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Harvard's Channel. MIT's Channel. - Welcome to iTry College! Academic Video Lectures. Best free courses & lectures. Updated June 29, 2012 Not every teacher is a great teacher.

Best free courses & lectures

Not every course is a great course. So, this list is my effort to help you separate the winners from the losers. This list of the best academic podcasts and webcasts is a work-in-progress. As I discover new courses and lectures, I add to the list. For a description of my criteria for choosing a course or lecture for this list, click here. A warning: The internet is a changeable place and universities can change their websites without warning. Anthropology Introduction to Biological Anthropology (iTunes), Terrence Deacon, UC Berkeley.

100 Awesome Ivy League Video Lectures. By Christina Laun Even if you can’t attend an Ivy League college, you can still take advantage of the intellectual and professional resources that many have to offer through the colleges’ websites.

100 Awesome Ivy League Video Lectures

Here, we’ve put together a list of 100 great video lectures you can watch to learn from some of the leading experts in fields as diverse as astronomy and economics. Science Check out these video lectures and courses to learn about biology, astronomy, physics and more. ASTR 160 – Frontiers and Controversies in Astrophysics: Professor Charles Bailyn teaches this course in astrophysics that focuses on black holes, dark energy and extra-solar planets. Health and Medical Here you can learn about cutting-edge innovations in the health and medical fields. Living Healthier, Living Longer: Part I: This multi-part series on health begins with this lecture on the latest research in aging and men’s and women’s health issues.

History Political Science. Free Education - Free Access to Audio/video Lectures. Here you can find free online educational resources including audio/video lectures for academic courses, public lectures and events, and other educational materials.

Free Education - Free Access to Audio/video Lectures

This section is conceptually divided into three subsections: 1) Audio/video Courses: a collection of audio/video lectures for academic courses from colleges and universities around the world. 2) Public Lectures and Events: a collection of open videos of public lectures, seminars and symposiums on current world issues, the latest discoveries in science and technology, humanities, and management. 3) Learn Through Videos: a collection of educational videos such as documentary films and lecture videos, which are made for a general audience. Audio/Video Courses Learn Through Videos Public Lectures Open Lectures MIT OpenCourseWare is one of the largest web-based publications offering free education in the world. Open Yale Courses offers free access to a selection of introductory courses taught at Yale University. McGill Univ.