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Guy turns his house into a Halloween light show. Park Like a Boss: Slippery road or nerves of steel? [VIDEO] Instants! Collection. Dogs Don't Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving. Packing all of your belongings into a U-Haul and then transporting them across several states is nearly as stressful and futile as trying to run away from lava in swim fins.

Dogs Don't Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving

I know this because my boyfriend Duncan and I moved from Montana to Oregon last month. But as harrowing as the move was for us, it was nothing compared to the confusion and insecurity our two dogs had to endure. Our first dog is - to put it delicately - simple-minded. Our other dog is a neurotic German shepherd mix with agonizingly low self-esteem who has taken on the role of "helper dog" for our simple dog.

Neither dog is well-equipped with coping mechanisms of any kind. When we started packing, the helper dog knew immediately that something was going on. When the soul-penetrating pathos she was beaming at me failed to prevent me from continuing to put things in boxes, the helper dog became increasingly alarmed. Unfortunately for the helper dog, it took us nearly a week to get everything packed up. Cretive Design Art Photos and Artworks. American designer Justin Barber presented a series of papers Truth and Lies , in which he tried to develop a theme presenting the lies we tell ourselves and others.

Cretive Design Art Photos and Artworks

On posters written phrase, we usually say out loud, and in brackets says that we actually have in mind. Creative Graphic design artist used there is simple and stylish. Everyday Life Fails. Mum Said Play Out Side For Once... So We Did!!! 474 Things To Do When You're Bored. The 10 Types of Crappy Interviewees. All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2015 Matthew Inman.

The 10 Types of Crappy Interviewees

Please don't steal. was lovingly built using CakePHP All artwork and content on this site is Copyright © 2015 Matthew Inman. Please don't steal. was lovingly built using CakePHP. The Animé Café - Café Latté. Get Out of The Car. 3317_fd62.jpeg (346×518) They Will Never Have A Girlfriend. The 11 Most Amazing Autocorrect Fails from Look What I Found - StumbleUpon. 80 Funny Signs - StumbleUpon. ← Previous Post Next Post → 80 Funny Signs jon February 19, 2011 8 Other Stuff You Might Also Like» The 9 Most Unusual Models On The Planet The Greatest Resignation Letter Of All Time The 20 Most Horrifying Sports Faces How Dead Rock & Roll Legends Would Look Today The Most Awkward Baby Photos Ever Taken How Deaf People Think How Spam Came to Mean Junk Mail How to Remove Stripped Screws Origin of the Words Geek and Nerd 10 Interesting Celebrity Facts 10 Interesting Human Body Facts 8 Interesting Facts About Businesses Quick Facts Rage Comics This Day in History 8 Comments » blah February 28, 2011 at 9:31 pm - the math equation is wrong, there shouldn’t be a negative after you take the integral.

80 Funny Signs - StumbleUpon

Leave A Response » Facts via 23,876 SubscribersEmail marketing powered by MailChimp Interesting Facts on Facebook Recent Posts Stay Off The Grass May 2, 2012, No Comments Your Dog Is Gay May 2, 2012, No Comments Trained Monkey May 1, 2012, No Comments Pee In The Pool May 1, 2012, No Comments Um, No Thank You. HOW TO TICK PEOPLE OFF. How commercial airplanes SHOULD be laid out - The Oatmeal - StumbleUpon.

Husband banned from Target - StumbleUpon. Husband banned from Target After I retired, my wife insisted that I accompany her on her trips to Target.

Husband banned from Target - StumbleUpon

Unfortunately, like most men, I found shopping boring and preferred to get in and get out. Equally unfortunate, my wife is like most women - she loves to browse. Yesterday my dear wife received the following letter from our local Target. Dear Mrs. Over the past six months, your husband has caused quite a commotion in our store.. 1. 2. 3. 4. The End of the Internet. Blonde vs. Zombie. Dear blank, please blank. Wenn man nicht aufpasst, kann es passieren, dass man ohne es zu merken gleich mehrere Stunden auf der “Dear blank, please blank” Homepage verbringt.

Dear blank, please blank

Wenn ich nicht so vorsichtig wär, würde ich wahrscheinlich jetzt noch dasitzen und eine lustige Kurznachricht nach der anderen lesen. Wer von euch ausreichend Zeit hat, sollte sich die Seite nicht entgehen lassen. Es ist jedoch besser die Finger davon zu lassen, wenn man noch bei der Arbeit ist. Für diejenigen habe ich hier eine kurze Light-Version zusammengestellt: Die Karten sind hier im Etsy Shop für jeweils 4,50 Dollar erhältlich. Dude Eats Bacon - StumbleUpon. T-SHIRT WAR!! (stop-motion music video) - StumbleUpon. Learn Something Everyday -