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Managed DNS | Outsourced DNS | Anycast DNS. Mastering Node - Open Source Nodejs eBook. How to Virtualize OS X Lion on Windows. Update: Fixed down hard drive files (February 8, 2012). Sorry about the delay guys, this page has been updated so that Xcode 4.1 does not crash anymore. (August 17, 2011). If you've tried to virtualize previous versions of OS X, you know that it is a very tedious and time consuming process.

This new guide works by giving you a simple VMWare Image. This means that the OS has already been pre-configured on a hard drive. For the most part, there is no need to mess around with boot flags or installation settings This guide will show how to setup a fully working OS X Lion 10.7 on a Windows machine. Requirements A laptop or desktop computer that supports virtualization (most newer computers do).

An updated video has been made of all the new steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Appcelerator Video Channel. Titanium Tutorials – Building an app part 3 – let’s start coding. « Triptych. From here on out I’m going to basically going to describe the process I’m going through to build my Titanium app. As I build it out, I’ll try to describe the things I learn and encounter and hopefully I’ll be able to save you a little time in your own application development.

First off, let’s take a look at what we have. We’ve got Titanium, which is basically our Webkit rendering engine + file system access and cross-os application packaging. We have EXTJS which gives us a layout framework, widgets, and overall a nice presentation layer. We have the Tango icons, which will help me greatly to make this application look professional. I’m basically creating an app with a persistent toolbar across the top, a collapsible panel on the left, and a main information area in the bottom right.

Also, if you are interested in tips for building Ext apps – check out this site: Anyway let’s look at getting Ext working in Titanium: Here’s a screenshot of the folder hierarchy: Ext Gui Builder. How To Install Fully Functional Mac OS X Lion Virtual Machine inside Windows 7 [UPDATE: 10.7.3] Apple released its latest Mac OS X, Mountain Lion, at the end of July, 2012. That means, “Hackintosh” community has a new kid in town to play around. If you are new to the topic of Hackintosh, then be SURE to check out some of our awesome guide on What is hackintosh? How to build a hackintosh from hardware selection to software installation. This guide will help you go through step-by-step installation of the latest Mac OS X Mountain Lion.

Requirements: You must have an Intel CPU, if you have an AMD CPU then this will NOT working for you.Check make sure your Intel CPU has virtualization technology and is enabled from your BIOS, find out how click here? How To Install Mac OS X Mountain Lion in VMware Workstation on Windows Machine Step 1 Extract the OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Retail VMware Image.7z file. OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion folder contains the Mountain Lion vmdk and vmx file for your VMware. Step 2, Run VMware Workstation Unlocker Run install.cmd. Navigate to OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion. Open it. Java SE Development Kit 7u3 Downloads.

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Der Entwickler-Leitfaden von Flickr. jQuery Mobile – Entwicklung einer kleinen Website / App (Tutorial) » Seite, jQuery, Mobile, Website, Kontakt, Attribut » iPhone Entwicklung und Programmierung. Ich hatte ja bereits vor einiger Zeit über das Framework “jQuery Mobile” berichtet. Die Handhabung ist nicht besonders schwer und jeder, der etwas Ahnung von HTML hat, kann in relativ kurzer Zeit seine eigene, mobile Website erstellen. Die Funktionsweise von jQuery möchte ich an dieser Stelle in einem kurzen Tutorial vorstellen.

Wer möchte, scheint sich vorab die fertige Beispiel Version an. Bücher zu jQuery Mobile Wer sich nach dem Tutorial etwas genauer mit der Materie befassen möchte und gerne etwas festes in der Hand hat, der hat momentan schlechte Karten. Erste Schritte – jQuery Implementierung Zunächst können die benötigten Dateien (jQuery und jQuery Mobile + CSS) heruntergeladen werden, sofern man diese selber hosten möchte. Wer die Dateien selber hosten möchte, muss hier entsprechend die Links ändern.

Rufen wir jetzt die bestehende Seite auf, gibt es leider noch allzu viel zu sehen – bis auf eine leere weiße Seite. Grunstruktur der Mobile Website Ergebnis: ) angezeigt werden.


Products. Camera | a free jQuery slideshow by Pixedelic. A simple slide This is the "simple anathomy" of a slide: Captions You can add a caption to the slide, just put a div with class "camera_caption" into the div above: <div data-src="images/image_1.jpg"><div class="camera_caption">The text of your caption</div></div> By adding one more class to the "camera_caption" div you can decide the effect of the caption.

HTML elements You can also put some HTML elements into your slides. <div data-src="images/image_1.jpg"><div class="fadeIn camera_effected">The text of your html element</div></div> An HTML element can have a class "fadeIn": in this case it will be displayed with a fading effect. Videos To include a video into your slideshow you must put an iframe into one of your slides: As you can see I set the width and the height of the iframe to 100%, so it changes its size according with the size of the slideshows (I mean the iframe, the video in the iframe will mantain its ratio).

The "data-" attributes or a particular alignment for one slide only: Free Software. Beginning PDF Programming with PHP and PDFlib: Ron Goff, Thomas Merz: 9780973589849: Browse all Topics. Aptana. Building Native Mobile Applications. PHP Development. Chapters PHP Support Aptana Studio 3 is shipped with a built-in support for PHP editing. Creating a PHP Project Although it is possible to edit single PHP files, the full strength of the IDE will be available when the PHP files are in the Studio's workspace as PHP projects. There are two ways to create a project: Creating a project using the new-project wizard The PHP project wizard can be accessed through multiple locations in the workspace. Creating a project using the import wizard A project can be imported to the workspace using the 'Import Wizard' through File->Import and then selecting General->Existing Project Into Workspace.

Once a project is imported, you may need to add the 'PHP Nature' order to enable some PHP-specific features. Editing Paste in your files, import them or create new ones using the new file wizard. The PHP editor provides these features: Syntax Coloring according to the selected theme in the preferences. Syntax Coloring Code Assist Auto Indentation & Code Formatting.


Statistics. Woody - Mobile Interface. Getting started with Android PhoneGap in Eclipse. Responsive Web Design. Foreword by Jeremy Keith From mobile browsers to netbooks and tablets, users are visiting your sites from an increasing array of devices and browsers. Are your designs ready? Learn how to think beyond the desktop and craft beautiful designs that anticipate and respond to your users’ needs. Ethan Marcotte will explore CSS techniques and design principles, including fluid grids, flexible images, and media queries, demonstrating how you can deliver a quality experience to your users no matter how large (or small) their display.

Contents Our Responsive WebThe Flexible GridFlexible Images (Read this chapter online)Media QueriesBecoming Responsive. Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property :: ACTA. Current stand ACTA not signed by Switzerland The ACTA agreement remained open for signature by the negotiating Parties until 1 May 2013. Switzerland, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, the Netherlands and Slovakia did not sign the agreement within that deadline. They can thus no longer accede as negotiating Parties.The other Parties to the negotiations (Australia, Canada, the EU and 22 of its Member States, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, New Zealand, Singapore and the United States) signed the agreement within the deadline of the 1st of May 2013. The ACTA agreement does not provide for a deadline for the ratification. The Agreement will enter into force following its ratification by six Parties. Previous developments Switzerland Defers Signature of the ACTA Agreement Switzerland has, for the moment, deferred signature of the ACTA Agreement until enough elements are available to be able to assess how to proceed.

To top Signature of Agreement by the EU and 22 EU Member States. How It Works :: Merchants :: Downloads | PatternStream Automated Publishing Solutions. PatternStream 3 is currently available in four general types: DemonstrationDesktopDesktop and ServerServer The PatternStream desktop, premier, and server licenses require a registration key to allow operation. Contact FML to purchase a license and obtain a key.

Demonstration License The PatternStream demonstration license provides potential customers with an opportunity to evaluate the product. The demonstration license package includes and installs the PatternStream demonstration license, pattern set template (PSET) files, templates, and databases enabling the execution of sample database publishing projects. The demonstration license is fully functional and will time out after a specified period of time. The PatternStream demonstration license should always be downloaded and installed before installation of the other PatternStream licenses. Desktop License The PatternStream desktop licenses are available in five versions: Premier License Server Licenses Downloads PatternStream Disc.

Home. Techniques in responsive web design. We’ve talked a lot about responsive design here on Webdesigner Depot, and shared a lot of valuable resources. Today we’re sharing another valuable resource: at the end of this article are details for getting a discount on Chris Converse’s responsive design course on MightyDeals. CSS3 media queries allow us to dynamically alter the design and layout of a web page in order to deliver an optimal user experience from a single set of HTML and CSS markup. The techniques in this article explain how we can leverage this powerful capability of CSS to also change imagery, alter the navigation on hand-held devices, and set up default CSS for compatibility older browsers. Creating different images When altering your design for different devices, consider creating multiple versions of your graphics. The example below shows the different sizing, and cropping choices, in addition to the varying amounts of compression that are applied to each set of images.

Assign images to HTML elements . 10 handy jQuery mobile tips and snippets to get you started. As with any new technology, getting started is often the hardest part. With this frustration in mind, we have put together some of my handiest tips, tricks and code snippets related to the jQuery Mobile library. Because this is not a full-on primer for using the library, we will skip over some of the things that become rather obvious as you get started and instead get straight to the items that become rather frustrating or troublesome.

Also be sure to let us know in the comments which snippets you found useful and of any others that you know of that can be useful. 1. A full basic page I find myself needing the full mark-up for a basic page over and over again. <! 2. When I got started using this awesome extension to jQuery, I immediately found myself wanting to modify things on the page before the mobile plug-in was triggered. As it turns out, the recommended solution is to simply put traditional jQuery calls before the reference that loads the mobile plug-in. 3. 4. For list items: 5. 6. 7. 50 jQuery Mobile Development Tips. We have collected 50 jQuery mobile tips and tutorials, 10 mobile plugins, 10 mobile website demos, 10 free mobile themes, 10 new mobile frameworks, 10 mobile cheat sheets and more stuff to help you get that mobile website started and up and running in no time!

Whats is jQuery Mobile? jQuery Mobile is a framework for web applications, mobile and mobile web sites in order to provide a unified user interface across multiple platforms like the iPhone mobile device, BlackBerry, Android and Windows Mobile. Stay up to date on the latest jQuery Mobile Developments! 1. Backbone Mobile Example A backbone mobile app running in Safari. Source 2. You might ask how to target devices in the CSS (based on screen size). Source 3. There are a few font-replacement methods available such as cufon, sIFR, FLIR, @font-face and Google Fonts API.

Source 4. Source 5. If you find yourself needing the full mark-up for a basic page over and over again. 6. Source 7. Learn how to use Google Analytics with jQuery mobile. 8. Raphaël—JavaScript Library. Thank you! About. Building applications for each platform–iPhone, Android, Windows and more–requires different frameworks and languages. PhoneGap solves this by using standards-based web technologies to bridge web applications and mobile devices.

Since PhoneGap apps are standards compliant, they’re future-proofed to work with browsers as they evolve. Read an in-depth post explaining PhoneGap visually. PhoneGap has been downloaded millions of times and is being used by hundreds of thousands of developers. Thousands of apps built using PhoneGap are available in mobile app stores and directories. The PhoneGap code was contributed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under the name Apache Cordova and graduated to top-level project status in October 2012.

Read more about: Nitobi was the original creator and is one of the primary contributors to the PhoneGap framework. There is also vast global community that contributes to the project. Cross-Platform Mobile Development. Papierformat. Papierformate A0 bis A8, Anschauungsmodell im Wissenschaftsmuseum von Barcelona: „Die Invasion der Quadratwurzeln“, Maßstab 1∶1 Dieses Seitenverhältnis gab Georg Christoph Lichtenberg bereits 1786 an, und es wurde in der Zeit der Französischen Revolution auch schon angewendet. Danach wurde es über lange Zeit wieder vergessen, aber 1910 von Wilhelm Ostwald erneut aufgenommen und anschließend von Walter Porstmann verbreitet und 1922 als DIN‐Norm durchgesetzt.[2][3] Die Deutsche Norm diente mit ihren Festlegungen über die A‐ und B‐Reihe[4] als Grundlage für das europäische beziehungsweise internationale Äquivalent EN ISO 216, das wiederum in fast allen Ländern adaptiert worden ist.

Unterschiede gibt es meist nur in den erlaubten Toleranzen. Als rein nationale Norm ist DIN 476-2:2008-02 Papier-Endformate – C‐Reihe noch gültig. Geschichte[Bearbeiten | Quelltext bearbeiten] Diesen Formaten wurden verschiedene ästhetische Eigenschaften und Eignungen für bestimmte Zwecke zugeschrieben. Und bzw. . Cordova. About Apache Cordova™ Apache Cordova is a set of device APIs that allow a mobile app developer to access native device function such as the camera or accelerometer from JavaScript. Combined with a UI framework such as jQuery Mobile or Dojo Mobile or Sencha Touch, this allows a smartphone app to be developed with just HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. When using the Cordova APIs, an app can be built without any native code (Java, Objective-C, etc) from the app developer. Instead, web technologies are used, and they are hosted in the app itself locally (generally not on a remote http server).

And because these JavaScript APIs are consistent across multiple device platforms and built on web standards, the app should be portable to other device platforms with minimal to no changes. Apps using Cordova are still packaged as apps using the platform SDKs, and can be made available for installation from each device's app store.

Want to Contribute? Contributors are welcome! Download & Archives. Quick Start. Get Started with Hybrid Application Frameworks | AeroGear. Getting Started with JBoss. JavaServer Faces. PhoneGap at Facebook Mobile Hack. Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together. Audience for Marketers. Free PHP web hosting. The W3C Markup Validation Service.


Fonts. Experiments with wide images | clagnut/sandbox. Tutorials. CSS.