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THE WEST (Europe & The U.S.)

Britains Invisible Empire: The New Colonialism - Dennis Small Linda de Hoyos. Colonialism and Imperialism intro. Pre-history. Biblical times. Middle ages. Dark ages. Gold Coast, British West Africa / Colonial Film Documentary. Ancient History. Encyclopedia Galactica - Part One: Introduction & The Sun. Aeon Magazine: How Life Began And Why It Can’t Rest. How Colonialism Benefits from Boko Haram's Mass Kidnapping of Girls. Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : The mass kidnapping of Nigerian schoolgirls by Boko Haram is only the tip of on iceberg of slavery in Africa. Slavery and trafficking is more often than not tied to conflicts in which core NATO member states and terrorist organizations with ties to their intelligence services play central roles. Ultimately, conflict, slavery and trafficking, as well as prostitution are tied to issues about sovereignty. Boko Haram began its insurgency five years ago.

Experts stress that Boko Haram is covertly funded and armed by intelligence services of core NATO member states. The function of the covert support for Boko Haram is the destabilization of a country to justify a NATO military presence. Emma Christopher, an expert on slavery and human trafficking, stressed that tens of thousands of people are bought and sold in Nigeria every year.

Core NATO Members Engineered Conflict Drives Slave and Trafficking Business. Family of slaves in modern Mauritania. Brothel raiders. History Of The World In Two Hours - Documentary.

The Far East