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12 Lesser-Known Google Projects That Are Amazing. Google revolutionized the Internet by making the global brain easily searchable by anyone. In addition to search, Google has created all kinds of different tools like Google Maps, Gmail, Analytics, Android and Apps that many of us use everyday. Database Error. WHO WILL TEACH? “A new survey paints a troubling portrait of the American educator: Teacher job satisfaction has hit its lowest point in a quarter of a century, and 75 percent of principals believe their jobs have become too complex.


The findings are part of the MetLife Survey of the American Teacher: Challenges for School Leadership. Conducted annually since 1984, the survey polled representative sampling of 1,000 teachers and 500 principals in K-12 schools across the country. Only 39 percent of teachers described themselves as very satisfied with their jobs on the latest survey. Student Compliance and Buy-In to a Class. This post began with a lunch-time conversation with Cristina Trujillo, a veteran teacher at Aragon High School who was once in a Stanford University class I team taught with Lee Swenson, a high school social studies teacher nearly 20 years ago.

Student Compliance and Buy-In to a Class

I have stayed in touch with Lee, Cristina, and others in her Curriculum & Instruction class over the years even gathering former students for a mini-reunion a few months ago. Last month, I visited Cristina’s ninth grade world history class and those of four other social studies colleagues. The follow-up lunch conversation she and I were having was about what I saw in the five social studies classes and particularly what I observed in her class. Over the decades, I have had many such conversations with teachers after visiting their classes. I avoid making global evaluations of the lesson (e.g., “Great lesson!” If you were to Start a School from Scratch…. Over the past few years, I had many conversations with colleagues and teacher friends what it would be like to start, build, run and work at our own school.

If you were to Start a School from Scratch….

What would we do different in “our” school? Who “all star” faculty team from our PLN would we recruit to develop a school that would give our future students an incredible learning experience.What types of teachers would we hire? Education Week. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, get the idea.

Education Week

Looking For Real-World Math Problems? Try Google Earth! One of the most common questions math teachers hear from their students is, “why does this matter?”

Looking For Real-World Math Problems? Try Google Earth!

They are constantly trying to convince students that math is useful and could help them in their everyday lives. But it can be a tough sell. Word problems alone often feel contrived and students see right through them. Thomas Petra has taught math at every level for more than 20 years and encountered dubious students at every grade level. Seven must-have tools for entrepreneurs in 2015. I’d suggest Thrive by Ariana Huffington.

Seven must-have tools for entrepreneurs in 2015

It’s the Lean In of 2014, and I loved it reinforces the importance for women to focus on yourself and not always everyone around you. The point she makes around your eulogy and how it celebrates our lives very differently from the way society defines success. They don’t commemorate our long hours in the office, our promotions, or our sterling PowerPoint presentations as we relentlessly raced to climb up the career ladder. Your eulogy is about memories, family, your impact on the people around you and the world. InstaGrok: An Education Search Engine for Students. After weeks of poring over reviews and testing the app in my classroom, I can say with confidence that instaGrok offers the best research engine experience for education of any app for tablets running iOS or Android.

instaGrok: An Education Search Engine for Students

The instaGrok app is more classroom-friendly than its competitors, and its visual presentation of results is unparalleled. With instaGrok, teachers can encourage self-directed learning, empowering students to hone research, critical thinking, and writing skills. Personalized Learning in K-12 Schools: How Do We Make it Happen?  The idea that no two students learn in exactly the same way is nothing new.

Personalized Learning in K-12 Schools: How Do We Make it Happen? 

Even back in the 1800s, Helen Parkhurst was advocating for an educational system that took the personalized needs of the student into account when developing curriculum and helped children learn independence, both academically and in life. Her "Dalton Plan" was formulated with the thought that all students learn at a different pace and should be allowed to take the time they need to work through their studies and explore the areas that interest them the most.

Digital Literacies: Multimedia Projects as Mentor Texts. Multimedia Projects provide students a different alternative to demonstrate their learning and understanding of a concept or theme.

Digital Literacies: Multimedia Projects as Mentor Texts

Traditionally, students demonstrated knowledge by taking a test or writing a paper. A Look Inside the Classroom of the Future. Over the next generation, whether they work for corporations, small businesses, government organizations, nonprofits, or other organizations, many U.S. employees will move from working primarily with American colleagues, bosses, and customers for American organizations in U.S. cities, to being part of global teams.

A Look Inside the Classroom of the Future

As leaders, they will use technology to bridge geographic divides, build organizations that transcend borders, and work together with colleagues from around the world on issues such as climate change, food security, and population growth -- issues that require multinational teams coming together to effect change. For those whose work is closer to home, the changing demographics of the U.S. will mean that their colleagues, customers, and neighbors may look a lot less like them, and have fewer shared histories than American colleagues, customers, and neighbors have shared in the past. 1.

10 Reasons You Should Be Pumped for Education in 2015. The new year always brings new hope. Whereas in the past I’ve been hopeful for change and progress throughout education…this year I’m feeling different. This year I’m pumped about where we are headed in my school district and in the larger field of education. I’ve seen movement and progress from so many different people and places that it is almost impossible not to get excited.

Here are 10 reasons I’m pumped for education in 2015 (and you should be too!) 10 Things You Can Not Do in A 21st Century Classroom. The Heart of the Matter: Why I Teach. Friends and family have been asking you for weeks, "What are going to do with all that time off during the holidays? " What am I going to do, you think to yourself . . . I'm going to sleep, people. I'm going to take a break from the fast-paced world of being a daily classroom teacher. I'm going to sit and listen to others talk and take a break from hearing my own voice. You might also be thinking . . . Student-Driven Schools. The term “data-driven” is one that keeps coming up in conversations on education continuously, and I will have to admit, the way I am hearing it being used often bothers me.

The best teachers have always been data-driven, just not necessarily seeing students as numbers or as a set of scores. Too many correlate the word “data” to “numbers”, but there is so much more to any child’s story. Numbers and grades are such a small part of the conversation when we are talking about our students, yet we often use that the argument that the “real world” still sorts people with numbers. When Thomas Friedman spoke to the person in charge of hiring for Google, “numbers” seemed to be a small part of the equation in their hiring practices: As a principal, I never looked at grades as an indicator for someone to become a successful teacher and a part of the decision making process in hiring someone. So why are numbers so important to education?

Great Resources and Lessons for Teaching Physics for Kids. David Rockwell's Secret To Creativity? Asking "What If" Over the course of his 30-year career, architect David Rockwell has brought a characteristically exuberant approach to everything from playgrounds to the Oscars. He has designed a theater for the TED era, luxury prefab houses, and an airport terminal that could pass for a theme park. Few architects bring such creative chutzpah to such a diverse portfolio. In his latest monograph (his first, Pleasure, came out in 2002) Rockwell explores the design thinking that led to some of his most notable commissions of the last dozen years or so.

Great Educational Web Tools for Paperless Classrooms. December 20, 2014. Our students need 'different,' not more... 5 Simple Ways to Reenergize Your Classroom. A Very Good Plagiarism Cheat Sheet for Teachers and Educators. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 10 Things You Can Not Do in A 21st Century Classroom. December 12, 2014 One way to better understand the concept of a 21st century classroom is through exploring what it is not.

Unlike the numerous resources we have shared here on the defining features of a 21st century classroom, today I am sharing something different. Personalizing Learning Infographic. Copyright Flowchart: Can I Use It? Yes? No? If This… Then… It is the responsibility of all educators to model good digital citizenship for their students. Especially when it comes to copyright, plagiarism and intellectual property. Internet Catalogue. 15 Curation Tools for the Classroom. Think Outside the Bubble. CellCraft. Welcome to Flubaroo. Classrooms Without Walls: Using Digital Media to Connect Inside and Outside of the Classroom. EdSurge Newsletters Receive weekly emails on edtech products, companies, and events that matter.

The Connected Classrooms Challenge. Rounding. Collaboration: Vital Skill for 21st century Students. SAMR Model Apps Poster. Are Schools Getting a Big Enough Bang for Their Education Technology Buck? The death of the classroom as we know it. Classroom Management in the Tech-Equipped Classroom. Nine Pattern Math Task Cards. First Day Reflections. Take the Hassle Out of Students Turning in Assignments. Student Engagement: Resource Roundup. Login. Design flyers to spread the word online. Education for a Digital Age? Ideas to Differentiate Instruction in a 1:1 Classroom. Natalia_cuadra_saez. Education Matters - (tech and non-tech) Kind-wifi. Notebook.

Ball Chain Inquiry – STEM. It's Not Teacher Quality Or Class Size, It's Le... The Do's and Don'ts of Flipped Classrooms. Copy of Untitled Prezi by T Kokonas on Prezi. The Barriers To Using Social Media In Education (Part 1 of 2) Let It Marinate: The Importance of Reflection and Closing. Why Learning Should Be Messy. Teacher Appreciation...Year-Round. Idea of New Attention Disorder Spurs Research, and Debate. RPSConnectED: The flipped classroom... the elementary perspective. Allow Students to Create Their Own Apps With AppFurnace. Bringing The New Yorker to Life. See the periodic table of Star Wars in all its columnal glory. Edunators - Helping Teachers Overcome Obstacles and Focus on Learning - The Two Things Teachers Focus on Most....Instead of Learning. Self-Regulation: American Schools Are Failing Nonconformist Kids.

12 Things to Consider When Implementing RTI in Secondary Schools. Tons of Classroom Examples Using Augmented Reality with @Aurasma - A Complete How-To Guide! Learning Styles Don't Exist. Literacy 3 Minute Walk through Form for Twitter. The Playground Advocate: Teacher Creativity Skill: Meet Someone Amazing! PROJECT: Student Visits-Exchanges-Collaborations. Thinking Through the Awards Debate.

Digital Portfolio System. Buncee - Your Creation and Presentation tool Simplified. A Free Search Engine for Learning. How To Make A Movie Poster: A Template For Students. Internet Catalogue. Internet Catalogue. Writing_2_screenres-01.jpg 954×5,100 pixels. Tons of Classroom Examples Using Augmented Reality with @Aurasma - A Complete How-To Guide! SlatRS_Classics : Literacy displays in... Kathyschrock: While listening to Dr. Ruben... Grades aren’t the point of school; learning is. How Can Students Be Successful in a High Stakes World?

Wristbands provide incentives for better performance at Land O'Lakes High School. NaturalCuriosityManual. The Balance of Screen Time. Planning for Engagement: 6 Strategies for the Year. Harvard Graduate School of Education. 5 Creative Apps to Connect with Parents from your Classroom! Polyphonic Teaching with Digital Learning Tools. A Student-Centered Universal BYOT Policy Template For Schools. 6 Reasons To Try Mobile Devices In The Classroom. How Field Trips Build Critical Thinking Skills. Smart Strategies That Help Students Learn How to Learn. Health.