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Unit 301 breakdown. 5 Terrific Examples of Company Social Media Policies. 9 Ways to Measure Your Social Media Success. Albert Einstein once said “not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts” this is a hugely compelling statement, but who knew it would still be so relevant today. In a sense, Einstein has hit the social media nail on the head. Integrating social media into your overall marketing strategy can bring huge business benefits, yet, these are both tangible and intangible and as a result, not every aspect of your social media success can be measured. It’s easy to get lost in social media but how can you really ensure you’re getting a clear ROI? With regards to social media, we like to term this ‘Return on Involvement’; and it’s vital that you ensure you’re seeing a return on all your social media time and efforts.

There are many ways to measure your social media success, though it’s worth keeping in mind that as well as bringing tangible benefits, social media can also prove (intangibly) priceless! How to measure social media success? Here’s just a few: Setting SMARTER Goals in 7 Easy Steps. How to define SMART marketing objectives. When identifying specific marketing objectives to support your long-term goals, it is common practice to apply the widely used SMART mnemonic. You will know that SMART is used to assess the suitability of objectives set to drive different strategies or the improvement of the full range of business processes. One of the main reasons that we called our site and service SMART Insights is because we wanted to help marketers succeed through using a more structured approach to planning to give more realistic targets they could be more confident of achieving.

Using SMART objectives and then measuring them through properly customised analytics reports is a big part of how we hope to help too. With SMART objectives documented in Plans linking objectives to strategies and KPIs everyone is sure exactly what the target is, progress towards it can be quickly and regularly reviewed, for example through an Ecommerce dashboard and, if necessary, action can be taken to put the plan back on target. 1. Social Media Plan. When creating a new social media marketing plan, you should first take a step back and look at the big picture. What do you want to achieve? What’s currently working and not working?

What are your top competitors doing on social media? To help you get started, watch this 60-minute webinar covering some simple steps to follow—from setting goals and auditing existing social accounts to creating a realistic content plan and editorial calendar. This webinar will share best practices used by other organizations, and leave you with practical tips you can apply to your own social strategy, including how to: Set achievable—and impactful—social media objectives and goalsCreate your content strategy and a series of social media templates for contentTrack, evaluate, and refine your social media marketing plan for better results Ready to take the next step toward becoming a social business? Your interactive demo will include: What is Social Amplification for Digital Marketing? | gShift. Over the past few months, we have been exploring the various components of a digital content marketing strategy through multiple blog series. We first reviewed how to identify digital conversations and create smarter content.

We then took a look at the various types of digital content and content distribution strategies for each. Today we’re kicking off the newest series; Using Social Amplification to Get Your Brand Heard. In this series, we’re going to look at how to extend the lifespan on your digital content and distribution strategy by leveraging social amplification and influencers. What is Social Amplification First off, let’s identify the difference between social distribution and social amplification. Amplifying your message through social implies more than just your brand promoting it through your own channels.

Social distribution is your brand sharing your digital content on your channels. How to Encourage and Nurture Social Amplification Social amplification can start in-house. The Importance of Online Reputation Management for Small Businesses. Having a good digital footprint for your small business is absolutely essential in the modern age of information technology. Your company’s digital footprint basically refers to your online reputation. Whether you are aware of it or not, your business, along with the hundreds of thousands of others out there, has an online reputation that may or may not be positive. Buyers post reviews about your services and products not only on your website and related forums but also on a host of social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

Even the slightest hint of a negative reputation online can be enough to drive your customers away. This is why it is absolutely vital that you pay attention to online reputation management for your small business. Research conducted by various public relations firms has thrown up surprising results regarding a business’s online reputation. Managing your online reputation Maintain a complete website: Simply having a website on the internet is not enough. Reputation policy doc. Social media policy. A research paper from the Institute of Employment Studies, commissioned by Acas, highlights the difficulties some employers have in setting standards of behaviour for employees' use of social media.

It advises employers to take a "common sense stance" in regulating conduct and treat 'electronic behaviour' as it would 'non-electronic behaviour'. Key points Work out a policy: An employer should set out in writing what it regards as acceptable behaviour in the use of social media at work and what is unacceptable.It should also give clear guidelines for employees on what they can and cannot say about the organisation.Draw a line between private and work lives: An employer should be clear throughout its policy in making a distinction between business and private use of social media. Acas Senior Policy Advisor Adrian Wakeling talks about social media in the workplace.

What should the social media policy cover? How to communicate your social media policy Legal considerations. 10 ways to measure social media success. There’s so much talk about social media that it is easy for people to become cynical, perhaps losing track of the fact that it can have a positive impact on your business. So how can you determine whether a social media strategy is proving beneficial to your business? How do you know that it is working out for you? And is now really the best time to find out? Rather than focusing on individual social media campaigns, I’d like to look at social media measurement from the perspective of a business that a) buys into social media, b) commits to it over a period of time, and as such c) has an integrated social media strategy. You people know who you are!

Let it breathe The key with social media measurement, I think, is to stand back and take a widescreen approach to measurement. To do this effectively, you’ll need to give your social media strategy time. Take the Skittles campaign. Social media vs TV advertising Here I want to make a small point on accuracy, and attribution. Take a snapshot 1. 2. What is an Influencer? | CoolBrands. What is an Influencer? An influencer is a person who is well-connected and who is regarded as influential and in-the-know; someone who is looked to for advice, direction, knowledge and opinions. People like CEOs, CMOs, PR Professionals, Creative People, Bloggers, Journalists and other Experts. Today, targeting influential people with large networks and getting them to help boost the coolness and interest level of brands, products and ideas is an increasingly effective way of spreading news. The right influencers can help build your brand by sharing your brand story through their networks.

The influencers in our network are involved in the distribution program of our stories. They receive the stories (be it online or in the book) and accept the responsibility of sharing the stories in their networks. 1. Every brand that is part of Around the World in 80 Brands is part of the distribution program. 25.000 books are being shared to 25.000 influencers. 2. 3. Read some of the stories on: Brand Statements - The Joy of Business. When I talk to people about brands, they usually think of a logo or the marketing material of a company. If we take one of the big boys such as Nike, for example, you might immediately think of that little arrow they use for their logo, or the “just do it” strap line. But Nike’s brand is much more than that. Brand is what people feel when they think of a company. So for Nike this might be: “just do it”trainerssweatshopsblack rappersover priced goodscool design Considering Nike spends millions each year on promoting their brand, this is a bit of a mixed bag, with some definite “don’t want to buy” feelings in there.

Brand is just as important, if not more so, for smaller businesses as well as the big corporate. What makes up your brand? Remember that your brand is what people feel about your company.If your company is mostly yourself, then it’s what people feel about you, and your personal brand becomes the company. Brand is… Marketing material Personal brand Customers Service Media Where to start. How to Write a Branding Statement. Difference between “purpose”, “aim”, “target”, “goal”, “objective”, and “ambition” Social Media Tools. Social Media & Social Networks. Blogs / Social Media Articles. Social Media & Social Networks.

Marketing, social media tips. Marketing Plan Templates. 50 Sophisticated Words You Should Start Using Instead. Your New Year's resolutions might have included getting more exercise, or going back to school to get your degree. Might we humbly suggest you also take this time of starting things anew by phasing out some of the played-out words in your vocabulary and replacing them with creative alternatives? Don’t feel bad; everyone you know has been guilty of letting a "fail" or an "LOL" slip at least once in a while. But those words are tired. They need a long rest. Here are 50 sophisticated utterances to deploy instead. Cyber Substitutes Supreme: Epic doesn’t mean what you think it means.

Better Buzzwords Donjon: Men, have you been relegated to a small segment of the house referred to as your "man cave? " Underage Upgrades Alas: "Oh, snap" is so out. Professional Pick-me-ups Demiurgic: "Innovative" is the second-most overused resume filler word. Romantic Retools Cherish: Take a lesson from The Association and discover another way to say "I love you. " Dignified Descriptors. Mission Statements of Digital Agencies and Startups | Smart Digital Business. Ahhhh, the good old Mission Statement. Remember in Part 2 of “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Entrepreneurs” series where we talked about the fact that ‘Highly Effective’ Digital Entrepreneurs all have one? As mentioned in Habit 2, “A mission statement gives a business a framework and helps give it definition and an identity.” Well, when I was doing the research for that post, I couldn’t find any great lists of example Mission Statements specifically from Digital Businesses.

How could something so important have so few good resources I hear you ask? Well you’re right – and this post should help! To help solve the problem I have collated a list of Mission Statements from smaller Digital Agencies and Startups and then a separate list from larger Corporations. A couple of points: This will be a living blog post – I will add to this list over time. Through my research of Mission statements it has become very clear that there are multiple definitions of what a Mission Statement is. breatheHR. HP. 9 Tips for Becoming a Social Media Influencer Social Media Examiner. Do you want people to come to you for social media advice? Are you trying to become a social media influencer? Publishing on social media is a great way to share expert knowledge and develop your influencer status. In this article I’ll share nine tips that can help you become a social media influencer. Discover nine tips for becoming a social media influencer.

Listen to this article: Listen now: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 8:19 — 7.8MB) Subscribe: Android | #1: Find Your Focus To become an influencer, master a specific topic within your niche. Either focus on one social media industry such as social media marketing or public relations, or on a single platform like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest or Instagram. For example, Sue B. Master one topic to become a true expert. Start small and learn as much as you can about your desired niche through research and experimentation. . #2: Subscribe to Platform Blogs Social media is unique because it is in constant flux. . #9: Engage Online. How To Find and Engage With Social Media Influencers.

Influencer marketing, also known as branded content or working with creators, is a surefire way to expand the reach of your brand on social media. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to making this strategy work, but with the right planning and research, just about every business can benefit. Let’s look at how to make a social media influencer program work for you. Bonus: Get the influencer marketing strategy template to easily plan your next campaign and choose the best social media influencer to work with. What is influencer marketing? At its simplest, an influencer is someone who can influence others. In influencer marketing, a form of social media marketing, brands pay that person to promote their product or service to their followers. Celebrity endorsements were the original form of influencer marketing. So, a social media influencer is someone who wields their influence through social media.

Not convinced that advertising with influencers can lead to real business results? 1. 2. 3. 6. Online strategy and personal brand management. Social Media Roundup.