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34 Random Food & Cooking Tricks. By Lisa, on February 9th, 2012 There’s no better title than “random” for this list. These tips and tricks are all over the board, but these are the things you learn and collect after so many years of cooking. First are some tricks that I use regularly, then at the bottom you’ll find a long list of tips from our readers. Enjoy! Freezing Pesto in Ice Cube Trays If an egg is spoiled it will float in a bowl of water rather than sink.To avoid dulling the blade of your knife, turn it upside down before scraping items off your cutting board.Use ice cube trays to freeze small portions of pesto, broth, applesauce and pizza sauce.

Food For Thought: The ultimate health food guide. 21 Fruit Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier. I've Personally Used All Of These Except #12. #1. Better way to peel mandarin orange. #2. Use orange peel for candles. #3. Ice cream without dairy. Just ripe frozen bananas with a little water. #4. #5. . #6. . #7. . #8. . #9. . #10. . #11. . #12. . #13. . #14. . #15. . #16. . #17. . #18. . #19. #20. . #21. If you liked these fruit tips, share them with your friends and family by clicking the share button. Attention shoppers! Read the label, then steer clear of these additives. Although these artificial sweeteners will allow you to indulge in a tasty drink without the extra calories, they are also packed with chemicals that can be harmful to your body in the long run. Almost all of these sweeteners contain the chemical Aspartame. Studies have suggested the consumption of Aspartame can be linked to a wide spectrum of health problems like brain tumors, diabetes, lymphoma, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, and emotional disorders like depression and anxiety.

It has also been linked to symptoms including dizziness, headaches, nausea, mental confusion, seizures, and affect short-term memory and intelligence. The FDA's official position? The stuff is safe. Photo: Getty Images. 5 of the Best Brain Foods. By Contributing Authors | 5 of the Best Brain Foods Everyone is aware of the importance of a healthy diet to encourage high levels of energy, maintain good health generally and make sure that the rigours of each day can be endured. The importance of maintaining a diet that is rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, fish and lean meat and low on highly processed, fatty, salty and sugary foods is common knowledge. However, there is a certain group of foods that is not only good for the body generally but can provide outstanding benefits for the brain, thus aiding concentration and the functioning of the memory. Why not think about including some (or all) of them in your diet to give you an added boost? Oily fish Fish such as salmon, mackerel, herrings and sardines are rich in a nutrient called Omega 3, which is essential for the development and maintenance of brain tissue.

Blueberries Pumpkin seeds See the next page for 2 more of the best brain foods! Pages: 1 2. S Good Food on a Tight Budget. Make a meal plan and shopping list. Use the food you have and the deals you find in store ads and coupons. Fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables. You can get your 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables a day for about the cost of a bus ride in most cities. Pick beans and lentils instead of meat for 2 or more dinners every week – lots of protein for less money (see recipes). They usually cost more than fresh, healthy food. Save money by cooking at home more and eating out less. You can buy seeds with SNAP dollars.

Foods that last include rice, beans, cooking oil and frozen foods. Use the price tracker to find good deals on fruits and vegetables. Healthier foods usually have less saturated fat, trans fat, salt (sodium) and sugar. Some will give you $2 worth of produce for every $1 you spend. SPROUTED KITCHEN - A Tastier Take on Whole Foods. Paleo Diet In A Nutshell (Infographic)

Hungry For Change | Making Healthy Food Choices. SLAČICA. Slačica je otkrivena pre više od 5000 godina, što se može pronaći i u drevnim sanskritskim spisima. Crna slačica ( Brasicca nigra ) je jednogodišnja biljka koja pripada familiji kupusa Brassica. Raste u regionima sa umerenom temperaturom i relativno vlažnim zemljištem. Voli sunce i djubrenje i sazreva za 45-50 dana , od maja do avgusta. Semenke su sitne, samo oko 2mm u prečniku i postoje tri vrste- žuta, crna i braon. U osnovi sve one imaju vrlo slične osobine, jedina je razlika u stepenu jačine ukusa. Seme slačice je bez mirisa, ali kada se žvaće u početku je uljasto, gorko-kiselkastog ukusa, a zatim ukus i miris postaje ljut , peče i guši.

U Evropu je stigla u XV veku zahvaljujući španskim istraživačima. Danas je slačica među popularnijim začinima kojima se trguje u svetu, a glavni proizvođači su Indija, Kanada, Mađarska, Velika Britanija i Amerika. Poznata je po svojoj lekovitosti, niskoj kaloričnosti i visokoj hranljivoj vrednosti. NUTRITIVNA VREDNOST u 100 grama SLAČICE. Prehranom i kretanjem protiv celulita — Članci. Poremećaje metabolizma, otežanu i usporenu cirkulaciju, izmjenu tvari, izlučivanje vode te razgradnju masnih stanica, što neminovno pogoduje pojavi celulita, uvelike uzrokuje nezdrava, neuravnotežena i neredovita prehrana, koja se temelji na namirnicama s previše kalorija, masnoća, šećera i soli. Stoga svaka žena koja se želi riješiti celulita, bez obzira na tjelesnu težinu, mora promijeniti svoje prehrambene navike.Neke su namirnice po svojem sastavu kao stvorene za uklanjanje ili ublažavanje i uzroka i simptoma celulita, koji nas posebno smetaju ljeti.

Izglađivanje i dijete pri tome uopće ne dolaze u obzir čak ni kod osoba s viškom kilograma, jer je dokazano da suviše niskokalorična prehrana otežava prirodni proces razgradnje masnih stanica, dapače još mu i pogoduje. Strogo izbjegavajte masnu hranu, slatkiše koji zbog jednostavnih šećera samo debljaju te slanu, prženu i konzerviranu hranu koja utječe na zaostajanje tekućine u tijelu i tako pridonosi gomilanju celulita.