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How to Deal with Images on the Web - Web Design Usability Guide. They say a picture is worth a thousand words.

How to Deal with Images on the Web - Web Design Usability Guide

True or not, images are an important part of any website we create. Since it is so easy to embed an image in a website (even the process of creating your own images is very easy), most websites are filled with them. There are some very good examples out there on how to deal with images in a website from different points of view, but most of the websites do not showcase positive examples. And while this is not entirely dangerous for a design, it might decrease your chances to sell, in case you have a call-to-action page, or the chances to create good reading flow.

It is more a matter of details than a matter of important principles, but dealing with images should be something designers understand and apply better. Jakob Nielsen, the expert in webpage usability, together with his company NN/g, did an eye tracking study and concluded it with an article posted on their site, titled Photos as Web Content. Quality and relevance Guiding the user.

Why the Flat Design Trend is Hurting Usability. The flat design trend has taken over the graphic design world in a very short amount of time.

Why the Flat Design Trend is Hurting Usability

One of the first big interfaces to go flat was Windows 8. However, it wasn’t until the release of Apple’s iOS 7 last summer, June 10, 2013 that we really saw a huge increase in the many interfaces, websites, apps, and more that adopted a flat design. Before then, most designs were skeuomorphic with lots of 3D effects, gradients, and texture. The look is both trendy and modern, and the new design trend is still surrounded by a buzz. But not all of the buzz is positive. Clearly, a trend that is being criticized so loudly by voices of authority in design and related fields needs to be examined. What is Flat Design? Des contre-exemples ergonomiques illustrés. Ergonomie web : les bonnes pratiques - STUDIO VITAMINE l'agence web. IHM, Ergonomie & expérience utilisateur. - Ergonomie et utilisabilité d'interface web - Conception centrée utilisateur.

Vive l'architecture de l'information (!) Résumé : après de nombreux mois passés dans notre QG de la ligne Maginot (il y avait une connexion wifi je puis vous l’assurer), nous voilà revenu avec quelque chose d’original, on l’espère, et de sympathique, ce serait encore mieux, à vous proposer : templates.IAFACTORY… Process, méthode, conception, outil, design… Tous les thèmes que nous chérissons sont réunis, cela mérite bien d’en faire un tour d’horizon.

vive l'architecture de l'information (!)

Tout part de 2 constats très simples : l’être humain est paresseux, toujoursen même temps, il est intelligent, presque toujours Voilà, à partir de là nous avons commencé à travailler sur templates.IAFACTORY. Non pas pour faire un outil intelligent destiné aux paresseux, mais plutôt un outil que l’on puisse utiliser en toute paresse afin d’en tirer le maximum d’intelligence. Ne faisons pas d’amalgame je vous prie. C’est sur cette étude de marché initiale (et infaillible) que se fonde la conception du projet templates.IAFACTORY. Note : à propos du nom, on a voulu faire simple. . .

Expérience utilisateur, Design, Ergonomie. Le blog qui plaide pour un Web meilleur60questions. Jacinthe Busson - Ergonomie web & mobile. Tests utilisateurs, eye tracking, ergonomie web et mobile, conception. Catégorie : Interfaces web. Nielsen Norman Group: UX Training, Consulting, & Research. Ergonomie Web / UX, How to Deal with Images on the Web - Web Design Usability Guide.

Articles. Articles ergonomie web et logiciel, architecture de l'information, utilisabilité – Ergolab.