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Videos for ESL and English language study, listening, and learning. Current - English-Spanish Dictionary. Speaking Exercises. Speaking and icebreaker activities for ESL Teachers. How To Talk To People: Better Communication Skills (Communication Skills) Most of us have situations where we find it difficult to communicate. Improving your communication technique, and being comfortable speaking to people is extremely important. Watch our top tips for being a better communicator.

Step 1: Use open-ended questions For conversation to flow well, it's important to ask open questions, these often start with ‘how', ‘when', ‘why' etc. An open question is something like: "What sort of things do you do in your spare time? "This really gets the conversation flowing. Try to avoid asking closed questions. Step 2: Active Listening People speak at 100 to 175 words per minute (WPM), but they can listen intelligently at up to 300 words per minute. Step 3: Create a 'cocoon' If you're finding it particularly difficult to concentrate on what someone is saying, try to imagine a “cocoon” around you and the person you're listening to. Step 4: Engage with the other person Step 5: Assumptions Don't assume you know the other person's thoughts and feelings.

School Children Around the World. School under the bridge in India School under the bridge in India (SOURCE: Every day is happening in the world of strange and curious things, but in India are becoming more common events that were amazing and very strange. India is one of the strangest schools in the world at this school is unusual its location it is located under a big bridge. Photographer Altaf Qadri Associated Press found unusual school in New Delhi, India. There are teachers, students, two boards, stools and nothing else! Slumdog kids learn the basics of mathematics, learning to read and write in the street under the bridge, sitting on the bract. Creator of the school and one of two teachers Rajesh Kumar Sharma argues that children learn for free for more than three years. School under the bridge in india (SOURCE: Class In A Cave Class In A Cave (SOURCE: In a remote Miao village in the Guizhou province of southwest China, children attend a class inside a huge cave.

Like this: EFL CLASSROOM 2.0. CEPA ALFAR 2013-2014 - English 4 all ages. ESL English as a Second Language free materials for teaching and study. Talk to Someone in English! Speaking - Free Communication Lessons. Speakingactivities. These are some speaking activities I’ve been doing with my students at Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Burgos for some years now. They are intended for students to practice for their speaking performances at their level tests for Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas.

They are topic related and based on New English File Elementary, English File Pre-intermediate and Intermediate That’s English! Modules 7-8-9 . I have included some useful Internet links for students and Thingies I've recently come across in the Net. If you want more useful links for English as a Foreign Language, click for the English Department of the Official Language School in Burgos and Professor Ana Mercado's Web Site Estudiantes: Actividades orales para preparar los exámenes orales de la EOI de Burgos en los niveles que se señalan.

Si quieres prepararlos es conveniente que te grabes mientras las haces: lee las preguntas en voz alta y a continuación grábate. Profesores: Topics Modulos EOI. Recycling. MIT Libraries, MIT Library. Oral Topics. If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These PagesIf you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. Home | Articles | Lessons | Techniques | Questions | Games | Jokes | Things for Teachers | Links | Activities for ESL Students Would you like to help? If you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. If you would like to suggest another topic, please send it and a set of questions to begin the topic. Copyright © 1997-2010 by The Internet TESL Journal Pages from this site should not be put online elsewhere.Permission is not required to link directly to any page on our site as long as you do not trap the page inside a frame.

Once we upload a page, the page remains online and the URL will not be changed. Links - speakingactivities. Consejos generales para la prueba oral | English - Escuela Oficial de Idiomas. Diálogos audio y listenings en Inglés. ¿Quieres más Ejercicios de Audio en Inglés?. Te ofrecemos otras opciones igualmente gratuitas. · Más ejercicios de audio agrupados por niveles (Básico / Intermedio / Avanzado) con distintos acentos en inglés y con preguntas de comprensión, las respuestas a las preguntas y la trascripción del texto que podrás visualizar o imprimir. Las actividades que acompañan a los listenings están desarrolladas y enfocadas para mejorar tu comprensión en inglés.

Los ejercicios están orientados a facilitar el mejor aprovechamiento de los mismos. Accede al apartado de Listenings en inglés y elige el nivel que más se ajuste a tu perfil. · Lecturas cortas con audio. Lee el texto y escucha posteriormente la pronunciación (también puedes leer y escuchar simultáneamente el audio si así lo deseas). · Listenings para aprender y mejorar el Vocabulario en Inglés. . · De forma continua publicamos en nuestro canal de Facebook actividades en audio para practicar y mejorar tu inglés (todos los niveles). Curso de inglés de nivel intermedio. ¿A quién está dirigido? El curso de inglés intermedio se dirige a todas aquellas personas que ya han acumulado un conocimiento del idioma equivalente al que se obtiene con el bachillerato o que han estudiado un mínimo de 2 a 3 años de inglés. Objetivos del curso El curso consolida y amplía el conocimiento de las estructuras de la lengua y permite construir un discurso más elaborado y matizado sobre temas generales de la vida personal y profesional.

El curso de inglés intermedio se corresponde con un nivel B1 del Marco Europeo Común de Referencia. Estructura del curso 1 - 34 módulos de estudio y 1 examen final (con una parte teórica y otra de listening). 2 - Cada módulo consta de un apartado teórico y de una serie de ejercicios. 3 - Concebido para trabajar de forma autónoma y autoevaluativa Consejos de trabajo 1 - Organiza tu tiempo de estudio y valora la necesidad de insistir más o menos en determinados temas en función de los resultados que obtengas en los ejercicios.

IELTS Writing | IELTS-Blog. LearnEnglish | British Council. Phrasal verbs. Teaching English. THAT'S ENGLISH EOI MOSTOLES. B1 level English language practice tests. B1 is one of the CEFR levels described by the Council of Europe. The ability to express oneself in a limited way in familiar situations and to deal in a general way with nonroutine information. Examples: Can ask to open an account at a bank, provided that the procedure is straightforward. Can understand the main points of clear standard input on familiar matters regularly encountered in work, school, leisure, etc. Can deal with most situations likely to arise while traveling in an area where the language is spoken. Can produce simple connected text on topics that are familiar or of personal interest.

B1 level exams At this level you can do the PET and PTE General level 2 practice exams You can also get an a B1 certificate if you do well enough in the PTE Academic, a multi-level exam, while B1 level candidates should get a band score of 4-4.5 on the IELTS test. B1 level practice This web site contains practice tests at B1 level for reading, grammar and vocabulary.

Exam English - Free Practice Tests for IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC and the Cambridge ESOL exams (CPE, CAE, FCE, PET, KET) BBC - Homepage. Free online Dictionary of English Pronunciation - How to Pronounce English words. The Happy  Verby Gang: Los Tiempos Verbales de la Lengua Inglesa. That´s English. IELTS Exam. - información y ejemplos de exámenes oficiales: Aprender Inglés Online. Aprender Inglés Online: Recursos gratuitos para mejorar tu inglés. Free English Grammar Lessons and Tests.