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Games for learning English. Make a Scratch-Off Photo Valentine. Scratch-off cards sure know how to take you on an emotional roller coaster.

Make a Scratch-Off Photo Valentine

First you’re filled with gleeful anticipation and then, womp-womp. It’s a dud! Lucky for us, our buddy Brit showed us a sure way to always get a winning scratch-off. She taught us how to turn Polaroids (or any photo) into the best scratch-off card ever. You can make your own easy scratch-offs using dish soap and acrylic paint. Give one of these away to your crush or BFF for Valentine’s Day! How to Make a Scratch-Off Photo p.s. Why Scratch-Offs Rule That lucky person you give your scratch-off Polaroid to will think you gave them an unexposed photo.

Direct from Brit, here’s a primer on making DIY scratch-offs: What You’ll Need: A Polaroid camera and film ORA 3″x3″ glossy photo printBlack acrylic paintDish soapScotch tapePaper plate (or surface for mixing paint)Piece of paperPaint brushBlack marker Step 1 – TAKE A PHOTO The easiest way to get a Polaroid photo is to shoot one! Step 2 – MIX PAINT + DISH SOAP Step 4 – PAINT. Zunal WebQuest Maker. EvalQCM, générateur de QCM à correction automatique. Create An Interactive, Label-Based Image Quiz! Thanks to Larry Ferlazzo for sharing this resource!

Create An Interactive, Label-Based Image Quiz!

ImageQuiz is a fantastic new website that lets users create image-based quizzes with ease. Just upload your image, choose a title, and begin tagging the locations of the labels. Tagging works by drawing on the image to define what the quiz should test people on, and then labeling each of those tags. It is very easy to use and has a basic, simple interface and best of all – no signup required! This means you can get students to create their own quizzes without worrying about them having to create accounts and then forgetting the passwords… For example, below is a screenshot of a quiz someone created about the parts of a bicycle. As you can see, it even keeps score, so you can use it as an assessment in the classroom if you would like. Graphic Organizers « Interactive Graphic Organizer. Holt Interactive Graphic Organizers "Graphic organizers are tools that help your brain think.

Interactive Graphic Organizer

" - Kylene Beers Graphic organizers are an illustration of your thoughts on paper. They can help you brainstorm, organize, and visualize your ideas. Click on a graphic organizer to download a PDF of it. Once you’ve downloaded an organizer, type in your comments and print it out. Each graphic organizer below includes Teaching Notes with lessons and tips on how to use graphic organizers in the classroom. Help with PDF Files Generating, Identifying, and Organizing Details Determining Main Idea and Drawing Conclusions Order and Sequence Comparison-Contrast and Cause and Effect Process and Cycle Diagrams Evaluating and Making Decisions Persuasive and Supporting a Position. Graphic Organizers. Générateurs d'exercices (Opérations posées) Générateur d'exercices de conjugaison. FREE Mobile Rhyming Dictionary. MAKE BELIEFS COMIX! Online Educational Comic Generator for Kids of All Ages.

La Mejor Manera para Crear y Compartir Comics en el Mundo. SurveyMonkey: Free online survey software & questionnaire tool. Générateur ludopédagogique du CRDP de l'Académie de versailles. English Exercises. Générateurs d'exercices - [Le site de Pestouillette] Netquiz Pro, un créateur d'exercices à publier sur un ordinateur ou sur le web.

Présentation de Netquiz Pro Dans la lignée des créateurs d’exercices, Netquiz Pro se présente comme une vraie petite merveille.

Netquiz Pro, un créateur d'exercices à publier sur un ordinateur ou sur le web

Ce logiciel permet de réaliser des questionnaires avec pas moins de 13 types d’exercices différents qu’il vous sera possible de consulter sur internet ou directement depuis votre ordinateur par le biais d’un simple navigateur web. Comme le programme est bien pensé, il est possible de rassembler des groupes de questions dans différentes sections pour mieux organiser son questionnaire. Le côté intuitif de cet outil ainsi que sa documentation complète font de ce logiciel un outil à tester sans hésiter. Fonctionnement du logiciel Le programme fonctionne de la façon suivante: Création des différentes questions en choisissant parmi les 13 types d’exercicesRegroupement des questions dans différentes sections (facultatif)Composition du questionnaire regroupant l’ensemble des questionsExportation du questionnaire au format html. GetPolling! Create free online polls in seconds. No registration required!

Créer un magazine gratuitement. - modules d'apprentissage interactifs et multimédia. Testmoz - The Test Generator. Generateur de mots croisés. Générateur de mots cachés. Générateur de mots mêlés. Générateur de rébus. Crossword Puzzle Games - Create Puzzles. Create A Crossword Puzzle Enter up to 20 words and hints (clues) below to create your own puzzles.

Crossword Puzzle Games - Create Puzzles

There's no need to use all 20 words, you could use as little as two. Hints can be left blank. This free online crossword creator software can be a great tool for educators. Add puzzles to web sites for fun. If your puzzle has too much blank space in it, try starting with 10-14 words. This is the first version of the crossword puzzle creator software. Samples made with this free online puzzle maker : Easter FunSt.

A free cryptogram maker is also available to create even more of your own word puzzles. Générateur de feuilles. Générateur de frises. Générateur de feuilles pour l'aide à la dyspraxie. Générateur de diplômes en ligne.