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CSS & SASS : Augmentez votre productivité dans vos intégrations - ressources-css3. Les technologies évoluent de plus en plus, pas seulement avec l'arrivée du HTML5 et CSS3 mais dans nos process de développement. Notre métier de designer web est connu pour évoluer de jour en jour, où il faut s'adapter aux nouvelles tendances et aux différentes utilisations du web.

Aujourd'hui un tournant se fait dans les méthodes d'intégration au niveau du HTML et du CSS. Nous avons déjà parlé du Haml qui permet une simplification du code HTML. Désormais place à Sass (Syntactically Awesome StyleSheets) qui va révolutionner votre CSS ! Sass ne manque pas de style ! Sass est une extension de CSS3, ajoutant de nouvelles règles dans notre façon d'intégrer un web design. Vous avez surement déjà entendu parler de LESS ou SCSS ces dernières semaines, Sass va plus loin dans la simplification du code. Les caractéristiques de Sass Les variables : Les mixins : Les mixins reste la meilleure avancée en terme d'innovation et vous permet de rendre votre travail encore plus efficace et plus rapide. Incredibly Useful CSS Snippets. Below is a list of CSS snippets that will help you minimize headaches, frustration and save your time while writing css, and I hope you will find it useful.

Whether you are a experienced web developer, or just getting started with css, they are all worth checking out. Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source Source To use fonts from Google Font API, first reference the remote style sheet inside your <head>. Source Source These Css snippets can be used while coding and wordpress theme, which you can host on any cheap wordpress hosting server. Visit PsPrint Emeryville today to get huge online printing discount.

Please leave your comment about this post on the comment section below. CSS Lint. CSS3 Media Queries - Adapter un site à plusieurs résolutions d'écran. Les Medias Queries sont des propriétés CSS permettant d'adapter une page HTML à différents types d'écrans et résolutions. Imaginons que vous ayez développé un site web adapté aux résolutions classiques: 1024px / 1280px de largeur, qu'avec la démocratisation des smartphones et tablettes, vous souhaitiez rendre votre site compatible sur ces écrans, sans toucher au HTML...

Grâce aux CSS3 medias queries, extensions des types media en CSS2 (print, screen), c'est possible ! Voici quelques exemples de medias queries pratiques que vous pourriez utiliser sur vos prochaines réalisations web: Adapter le style de la page web en fonction des dimensions du navigateur via les medias queries Il peut être intéressant de connaître les dimensions de la zone d'affichage du navigateur de notre visiteur pour adapter au mieux la taille des listes, colonnes etc. Voici comment c'est possible en quelques lignes d'assigner un style particulier pour les navigateurs ayant pour largeur mini 400px et maxi 700px 1. 1. 2. 6. 1. Full Browser Width Bars. Block level elements are naturally as wide as their parent element. So let's say you put an <h2>in your <body> (and you've used reset CSS so there is no padding on the body) that <h2>is automatically the full width of the browser window.

It doesn't need any help. But it's pretty rare (and stupid) these days to set text at the full browser window width (for desktop/laptop size screens). It's just too wide, the line length is too long to be readable. It's reasonable that we would want an element to stretch the full width of the browser window, for aesthetic reasons, but limit the text inside to a readable width. Like this: One way to accomplish that is to have inner wrappers for the headers, like: <h2><div>Header</div><h2><p>... text ... That way the <h2>could be left to be full-width, but the <div> could be used to limit the width to the same width as the <p>'s.

But you know what that is: Nonsemantic!!!! With pseudo elements, we can! <section><h2>Header</h2><p>... text ... Update #1 Update #2. Amazing CSS3 techniques you should know. Color animate any shape with CSS3 and a PNG Let’s start this compilation with an interesting effect created using only CSS3: A png image with a changing background. The background is using CSS3 transitions. Not the kind of effect you’ll put on your website, but definitely an interesting demo of what CSS3 can do.View source: Create adaptable layout using CSS3 media queries CSS3 media queries allow you to adapt a web layout to the browser width. Dim entire page when certain link is rolled over, css way Very cool for web apps: Once a particular link is rolled over, the rest of the page is dimmed.

Clipping text with CSS3 text-overflow text-overflow is a new CSS3 property which allows you to define how to handle a text which is bigger than its container. Full Browser Width Bars Another goldie from Chris Coyier: In this tutorial, he’ll teach you how to create full browser width bars easily.View source: 56 Pure CSS Effects Javascript Alternatives Including Demos | Designs Mag (Designs Magazine) Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) is a document format which provides a set of style rules which can then be incorporated in an XHTML or HTML document. It is a means to separate web content from formatting and presentation information. Although CSS is generally considered a simple and straightforward language, sometimes it requires creativity, skill and a bit of experimentation.

The good news is that designers and developers worldwide often face similar problems and choose to share their insights and workarounds with the wider community. This is where we come in. We are always looking to collect such articles for our posts so that we can deliver the most useful and relevant content to our readers. Hope you like this post, Please don’t forget to , and like our for recent updates. Naaz 55 Unique jQuery Techniques and Tutorials Nowadays websites are relying more on HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery for animation and If you are a part of ... 28 Excellent HTML 5 & CSS3 Tutorials and Techniques. In defense of CSS hacks — introducing “safe CSS hacks” How do you target Internet Explorer in your CSS?

Do you use CSS hacks, conditional stylesheets or something else? It’s the perfect trollbait. There have been plenty of discussions about this, and I don’t mean to start a new one. Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, but the thing is that it’s not purely a philosophical matter. I am writing this article because I noticed there’s a lot of misunderstanding on the subject of CSS hacks. People have been advocating three different approaches: conditional stylesheets, CSS hacks, or conditional classnames. All these techniques have their pros and cons. Conditional stylesheets Conditional comments make it very easy to specify stylesheets that should only be loaded in Internet Explorer, or even in specific versions of that browser. This snippet will cause lte-ie-8.css to be loaded in IE8, IE7, IE6 and even in IE5. Pros The conditional comments snippet is valid HTML. Cons Conditional classnames The conditional classes snippet is valid HTML.

20 Useful Collections Of CSS3 Cheat Sheet, Tips And Resources. 25 CSS Snippets for Some of the Most Common and Frustrating Tasks. In this post we have 25 CSS snippets and hacks that will solve many of the most frequently used and, at times, frustrating CSS development tasks. Why reinvent the wheel when there are already plenty of time-saving pre-written CSS code snippets? As well as some classic and timeless CSS hacks you will also find many CSS3 snippets, like box-shadow, border-radius,linear-gradient and many more. Adding shadow to text – text-shadow Helps make your text stand out from the rest. Source Adding an image-based border – border-image You can create any kind of border you want for any object(s) on your website using this.

Adding shadow to borders and images – box-shadow Helps make your borders and images “pop” from the background more, giving a subtle 3D-like visual cue that it’s something separate, in the foreground, and the thing that visitors should be looking at. Adding rounded corners – border-radius Self-explanatory. Adding individual rounded corners – border-radius Adding a gradient – linear-gradient.

CSS Débutant : cours et tutoriels sur les feuilles de style CSS. CSS Stress Testing and Performance Profiling | Andy Edinborough. Now let me explain: I have been losing my sanity over the oddest issue. The project I’m working on right now has a fairly complex stylesheet. Performance for the site is absolutely critical.

I’ve done my best to squeeze and optimize every line I can. In all browsers, it runs like a champion. Except IE9. It runs terribly in IE9. To make matters worse, it runs fine in IE8, IE7, and though it’s mangled, it even runs in IE6! Something specific to IE9 was causing a serious performance glitch. Sadly, no one had an answer So, as I lay there in the corner of the closet, weeping bitterly, I realized that writing my own CSS stress tester wouldn’t be that difficult. Of course it took a while to work out the exact implementation. My first implementation was written synchronously. Instead of: var time0 = new Date().getTime(); window.scrollBy(0,100);var delta = (new Date().getTime()) - time0; I needed to add an event handler to window.scroll, scroll the page, then capture time in the event. CSS Data Table Techniques and Resources. Tables continue to be one of the best ways to present a lot of information in a easy-to-read manner.

From side-by-side comparisons to big data presentation, tables feed into our human desire of wanting to see things as organized grids. And while tables have been part of HTML practically since it begun, CSS has allows HTML tabular data to progress to be more advanced, usable, and, well, darn good-looking. In this article you will find a selection of tutorials and resources for styling HTML data tables with only CSS. CSS Data Table Techniques Pimp Your Tables with CSS3 A tutorial and reference guide on how to make your tables look really sexy using CSS3. Feature Table Design with CSS3 If you love shadows, rounded corners, gradients and all of the marvelous CSS3 features, then you will love this tutorial.

Pure CSS Scrollable Table with Fixed Header This downloadable table gives you a scroll-able single HTML table with a fixed header. Table Styling with CSS (Video Tutorial) The Blueprint CSS Framework – Tutorials, How-to Guides and Tools. CSS frameworks are a Gods send. They speed up development, ensure usability, meet all W3C standards, compatabile across most browsers and a hell of a lot more. Sounds marvelous doesn’t it. Why doesn’t everybody use them? Well, for the novice developer, frameworks, may be a little bit tricky to get there head around? That is were this article comes in, to hopefully give everybody a better understanding of what a framework is and how to use it effectively. The Blueprint CSS Framework Toolbox “Blueprint is a CSS framework, which aims to cut down on your development time.

What does Blueprint offer? A CSS reset that eliminates the discrepancies across browsers.A solid grid that can support the most complex of layouts.Typography based on expert principles that predate the web.Form styles for great looking user interfaces.Print styles for making any webpage ready for paper.Plugins for buttons, tabs and sprites.Tools, editors, and templates for every step in your workflow. Source files: Scripts: How To Use CSS3 Pseudo-Classes - Smashing Magazine. Advertisement CSS3 is a wonderful thing, but it’s easy to be bamboozled by the transforms and animations (many of which are vendor-specific) and forget about the nuts-and-bolts selectors that have also been added to the specification. A number of powerful new pseudo-selectors (16 are listed in the latest W3C spec1) enable us to select elements based on a range of new criteria. Before we look at these new CSS3 pseudo-classes, let’s briefly delve into the dusty past of the Web and chart the journey of these often misunderstood selectors.

A Brief History Of Pseudo-Classes When the CSS12 spec was completed back in 1996, a few pseudo-selectors were included, many of which you probably use almost every day. :link:visited:hover:active Each of these states can be applied to an element, usually <a>, after which comes the name of the pseudo-class. CSS2 Arrives Hot on the heels of CSS1 was CSS24, whose recommended spec was published just two years later in May 1998.

Why Use Pseudo-Classes? Sample Code. Nicely Done CSS. Play Sound on :hover. When you google around for how to play a sound with CSS, you'll find: Some stuff about Counter Strike: SourceSome stuff about play-during and cue-before and stuff that looks promising but really it's for aural stylesheets (accessibility / screen reader stuff) not just how to make donkey grunts when you roll over a menu item in any ol' browser I'd argue that sounds are part of design and thus the ability to play/trigger it belongs in CSS, but alas, we're not there yet. To play sounds when the mouse goes over a certain area, we're going to need to rely on HTML5 or Flash. But nobody around here wants to deal with Flash right?

So let's do it with HTML5, which can play sound through its <audio> element (Firefox 3.5+, Chrome 3+, Opera 10.5+, Safari 4+, IE 9+). To get as much browser support as we can, we'll do it like this with both an MP3 source (WebKit and IE) and an OGG source (Firefox and Opera). If you insert the code exactly as above into a page, you won't see or hear anything. Related. Le petit journal permanent de CSS3 — 100+ ressources pour commencer. 50 Useful Tools and Generators for Easy CSS Development. The Pros And Cons Of CSS Resets. A recent comment by Chris on my post about css vs tables, reminded me that developing cross-browser css still gives people trouble. Fortunately there’s an easy solution, which is to use a css reset file. However css resets have some cons along with the pros. Here’s Chris’ comment: One issue is that different browsers have different definitions of the padding and the margin variables. The fact that different browsers and different versions of browsers look at these and other variables differently is a really pain.

All true except for that last part about it being a pain to develop cross-browser css. I want to talk about the problem of different presentational defaults used by browsers, and then talk about how css resets solve the problem and why you may not want to use a css reset. The Problem of Browser Defaults When you add an <h1>to a web page, but don’t specifically style it in any way, that <h1>will by default have some styles associated with it. The Simple Solution Pros Cons Summary. CSS References, Tutorials, Cheat Sheets, Conversion Tables and Short Codes. Whether you’re a CSS guru or a CSS novice you will always need some help, some resources, some tutorials, some references and, of course, some cheat sheets. In this article we have collected the best resources for answering all possible CSS questions as well as how to understand CSS and how to use it properly.

There are also CSS property references, cheat sheets, not only typical cheat sheets, but also cheat sheets for CSS frameworks, conversion tables and CSS short-hand. CSS Reference and Learning Core CSS: Part I Most people have learned CSS the same way they’ve learned HTML—by viewing source, copying template codes, reading books and articles. Core CSS: Part II Core CSS: Part II covers CSS 2.0/2.1 selectors. Core CSS: Part III To understand and manage attractive design and layouts, gaining an appreciation for the how to manage the CSS Box Model, Floats and Positioning is paramount. SitePoint CSS Reference CSS Basics CSS Basics is a fantastic CSS learning and reference resource. Cheat Sheets. CSS 3 selectors explained. CSS3 « CSS3 Wizardry. Different Stylesheets for Differently Sized Browser Windows.

Top 10 CSS 3 forms tutorials -