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Imarticus Learning

AN INDUSTRY-FIRST APPROACH FOR HIGHER EMPLOYABILITY At Imarticus - We prioritize experiential learning that puts the reins of your career in capable hands. Our state-of-the-art online systems and tech-fueled classrooms ensure you always stay miles ahead of the competition. Collaborations with top-tier firms of the industry. Qualified faculty with years of industry experience. Personalised placement support by experts for all courses.


Certification in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Collaboration with E & ICT Academy, IIT Guhawati, and Imarticus Learning. Machine learning is powered by AI.

Certification in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Collaboration with E & ICT Academy, IIT Guhawati, and Imarticus Learning

With ML, we can power programs that are easily updated and modified to adapt to new environments and tasks- resulting in quick progress on difficult projects. ML and AI are almost synonymously used in tandem when it comes to the latest tech trends. And, AI has disrupted many industries forever – like SaaS, Manufacturing, Defense, Analytics, public sector, and so on. If you learn machine learning through the best Machine Learning & AI course, you are likely on a fast and high-growth career trajectory. Here is why! #1. Skills in ML can affect your long-term employment prospects because the field is projected to experience rapid growth.

With the emergence of advanced technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), Machine Learning is experiencing a certain surge in demand and popularity. #2. There is a lot of talk about how AI will replace jobs, but the truth is it will create new job opportunities. . #3. Preparing To Lead in Fintech? Here's Why You Should Consider MBA in Fintech! The financial markets are always evolving.

Preparing To Lead in Fintech? Here's Why You Should Consider MBA in Fintech!

Day by day, the latest technologies are getting incorporated into various banking services to make it more efficient in every possible way. Financial Technology, otherwise known as Fintech is basically making these changes into reality. As the name suggests, Fintech is an emerging area in the finance sector that integrates finance and technology. An innovative problem-solving perspective using cutting-edge technologies is the driving force behind Fintech. Fintech can potentially change the way banks, insurance firms, non-banking finance companies, payment banks, stock trading, and investment advisory firms used to operate traditionally. Major technological moves have already started in financial markets. Now if you have a knack for both technology and finance, an MBA in Fintech could be an amazing choice for you.

Outsourcing IT services are expensive, especially when you are looking for the latest in market technical solutions. Key Points: How The Machine Learning Works Behind Your Favorite Google Meet Backgrounds? Google Meet has been a lifesaver for many professionals and students who are unable to step out of their homes for the last few months.

How The Machine Learning Works Behind Your Favorite Google Meet Backgrounds?

This increasing usage of such virtual meeting platforms has improved the technology reach. This and Google AI has now increased the need for Machine Learning training and opened up a whole new world in technology. Google’s AI of Google Meet now allows the user to change the background and reduce the noise level as well. Instead of the boring or the interiors of the home as the background, Machine Learning has helped customize the backgrounds for such meetings. The technology behind the backgrounds Google uses MediaPipe Objectron to get the 3D dimensions of images on mobile devices.

Google uses WebGL for rendering, ML such as TFLite, and ZNNPack for web-based interference. Why is Python of Paramount Importance in Data Analytics? Python is a programming language that has become the de facto standard for many data analysts, programmers, and scientists.

Why is Python of Paramount Importance in Data Analytics?

One of Python’s benefits over other languages like Java or C++ is how it allows developers to code much faster than they could in those more mature frameworks since there are fewer syntactical restrictions on what you can do with objects and variables moreover, as we move towards ‘big data analytics – where large amounts of information need to be analyzed quickly – this increased productivity. In this article, we will discuss how Python is an essential and popular tool for data science. The program started with a demonstration of the latest AI that analyzes pictures to identify their contents by automatically assigning them tags such as “walking dog” or “standing person.” Python for Data Science Python has been an increasingly popular language for data science because it is easy to use and free.

What are the must have certifications for a Digital Marketer? To make a successful career in Digital Marketing, you need to have the proper certifications.

What are the must have certifications for a Digital Marketer?

Be sure that your resume includes an official degree in Marketing or Business Management and certificates for digital marketing programs like Google Analytics Certification or HubSpot certification. What are the essential things to be a good Digital Marketer? Let’s say we’re talking about me because I’m certified and educated on what needs to happen if someone wants their company website ranking well online (I am from SEO Agency). Good to Have: New Age Skills in Credit Risk & Analysis! Many people think that credit risk and analysis is a dying industry.

Good to Have: New Age Skills in Credit Risk & Analysis!

They believe that technology or computers in the future will take it over. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, Credit risk and underwriting degrees are becoming more critical in today’s world because they teach people to work with numbers and use them effectively for decision-making purposes. Skills for Credit Risk Analysts: Keen To Develop A Solution That Will Predict User's Online Training? Imarticus Could Help You Develop The Right Expertise.

Online user behavior is something e-commerce and target marketing has been relying on.

Keen To Develop A Solution That Will Predict User's Online Training? Imarticus Could Help You Develop The Right Expertise

What helps them predict online user behavior is machine learning and Artificial Intelligence. The user interest and the pertaining trend help the business and marketing team to anticipate the changes and take the necessary steps for improvement. This change is a trendsetter that has urged many other fields to use the same mechanisms to study its users. Ever since the online training process gained popularity finding out what the users’ needs became crucial to set up the right kind of courses and setting up the ideal curriculum to nourish their careers.

Predicting user’s online training Getting the correct feedback on the online learning process is significant to know about what the users are interested in. Predicting a user’s online training interest requires some specific expertise but it doesn’t involve a single field of study. What is Affiliate Marketing? How To Use Facebook For Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing has not only evolved significantly over the years but has also become widely popular.

What is Affiliate Marketing? How To Use Facebook For Affiliate Marketing?

Thanks to social media platforms like Facebook! In this article, you will find out what affiliate marketing is and how you can use the social media platform to use this digital marketing technique. You will also learn how you can become an expert in this domain. So, read on… How Can Data Analytics Help You Become a Better Entrepreneur? The data analytics industry has grown exponentially in the past decade, and more data is being generated every day.

How Can Data Analytics Help You Become a Better Entrepreneur?

This is due to the increasing need for data and data analysis that companies are facing as their dependence on data increases exponentially. This data, when analyzed, can be used to make important decisions for businesses and individuals alike. Data analysts not only have a skill set that can be applied to any business but also possess the ability to think critically and identify innovative solutions for problems. The time is now for you to join a data analytics course so you, too, can reap the benefits of this thriving industry!

What Are Career Options in Operations Management Have Diverse Scope? No matter the size of the business in 2020, almost every organization needs a dedicated operations management team, who can not only effectively manage their operations but also make sure that regular advancements are made within the organization.

What Are Career Options in Operations Management Have Diverse Scope?

When you come to think of it, operations management as a profession is both an art and science. It is the art of managing people effectively with the help of science, and that is why this profession attracts people from different walks of life and trained in different skill sets. Starting from procurement to management and from conversion to distribution, if an organization has an effective and well-trained operations management team in place, the organization can not only increase its profitability and productivity but also turn the wheels of the economy. Recently, the number of jobs available in the operations management industry has drastically increased, and experts predict that this trend will be a steady rise in the coming years as well.

How an MBA in Banking and Finance can be helpful in the BFSI Sector? The banking and finance sector, also known as the BFSI sector, is one of the largest industries in India. The assets of Indian public sector banks alone are worth $1.5 trillion in FY20. Moreover, this industry is growing at a rapid pace. Why Technology Companies are Becoming a Magnet for MBA Students? Technology companies are attracting a lot of attention from MBA students these days. The growing demand for technology professionals is evident in how tech startups have attracted more money than any other industry over the past few years, and this trend is not expected to end anytime soon.

MBAs want to work at companies that will provide them with valuable skills, connections, and growth opportunities. What Are Career Options in Operations Management Have Diverse Scope? Top Big Data Analytics Challenges in Health Insurance! Have you ever wondered that by the end of 2025 there will be more than 200 Zettabytes of data available in global cloud storage? This ever-increasing data is either available in an unstructured or semi-structured form. The health insurance sector is one of the major contributors to this global data. The rapid digital transformation of the insurance sector is powered by artificial intelligence, machine learning and predictive analysis. Big data in the field of health insurance has started playing a crucial role. Does Your MBA In Banking And Finance Offer Global Exposure? The MBA program is structured in such a way that it prepares graduates to handle a wide range of business-related duties and situations. Thus, in some ways, the MBA supplemented one’s managerial skills while also developing one’s in-depth knowledge.

Graduates are offered competitive wage packages and appropriate roles that provide them with financial security, job satisfaction, and advancement opportunities. In addition, a newer format of the MBA program has emerged as a result of recent developments in the corporate world. Imarticus Learning Launched an MBA in Investment Banking and Equity Research in Collaboration with JAIN Online. Imarticus Learning, one of the leading vocational training companies in India, is cooperating with JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) to launch MBA training programs in the field of investment banking and equity research. The recently launched program aims to further strengthen JAIN (Deemed-to-be University)’s strong MBA programs in the field of investment banking. Therefore, all paradigms of the new investment banking business are covered.

The MBA aims to give students a deeper understanding of the key elements of the investment banking field and provide practical training for industry experts. The unique program will also provide an immersive educational experience. Why Does It Make Sense To Learn Digital Marketing Hands-on With Digital Advertising Agencies? Importance of Financial Analytics Courses in New-Age Careers.

What Does A Digital Marketing Manager Do? Do you know the world is increasingly Internet Driven? Yes, it is true there is no doubt about this. People even search out for small things on the Internet. Let’s take an example you are looking to buy an umbrella then you first visit the website that is selling an umbrella and then check out for prices. But we don’t know how these profits are coming on the Internet and what businesses are using to post their product on the websites.

This all can be possible only with the new marketing technique known as Digital marketing. All You Need To Know About CFA Degree and How Much CFAs Earn in India? A financial analyst is a professional with the financial skills needed to analyze financial information and make financial decisions. A chartered financial analyst (CFA) is one of the most respected titles in finance, with CFA holders earning more than other professionals on average. They have financial competency and business knowledge. Some roles a Chartered Financial Analyst plays are: Make decisions about companies, stocks, and industries to make money.Track performance of stocks & collect data for interpretation.Track and financial research positions (organization/industry).Evaluate current and historical data.Study financial statements to estimate value.Study economic and business trends. Investment Banking Courses, Training & Certification. What Are The Best Courses For Finance? Finance is one of the most sought-after education fields and short-term certifications in the domain are quite popular nowadays.

What Are the Career Options after Graduation? Earn Your Globally Recognized Online MBA And Upgrade Your Career In The Most Convenient Way Possible. Why Should One Go Through The Hassle of Earning An Online MBA? An online MBA may provide several benefits, including increased compensation, skill development, networking opportunities, and the possibility of job growth.

Career Opportunities in Blockchain and Skills Required to Increase Job Prospects! Earn Your Globally Recognized Online MBA And Upgrade Your Career In The Most Convenient Way Possible. Top Data Science Datasets Project Ideas for Beginners! Python Developer Salary And Certification Guide To Get You To The Top! Top R programming, SQL and Tableau Interview Questions & Answers! Your Search for The ‘Best Digital Marketing Course Near Me’ Ends Here! Recovery and Risk of Inflation in the Post-Covid-19 Economy!! Everything You Need To Know About Business Analyst Career in India! High Demand Online Classes To Learn At Imarticus! What does an Asset Manager do? An A to Z guide of Asset Management. Anti-Money Laundering: What Is It And Why It Matters? How To Apply Financial Analytics In Real-World Situations? How To Get An MBA Degree Without Breaking A Bank?

Do You Know Data Science Professionals Been Hired The Most ? Who Is A CFA And What Is Their Role? 10 Reasons To Say Yes To An Online MBA Courses! Boost Your Career In Banking And Finance Industry! Create High Career Impact With Online MBA Course! How Can Online MBA courses Help You Advance Your Career? Why MBA in Digital Finance & Banking: Scope, Skills & Opportunities? Top 5 reasons to choose the investment banking industry in India! Boost your Career and Secure a Job During the Pandemic by Availing our Great Fightback Offers today! Reinvent Your Career With Discounted Programs Against The Pandemic! Fightback Offer Social Media post.

Solve Real-world Text Analytics Problems With NLP! Python for beginners – What is Python And Why Is It Used? SP Jain Fintech Certification Your Career Needs! Role of Business Analysts in SCRUM and Why is a QA Best for This Role! AI, Data Science, Machine Learning Terms You Need to Know in 2021! Are Online MBA Degrees The MBA Degrees of The Future?

Why It Is Right Time To Pursue A Career in AI, ML and Data Science? How do traders working on cloud and data to cope with the new normal? The-top-tips-to-become-a-pro-business-development-manager. How Much Do Investment Bankers Earn in India? Interesting Puzzles To Prepare For Data Science Interviews ! Facing the challenge while an examination? Check an interesting format. What-makes-credit-underwriting-such-a-fascinating-career-option. How Can Digital Marketing Boost Your Brand Value? Are you a B.Com Graduate? Check Out Some Career Options! - Keen to Know What Transitions a Fintech Aspirant to a Fintech Expert? Check This Out! - How Data Science Training Will Ensure Business Continuity In The Post-Covid World? - What Are The Benefits of Doing Data Science Course? -

How The Fintech is Transforming Everyday Life? - What’s The Current Deal With Commodities Trading? Complete Guide To Vectors in Linear Algebra With Implementation in Python! Some Smart Money Management Tips To Tide Over The Covid-19 Crisis! How Much Do Investment Bankers Earn in India? Data Science and Analytics Career Trends for 2021! What to Know About Cryptocurrency? Why is Data Science a Good Career in 2021? How Imarticus Helped Job Seekers in Enhancing Finance Skills During Lockdown For Better Career Opportunities? Top 5 Courses From Imarticus That Empowers Women! Top Indian Women Conquering The World in AI, Analytics, Digital & Banking Sector!

Breaking the Data Science Myths For a Better Career! Post Graduate Program in Analytics & Artificial Intelligence. Blockchain and FinTech: Career Opportunity or Threat? Artificial Intelligence skilling has to start from a young age! How? Explore… Why Senior Leaders Must Take Lead For Cybersecurity Across Businesses? Top Tips on Asset Management! Data Analytics in Healthcare: Can a Techie Succeed in The World of Medicine? Imarticus Learning Post Graduate Program In Data Analytics.

Where to Find Your Next Affordable Fintech Course? How Blockchain is Changing Banking Industry? Hands-on Linear Regression Using Sklearn! A Complete Guide On How To Approach A Machine Learning Problem For Beginners! Best Practices For Personal Financial Management At Different Stages In Your Career! Data Science Job Opportunities Continue to Surge in 2021! The Top Data Analytics Certifications in 2020 For Advanced Data Expertise!

The Comprehensive Guide to A Business Management Career Path! Ever Thought of A Career in New-age Banking? You Must Check This Out! What Makes an Imarticus – UCLA Certified Analytics & AI Professionals To Be Forever in Demand. How Imarticus Helps The Young Adults Towards ‘on the job’ Learning With Their Future Education Plans? 20 Latest Data Science Jobs For Freshers! FinTech Ecosystem in India – Trends, Top Startups, Jobs, Challenges, and Opportunities.