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Photon 3D. :: Geoffrey Dorne :: Graphic Designer in Paris :: Designer graphique à Paris :: Graphiste :: M/M (Paris) — established 1992. Egg Savior – Blender for an Android game. The Android game Egg Savior used Blender for the production of their in-game graphics.

Ruben Lopez writes: Egg Savior is a free independent game for Android devices. It is a kind of platform game mixed with a bit of puzzle where you can’t control the main character, only the environment.It is a 2D game but all the graphics have been prerendered with Blender. All the behaviours of the main character (the chicken) were animated and rendered in blender, and composed in a sprite atlas for fast access within the game.Blender is a great tool for prerendered graphics. With its powerful AA filters, it is very easy to get an impeccable finish for the sprites (tip: use the Catrom filter for low resolution art). With its python scripting support it is quite straightforward for a programmer to integrate it on any pipeline.Here you have a short in-game video (I do not want to reveal how to complete a full level ;) It looks like you're using an ad blocker.


Images. 3d. Blogs remarquables. Magazine du graphisme design illustration video 3D: Gilbert & George. 55 logos et leurs histoires surprenantes. Article Publié en 2010 Pour une fois, l'article du jour va se focaliser sur une autre facette de la publicité, essence même de la marque : le logo. Le logo est ce qu'on pourrait appeler la véritable représentation graphique de la marque. Plus son taux de mémorisation est élevé, plus on le juge efficace. Des marques sont reines avec leurs logos : Mc Donalds, Apple, Nike ... mais d'autres ont eu plus de mal avant de trouver une identité graphique "stable". Ensemble, découvrons 55 logos, leurs histoires, anecdotes et évolutions et même des idées de génie. I - L'automobile Si il y a bien une filière où le logo est central, c'est l'automobile.

Toyota : Le logo de la marque Japonaise est en parfaite adéquation avec les valeurs du dirigeant et de sa doctrine : le Toyotisme. BMW : Le logo de BMW est l'un des rares à avoir aussi peu changé. Les couleurs viennent du drapeau de la Bavière, région d'origine de la marque. Fiat : Elle est sans doute l'une des marques qui a le plus changé de logo. Rainbow Thread Art - Le LiveStream de la Kitchen Crea. Computer Generated Imagery. C'est l'heure de courir déjeuner ! - Le LiveStream de la Kitchen Crea. Vintage Calendars | @GrainEdit. TheFWA. Industrial Painter | Commercial Painters | Industrial Painters | Commercial Painter | Painting Contractor. Co.Design - Fri, Oct 08 2010. Open Xerox: imaging-demos Service Home Page.

Xerox has extensive expertise in computer vision and imaging and this site presents some of our technologies through a range of easy to use demos. In many cases we use a combination of methods to solve real-world digital information management problems ranging from stock photography, digital asset management and personalised imaging through to cross-media search and smarter document technologies.

We include here some mature technologies, and also some experimental demos which are in beta (or even alpha!) Versions. New ideas and demos will come and go on the page, as we try out new things and get user feedback. Take a look, have fun, and let us know what you think! Similar Image Search For many applications, you need to search for similar images based on an image query -- rather than a keyword search on the web which returns images from related web pages that contain those keywords.

Image Categorizer In this demo we give some examples of image categorisation. Natural Language Color.


A Graphic Guide to Facebook Portraits. Everyone is aware of how significantly Facebook has impacted modern technologies such as online communication, information aggregation, and boyfriend stalking. Less noticed, but just as profound, is its influence on art. Just as refinements in mirror crafting led to an increase in self portrait production during the Renaissance, Facebook's steady, unrelenting invasion of every crevice in the civilized world has led to a new renaissance in portraiture, notable for its creation by people who wouldn't know good art if it friend requested them. These office workers and bored teens have replaced Okies and deranged shut-ins as the ultimate outsider artists; not only do they lack formal artistic training, most lack even the desire to create art.

However, with this humble, ad hoc genre a complex visual dialogue has emerged, and its unique vocabulary reveals much about the modern world. Click to Expand.