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Readings and Videos | Positive Psychology Center. 500 Awesomest Positive Psychology Pieces! (+PDF) Last couple of months, I’ve been getting tons of e-mails from people asking me what they should read in order to learn more about positive psychology. Of course, I’ve been suggesting many positive psychology books written by the most esteemed positive psychology researchers. However, there are so many free online resources available that are worth reading, that I’ve decided to build up a database containing 500 of the most popular webpages, writings, articles and pieces written on positive psychology. Rules of the game The popularity is measured by the collective number of shares that these resources got on the largest social media platforms. The title of the article contains the exact word combination 'positive psychology'. Please enjoy the list and feel free to send in your suggestions via the comment section below!

How to use this database? You can choose to see the full list of entries at once by selecting ‘Show all entries‘ at the upper left corner of the list. The American Institute for Cognitive Therapy - Home. Comprehensive Soldier and Family Fitness (CSF2) Perspective. By Daniel Mattos After making the decision to begin a career in law enforcement, most of us entered the profession with a reasonably well-developed idea of what we thought we were getting ourselves into.

Some of us had idealistic goals centered around public service; some wanted to experience the thrill and challenge of catching crooks; others came seeking vocational stability and the camaraderie that the profession offers. Whatever attracted those of us who took the oath to serve our communities, it can be reasonably assumed that it did not include constant exposure to the toxic elements of policing.

Undoubtedly, we did not consider death, violence, threats, moral depravity, and a host of other social ills as motivators for entering the law enforcement profession. Career Stages As a profession, we have historically placed a high priority on tactical skills and equipment that increase our safety in the field. The Beginning Looking at the cultural and professional evolution of new Endnotes.

:: Authentic Happiness :: Using the new Positive Psychology. Home | Mindful. Leading Resilience | A community for dialogue among first responders. Home Page | IPPA. Association of Humanistic Psychology. Peace Psychology Links by Subtopic.


Terrorism. Organizations. Walden. Schools.