trends in startups and the social web.

He is based in Pune, India, and you can follow him on Twitter. What’s the Next Big Thing after social networking? This has been a favorite topic of much speculation among tech enthusiasts for many years. I think we are already witnessing a paradigm shift – a move away from simple social sharing towards personalized, relevant content. The key element of the next big thing is the increasing significance of the Interest Graph to complement the Social Graph. While Facebook, Twitter, and Google are already working on delivering relevant content, a slew of startups are focusing exclusively on it. Relevance is the only solution to the problem of information overload. The above matrix is a representation of how the process of online information discovery has evolved over time. Maslows-hierarchy-of-needs1.jpg (1344×1000) 3 Easy Ways To See The Bright Side Today. This guest article from YourTango was written by Amy Spencer.

My friend Kate was driving with her dad when he showed her what it really means to look on the bright side. It happened the day they got a flat tire and his face lit up. “Oh good!” He said. Yes, that’s one of the most positive reactions to a car breakdown I’ve ever heard. Just start looking at your life from a better, brighter angle. 1. I’ll bet that locals in Giza, Egypt don’t take photos of themselves in front of the pyramids every day. So take the tourist point of view on your own life, and think of the astounding things at your feet: Your married life, to a single person, is comforting and secure; your single life, to a married person, is hopeful and exciting; and your home — to anyone else — might be quaint or cool or huge or homey simply depending on what they don’t have themselves. 2.

We are what we eat and we are what we say. Instead, change the words you use to change how you feel. 3. Focus On Your Own Triggers to Better Deal with Difficult People. This is usually the steps I take: 0. Avoid that person / situation as much as possible 1. Blame myself. 2. 3. 4. 4b. a more straightfoward email with a solution if she/he is an acquintance. *Why? *I like to have honest relationship with people around me. I point out a problem with a solution whenever possible. Unfortunately, there are some unreasonable people in this world, whom you cannot negotiate with. 5. Women and ADHD: Hormones, Puberty, Menopause, Menstration, Period | ADDitude - Attention Deficit Information. Slide 1 of 5 ADDitude Magazine Do your ADD symptoms worsen at certain times of the month? Is your thinking a little fuzzier the week before your period? Are you organized and efficient at mid-cycle?

Doctors who treat women with ADHD have noted correlations between ADHD symptoms and hormonal fluctuations, not only monthly but over the lifetime of a woman. "The average age of diagnosis for women with ADHD, who weren’t diagnosed as children, is 36 to 38 years old,” says Patricia Quinn, M.D., director of the National Center for Girls and Women with AD/HD, and author of Understanding Women with ADHD. When doctors diagnose girls and women with ADD, they rarely consider hormonal fluctuations when developing a treatment plan. Next: ADHD and Adolescence This article comes from the Spring 2009 issue of ADDitude. To read this issue of ADDitude in full, buy the back issue. slide 1 2 3 4 5 next » Share your comments, questions and advice on ADDConnect! CorePsych Blog | Dr Charles Parker - Brain and Body Neuroscience Measurements Improve Psychiatric Consultation. Predictable Solutions For ADHD Medications If you or your loved ones suffer with any misunderstandings about ADHD medication treatment strategies, don't be surprised, you're in the majority, not the minority. ...

Read more → ADHD – The Galileo Moment The pervasive, unmentionable problem: too many write for meds without any training on the reality of diagnosis or treatment specifics for ADHD, thinking that labels provided sufficient maps for mind travel. Galileo would not approve.... Read more → ADHD Medications Fix The PM Drop-7 The Combo Drop Puzzling mixed side effects beg for a more comprehensive perspective that combines these several provocative Drop insights. Cover every base to turn this complicated presentation around. ... Read more → Subscribe to our Mailing List! Click Below For All Video Recordings Disclaimer This material is provided for general educational purposes only and is not intended to constitute: Send me Predicable Solutions! 6 Steps From Lonely To Lovely. The more I’ve learned about happiness, the more I’ve come to believe that loneliness is a common and important obstacle to consider. A while back, after reading John Cacioppo’s fascinating book Loneliness, I posted Some counter-intuitive facts about loneliness, and several people responded by asking, “Okay, but what do I do about it?

What steps can I take to feel less lonely?” I recently finished another fascinating book, Lonely—a memoir by Emily White, about her own experiences and research into loneliness. White doesn’t attempt to give specific advice about how to combat loneliness, but from her book, I gleaned these strategies: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Most people have suffered from loneliness at some point. Gretchen Rubin is the author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller, The Happiness Project—an account of the year she spent test-driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific studies, and lessons from popular culture about how to be happier.

Time Magazine: "The Power of (Shyness)" and High Sensitivity. To the highly sensitive persons of the world and their friends: A hearty congratulations. In a sense, we made the cover of Time . No, we are not necessarily shy and not always introverted , but the book which prompted the article, Susan Cain's Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking, is actually more about HSPs than social introverts, so we're getting there. Perhaps in a year or two the highly sensitive person will be Time's person of the year! I am very sorry, however, that the 30% of "HSPs" who are social extraverts were left out of all of this. Cain's Quiet does usually have the trait right, if not the name, and there is certainly justification for confusion given the overlap, that 70% of HSPs are social introverts.

The problem is really not Susan's. Well, whatever we name this trait, the most recent research suggests that the general strategy of being more sensitive is determined by multiple genes , and these do not come with names on them. How to Know When You're Wrong (and What You Can Do About It) My great friend at university is like this, and it's one of the only things that will cause us to argue. I once said to him, that honestly, he comes across as acting as though he's right every time until proof is presented that he is unequivocally wrong.

He didn't seem to understand what was wrong with that ¬¬. But yeah, once we were talking and he said he'd seen one of my friends around town, even though this friend had previously stated he had gone back home and was ill. Unfortunately because of his awful track record with judgement of situations AND confidence in how correct he is, I simply couldn't believe him. But anyways, I'm proud to say I tend to be very good at seeing if I'm wrong and admitting it. Random tangential ranting over and out :P. 15 Tips for Overcoming Insecurity. Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies. By Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf THE HUMAN DNA IS A BIOLOGICAL INTERNET and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Russian scientific research directly or indirectly explains phenomena such as clairvoyance, intuition, spontaneous and remote acts of healing, self healing, affirmation techniques, unusual light/auras around people (namely spiritual masters), mind’s influence on weather patterns and much more.

In addition, there is evidence for a whole new type of medicine in which DNA can be influenced and reprogrammed by words and frequencies WITHOUT cutting out and replacing single genes. Only 10% of our DNA is being used for building proteins. The Russian biophysicist and molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev and his colleagues also explored the vibrational behavior of the DNA.

One can simply use words and sentences of the human language! Garjajev’s research group succeeded in proving that with this method chromosomes damaged by x-rays for example can be repaired. References: Best Practices for Building Reader Loyalty! | Social Media Marketing Made Easy | Facebook & Twitter for Business. If you’re like me, you would prefer your blog readers to visit your site each day and read your newest posts! The challenge is that there are thousands (if not millions) of other bloggers that would love to earn your readers’ loyalty, too! How can you compete for their attention? By building reader loyalty! Below are some best practices I personally employ on my site to help my readers know that I value them and to encourage returning to my site over and over again. 1. 2. 3. If you employ just these three simple strategies, I promise your audience will feel more connected and will return over and over again to your blog.

Surround Yourself With Progress. When you complete a list of action steps, your instinct might be to throw the list away. After all, the work is completed! However, some creative professional teams take a different approach; they relish their progress. Some go so far as surrounding themselves with it. The inspiration to brainstorm comes easy, but the inspiration to take action is rare. Why not decorate your work space with completed action steps? There is no better push-towards-taking-action than action itself. 5 Characteristics And Traits Of Selfish People. Many a times we come across people who are hard to forget. Well, not always because they are helpful or bequeath us with some wonderful experiences, but sometimes because they give us unforgettable awful experiences with their utterly bad behavior and selfish characteristics.

Though, we hardly expect everybody to be good and helpful to us, we don’t even expect that people use us for their benefits and behave in a manner to make us feel low or worthless. We don’t expect that people should help us in return for everything we do for them, but we do expect that people would at least notice and weigh our efforts made to help them and not just take our efforts as granted.

Despite this, we still come across people who are mean, arrogant, egotistical and selfish. Encounters with such people leave us feeling hurtful and used to a great extent. Moreover, if one is a sensitive person with a soft heart, then such associations might give them hard-to-forget, distressing experiences. Seeing Problems — The Dana Guide. [Editor's note: This article is from 2007. Some newer treatments and risk factors are not listed here.

See more on specific disorders on BrainWeb] sections include: common neurological causes of vision loss The ability to see is one of our greatest gifts. Most of us never have a problem with our sight, other than having to wear glasses. We can see minute objects, experience color, and take in vast panoramas without a thought that something could go wrong. Your retina acts like the light sensor in a digital camera: its photodetector neurons, the rods and cones and the other retinal neurons to which they connect, convert the light that flows into your eyeball into electrical signals. Many conditions occurring along this pathway can affect your ability to see. Whatever turns out to be the cause of a vision problem, it is a serious problem that demands quick medical attention. Common Neurological Causes of Vision Loss Impaired Blood Flow to the Retina Diagnosis and Treatment back to top.

5 Proven Ways to Generate Revenue From Facebook. Brian Carter is author of The Like Economy: How Businesses Make Money With Facebook and co-author of Facebook Marketing: Leveraging Facebook's Features For Your Marketing Campaigns. He is a keynote speaker, trainer and consultant. Facebook, with its 800+ million users, presents a huge opportunity for business. But the first question people ask is, "Can it really generate money? " If you've read any of the Facebook marketing case studies over the last year, you've seen examples of small business profits and boosts in ecommerce sales via Facebook sharing. If your business is ready to move toward Facebook profits, your next question should be: "What distinguishes profitable and unprofitable Facebook marketing campaigns? " First, consider your revenue model. There are a number of strategies companies use to do Facebook business effectively. 1.

Marketers can leverage the massive reach and highly customizable targeting of Facebook's ad platform. 2. WUSLU is a Woot-like site for home decor. 3. 4. How To Deal With Competing Priorities : Managing. 5 Reasons People Resist Change : Innovation. Rachel Weight: Dating Advice: How To Get Over Him (With A Little Help From Your Friends) Anxiety vs. Stress: What's The Difference? Brene Brown: The Power Of Vulnerability. Social Networking: A Virtual World | TechHomie- Keep ιт Real.

Explanation: How Brain Training Can Make You Significantly Smarter. Deb Roy: The Birth Of A Word. Tracy McMillan: Why You're Not Married.