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40 jeux pédagogiques en français classés du CP au CM2 (lecture, orthographe, grammaire...) Je vous propose une sélection de jeux pédagogiques que j’ai créés pour réviser des notions de français en jouant.

40 jeux pédagogiques en français classés du CP au CM2 (lecture, orthographe, grammaire...)

Ces jeux sont en téléchargement gratuit et couvrent des notions du CP au CM2 (lecture, grammaire, vocabulaire, orthographe, conjugaison). Préparation à la lecture. Vérification de sécurité nécessaire. No snakes, no ladders game for adverbs of frequency and free time (studio 1 m... Spanish Game for Valentine’s Day - Spanish Playground. This Valentine’s Day game is a version of memory.

Spanish Game for Valentine’s Day - Spanish Playground

I based the cards on the phrases on candy conversation hearts. If you’re looking for more activities for specific vocabulary, check out all our Spanish vocabulary games grouped by theme. I made this Spanish Valentine game to reinforce the common pronoun-verb pattern ¿Me quieres? Te quiero. Players match the two cards that use the same verb. There are questions and answers for fifteen common verbs. As the children play, it is important that they read the cards aloud. When players turn over two cards that match, encourage them to read the question and then the answer. Printable Spanish Bingo for Valentine’s Day - Spanish Playground. Bingo is lotería in Spanish, and it is an excellent language learning activity.

Printable Spanish Bingo for Valentine’s Day - Spanish Playground

Below you’ll find a printable Spanish Bingo game for Valentine’s Day that you can use with a wide range of ages. Games for Spanish Class You can adapt Spanish Bingo, or lotería, to any theme. It is one of the most versatile games for Spanish class! As students play, they practice vocabulary, listening comprehension and reading. If you’re looking for more activities with specific vocabulary, check out all our Spanish vocabulary games grouped by theme. I often have students write the sentences that I am going to use as examples for the words. Students can create their own cards by writing the words into a grid to random order. Printable Spanish Game: Batalla de Tamaños - Spanish Playground. This Spanish card game is a fun way for kids to learn vocabulary and practice comparisons.

Printable Spanish Game: Batalla de Tamaños - Spanish Playground

It is based on the traditional game “War,” in which players each have a stack of cards and turn one over at the same time. You can also check out all our Spanish vocabulary games grouped by theme. In the traditional game, the higher number wins and takes the other card. In this version, one of the cards wins based on the size of whatever is in the picture on the card. Spanish Game for Kids: Paper Cups for Hiding - Spanish Playground.

I play this simple Spanish game for kids with students and they love it.

Spanish Game for Kids: Paper Cups for Hiding - Spanish Playground

I usually play with preschoolers, but I have also played with students as old as eight and they have fun with it too. It is a guessing game and it teaches color words and other vocabulary. You have a set of paper cups that you have labeled, put stickers on, or covered with different color paper. For my classes with lots of kids, I invest in sets of different colored paper cups.

If I’m working with a small group, I have them help me cover the cups because it is an excellent language activity. To play, one person hides a small object under a paper cup and the other person guesses where it is by saying “It is under the blue cup” or “It is under the three.” You can also label the cups with numbers, letters, words or stickers to make them different. . – Review the vocabulary that kids need to distinguish between the cups. . – If the vocabulary is new, start with just three or four cups. . – I close my eyes and turn my head. L'île du Survivant- Game. Trivia crack - Google Slides. [ jeu à imprimer ] Trivial Pursuit Grammaire-Conjugaison – Cycle 2. Trivial Pursuit Grammaire-Conjugaison – jeu à imprimer ICIDomaine : français grammaire et conjugaisonCompétences : verbe, infinitif, sujet du verbe, conjugaison des verbes du 1er groupe au présent, futur et passé composéProposé par : Lutin BazarNombre d’élèves : en petits groupesDurée d’une partie : de 20 minutes à 45 minutesOrganisation : en autonomie, avec le maîtreMise en place – installation : rapideBut du jeu : Collectionner toutes les cartes (une de chaque couleur) pour réaliser la potion de la sorcière.

[ jeu à imprimer ] Trivial Pursuit Grammaire-Conjugaison – Cycle 2

Le premier joueur qui totalise toutes les cartes remporte la partie.Règles du jeu : A tour de rôle, chaque joueur lance le dé. Il se déplace dans le sens qu’il souhaite sur le plateau (principe du Trivial Pursuit classique). Il pioche une carte de la couleur correspondant à la case où il s’arrête. Il répond à la question à l’oral ou sur l’ardoise. S’il répond correctement, il remporte une carte « potion » de la couleur équivalente. Articles similaires 25 avril 2018. Language through Comprehended Input with Terry Waltz – Squid For Brains: Comp... Low/No output games #4 Taza - DMS SPANISH. 5 Fun French Learning Activities Using Problem Solving and Teamwork. Old-style teaching falling flat in your French class?

5 Fun French Learning Activities Using Problem Solving and Teamwork

Mindlessly copying vocab or listening to you drone on for half an hour about the glories of the subjunctive will not engage your French students’ attention. These ways of teaching just don’t work today. If you insist on using such approaches, you’ll likely face a classroom full of switched-off students and behavior management problems! So how do you engage with your students? Think of the most memorable learning experiences you’ve had. Those experiences didn’t involve passive listening or watching. No, they demanded some action, a response from you. It was through your response that the information sank in.