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Contribute to Lost At E Minor. Daily Factory - What we love, what we do. SAVOIR FAIRE. Official Electro News & Dubstep News. New Music, Album Reviews, Videos, Mixtapes, Live Music Coverage. Plump plum. Disco naïveté. We Listen For You. Music Store Selling Vinyl Records, Band Posters, Shirts, MP3s, Turntables, Headphones and more - Overfitting Disco. YoungCreature. Capsule – Keep Hope Alive. » Too Many Sebastians. Cinéma pour Adulte. Cinema pour Adulte. Mercury Music Group recherche son chef de projets web. Un Monde Ordinaire. Film and Video About Synopsis Thierry vit à Crémeaux, un petit village agricole de la Loire.

Un Monde Ordinaire

Naviguant entre des espaces clos, d’un monde à un autre sur sa mobylette, il confie à la réalisatrice son angoisse de ne pas être comme les autres. David Bowie: regardez la vidéo perdue de 1973. LE DERNIER ARRIVÉ. Mad Respect · Topspin. As this calendar year fades for Topspin, I look back at what our team has achieved.

Mad Respect · Topspin

We have been heads down, working hard to make radical improvements in our products and throughout the company. We’ve significantly progressed, and the Topspin team deserves all the credit for being exceptionally productive and fun to work with. Last week we released a simple metric in our Topspin Platform app that calculates the average value of an artist’s fan. This AVF metric is an early precursor to how we will eventually measure the Life-time Value (LTV) of an artist’s fan in Topspin. It’s just the beginning and will evolve into a more useful number to help artists figure out how much they can afford to spend in acquiring fans in different promotional channels.

Sometimes it’s easy to get rubbed the wrong way with terms like “advertising,” “profit,” “LTV,” when talking about art and artists.


LA BLOGOTHEQUE. Magicrpm : news indie-pop-rock, infos musique, concerts-live, video-clip, interviews, albums, actu. CUT//COPY. 69. Obz. LOUIS LOUIS BLOG. Empreintes Digitales. Umstrum. Boing Poum Tchak! Juicy! Do You Want a Cup of Tee ? Ina Radio. Bagarre - Lemonsweet (Disco version) Janvier 2010. Chaque semaine, un DJ nous confie un mix inédit. Cette semaine, c'est au tour de Bruno Chabert (aka La Franche Touche ou LFT) remarqué lors de l'édition 2009 du festival Marsatac. Il nous propose cette semaine un mix/live uniquement constitué de boucles composées par ses soins, un concept original franchement dancefloor à la dimension émotionnelle évidente. Bruno Chabert (LFT) - Le Mix Secret (Pour Télérama-Radio) 1/ On est au Bresil2/ He knows (feat MJ)3/ Encore un morceau disco4/ J'aime pas la funk et la disco (feat.

Listen to your difference. Scotch & Murder Music. The Dadada. BIGSTEREO. When Saints Go Machine - “Konkylie” No Fear Of Pop. Top musique 2010 par Edwood. Arcade Fire - The Suburbs Une place d'honneur dans le top album, compensée par la haute présence de Sprawl II dans le classement des meilleures chansons.

Top musique 2010 par Edwood

Il faut avouer qu'à part ce moment de grâce, The Suburbs ne tient pas la distance et s'essouffle bien plus rapidement que les deux premiers albums du groupe. Il n'en demeure pas moins un opus remarquable. Mention spéciale : et si on écrivait un disque entier pour une seule chanson ? The Books - The Way Out Pas de vraie surprise sur ce nouvel opus de The Books, mais la continuité dans un style qui a fait date. DWWW. Fancy Sounds. PHASE02 - Love for art and music. Arjanwrites music blog. Swedish Dance Duo Nause Unveils New Pop Single 'Head Over Heels' [Review] While on the topic of superb Swedish pop with the announcement of Robyn's new music today, it's a perfect time to also highlight Swedish DJ/production outfit Nause who return with a new single as well.

arjanwrites music blog

Hause is the duo of childhood friends Jacob Criborn and Leonard Schejawho who first hit the scene in 2011 when they scored big with "Made Of" that was a massive, platinum-selling hit in Sweden. The success of "Made Of" was followed by "Hungry Hearts" in 2012 that shot straight to number one on the Swedish pop chart. // A Baltimore Based Independent Music Blog // Et Musique Pour Tous. Song Premiere: Apparat - "Black Water" Music Blog, Music Videos, Mp3s. -Maison Camiba-: Sélection musicale électro-pop ethnique.


Art design creation mode. Cinemapouradulte. FEEL MY BICEP. Great Music Today (GMT) Dödselectro. Kick Kick Snare. ♪ MusiCandies - only new music. Fancy Sounds. Juicy!'s sounds. Aerial noise. Indie Shuffle. We can be honest. Logo – New EP – “Merit” free Minimix. CaptainCrawl - The Music Blog Index. Mowno - Culture, mensonges et rock&roll. Pop Goes the World: "Ruby Trax," Disc 2.

Ah, now that’s more like it.

Pop Goes the World: "Ruby Trax," Disc 2

As we discussed in the previous PGTW installment, Disc One of Ruby Trax was a rather inauspicious first step for such an ambitious project. They had their pick of the UK’s top acts, and they thought that letting the Fatima Mansions creep their way, both literally and figuratively, through Bryan Adams’ “Everything I Do (I Do It for You)” was not only a good idea, but worthy of the opening disc? Huh. And in the interest of full disclosure, that would not be the last lapse in judgment they would have.

In fact, Disc Two of Ruby Trax, while far more consistent than Disc One, opens with Carter the Unstoppable Sex Machine covering… “Another Brick in the Wall.” The next two songs have been the subject of much discussion and debate, even between the bands themselves. The House of Love shoegaze the bejeezus out of “Rock Your Baby,” and the Frank and Walters deliver a pretty pointless version of “I’m a Believer.” Carter USM – Another Brick in the Wall 2. Help. Avant-Avant – a curated musical selection. Aquarium Drunkard.

ACE. FreeIndie. Shindig! Magazine - Psychedelia, Garage, Beat, Powerpop, Soul, Folk. Just when you thought it was safe...To think it was safe!