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Seguro que no sabías que puedes vivir sin estas 5 partes de tu cuerpo. El cuerpo humano es tan perfecto como misterioso y, aunque haya sido objeto de investigación desde hace siglos, sigue entregándonos sorpresas que sólo se explican gracias a los varios milenios que ha pasado evolucionando en función de nuestros verdaderos requerimientos.

Seguro que no sabías que puedes vivir sin estas 5 partes de tu cuerpo

Así es que llegamos al siglo XXI con ciertos órganos que, aunque no tenemos idea para qué sirven, siguen estando ahí. Estos órganos son llamados ‘vestigiales‘ y a continuación te mostramos cinco de ellos. 1. La muela del juicio. Baby deer rescue and release. Notes from Nature. Las plantas más venenosas del mundo - Estramonio (Datura stramonium) La vida a través de una maquina de Resonancia Magnética. Advertencia: El vídeo contiene imágenes sexuales explícitas.

La vida a través de una maquina de Resonancia Magnética

Sin duda alguna la Resonancia Magnética revolucionó la investigación médica. ¿Qué es esta criatura que parece desaparecer frente a nuestros ojos? ¿Los animales sonríen? Mirando a tu mascota o videos de animales en YouTube probablemente lo has pensado: ‘ese perro está sonriendo’.

¿Los animales sonríen?

Pero, ¿se trata de una interpretación humana o los animales en realidad muestran sus sentimientos como nosotros? NASA's guide to the best air-filtering plants to have in your home. Maybe you’ve heard that having plants in your home is proven to increase happiness, and improve your attention span and even reduce fatigue at work.

NASA's guide to the best air-filtering plants to have in your home

Even with these psychological benefits aside, there’s no denying the peaceful aesthetic of houseplants. One scarcely considered benefit of having plants in your home is their ability to replace toxins in the air with 100% pure bonafide oxygen. In the ’80s, NASA conducted a study in partnership with the Associated Landscape Contractors of America, to establish the best plants for the job. Amazing Nature full HD 1080p. Let's explore the world! The evolution of the human eye - Joshua Harvey. The evolution of the human eye has long been regarded as a contentious issue.

The evolution of the human eye - Joshua Harvey

It was believed to be an example of irreducible complexity – that is something that could not have evolved, because any precursor to the fully evolved form would be non-functioning. Wikipedia gives a good overview of the concept. This lesson shows that not only do evolutionary precursors to the eye exist, but that there is a huge diversity in the structure and function of eyes in the animal kingdom. An ophthalmologist in America, Tim Root, has created a great video on the evolution of the eye, exploring it in more detail, with some great animation.

The study of the evolution of the human eye not only a worthwhile in itself, but as a platform to explore evolution as a whole, the diversity of the animal kingdom, adaptation and so on. The study of the evolution of other structures in the animal kingdom is equally interesting. One of the subjects introduced in this lesson is the idea of biomechanical implants. Where do genes come from? - Carl Zimmer. Want to learn more about mutations and how essential they are to evolution?

Where do genes come from? - Carl Zimmer

The site has all the science you need to get a great background in this topic! Which came first: the chicken or the egg? The chicken or the egg causality dilemma is commonly stated as "which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Which came first: the chicken or the egg?

" To ancient philosophers, the question about the first chicken or egg also evoked the questions of how life and the universe in general began.In yet another absolutely amazing display of nature's prowess, the contents of the egg are wrapped in a perfect, seamless, incredibly strong shell as though by magic! Eggs are objects of art. It turns out the chicken has little to do with the formation of an egg's shell -- the egg actually grows the shell around itself! La mayoría de los hermosos bosques en el mundo. Bluebells in Halle`s forest, Belgium.

La mayoría de los hermosos bosques en el mundo

From late April to early May a few acres of woodlands are covered by a splendid carpet of wild bluebell hyacinths. Photo by: Raimund Linke Thick grove of poplar trees, Oregon. Photo by: David Thompson. Do Plants Respond to Pain? The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist. Mother Nature is beautiful and amazing because we can see many amazing stuff like these 15 things that you won’t believe they actually exist.

The 15 Craziest Things In Nature You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

All these places are real. It is hard to believe in that, but that is true. 1. Volcanic lightning aka “dirty thunderstorms.” 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Reader weather photos. 50 hechos Increíble Sobre la Tierra. Here Are 25 Beautiful Adventures You Should Be Having Right Now. People doing amazing things for animals - Awesomely Cute, Cute Kittens, Cute Puppies, Cute Animals, Cute Babies and Cute Things in General. 23 Mind-Blowing Fotos de Animales - Qué hacer cuando Bored. Los 15 más locas cosas en la naturaleza no vas a creer realmente existen. 20 Animales Rarísimos Que Es Muy Probable Que Se Extingan Antes De Que Mueras. El delicado equilibrio natural está siendo afectado por nosotros, cada dia destruimos bosques, quemamos llanuras, contaminamos los oceanos y fuentes fluviales, en fin estamos modificando el habitat natural de casi todas las especies del mundo.

20 Animales Rarísimos Que Es Muy Probable Que Se Extingan Antes De Que Mueras

Los lugares más extraños del mundo (parte 1) Twitter958 958facebook66.7K 66.7Kpinterest57 57google plus36Share 36linked in30 30email1 1stumbleupon8601Share 8601meneame0Share. » 5 fenómenos naturales nocturnos para ver una vez en la vida Viajes. "Las plantas tienen neuronas, son seres inteligentes" Conoce los animales más grandes de su especie.

Animales que existen pero que probablemente no conoces (Parte 1) Twitter2124 2124facebook66.9K 66.9Kpinterest53 53google plus270Share270linked in18 18email10 10stumbleupon1586Share1586meneame5Share5. Lugares que debes visitar antes de morir (Parte tres) Twitter946 946facebook14.5K 14.5Kpinterest23 23google plus114Share 114linked in4 4email0. 10 lugares para ser feliz. Twitter4192 4192facebook121K 121Kpinterest89 89google plus272Share. Hand feeding Hummingbirds. Plantas carnívoras.