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Most Beautiful Forests in The World

Most Beautiful Forests in The World
Bluebells in Halle`s forest, Belgium. From late April to early May a few acres of woodlands are covered by a splendid carpet of wild bluebell hyacinths. Photo by: Raimund Linke Thick grove of poplar trees, Oregon. Photo by: David Thompson Arashiyama, a bamboo forest in Kyoto, Japan. Magical winter in Quebec forest, Canada. The Black Forest during night in Baden-Württemberg region, southwestern Germany. Deep in the green forest, France. Natural the tunnel near Halnaker, England. Mysterious glowing light in a Finland forest. Beautiful forest from a fairy tale, Belgium. White carpathians forest in autumn. Splendid yellow forest. Deep in the moss forest, Spain. Camp/trek in the beautiful forests by safely navigating, storing memories, and staying connected with hosted virtual PCs, Windows applications and cloud storage with your phone using . Bluebells in Halle`s forest, Belgium. Thick grove of poplar trees, Oregon. Arashiyama, a bamboo forest in Kyoto, Japan. Related:  TreesLandscape photography

The joy of cloudspotting: 10 incredible visions in clouds A “cloud on the horizon” means that something bad is about to happen. Meanwhile, someone with their “head in the clouds” is thoroughly out to lunch. As Gavin Pretor-Pinney points out in today’s talk, clouds get a bad rep when it comes to language. Gavin Pretor-Pinney: Cloudy with a chance of joy“But I think they’re beautiful, don’t you?” Pretor-Pinney is the founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society and, in this talk, he asks each of us to do something we excelled at when we were kids — looking up at the clouds and letting our imaginations run wild. Below, Pretor-Pinney (and a few guests) shares a few cloud images with the TED Blog. A heart-shaped cloud, spotted by Angelo Storari of Ancona, Italy. A fish in the sky, spotted by Gavin Tobin of the Blasket Islands in Ireland. Spotted by Andrew Kirk of Deep Springs, California. A cloud in the shape of a UFO, spotted by Ron Biggs in Puerto de la Cruz in Spain. Spotted by Ron Engels over Central Brazil. Clouds, in wave form.

10 Most Magnificent Trees in the World "A tree is a wonderful living organism which gives shelter, food, warmth and protection to all living things. It even gives shade to those who wield an axe to cut it down" - Buddha. There are probably hundreds of majestic and magnificent trees in the world - of these, some are particularly special: 10. Lone Cypress in Monterey (Image credit: bdinphoenix [flickr]) (Image credit: mikemac29 [flickr]) Buffeted by the cold Pacific Ocean wind, the scraggly Lone Cypress [wiki] (Cupressus macrocarpa) in Pebble Beach, Monterey Peninsula, California, isn't a particularly large tree. 9. As a hobby, bean farmer Axel Erlandson [wiki] shaped trees - he pruned, bent, and grafted trees into fantastic shapes and called them "Circus Trees." Basket Tree (Image credit: jpeepz [flickr]) The two-legged tree (Image credit: Vladi22, Wikipedia) Ladder tree (Image credit: Arborsmith) Axel Erlandson underneath one of his arborsculpture (Image credit: Wilma Erlandson, Cabinet Magazine) 8. 7. Chandelier Tree. 6. 5. 4. 3.

Calma poética en las fotografías de paisajes invernales de Håkand Strand Como en las películas de Ingmar Bergman o Tarkovsky en las que las escenas de ritmo pausado y contemplativo invitan a la introspección y a la reflexión, hay fotógrafos, que buscan en la traquilidad y la inmovilidad de un paisaje, la belleza en una esencia primaria de dramáticas formas lineales. Son los árboles esos entes de la naturaleza que atienden inmóviles al paso de lo años y a los cambios de estación; permaneciendo impasibles en un espacio y en un tiempo en el que sólo mutan un aspecto y unas formas lineales y sencillas, aportan dramatismo y poesía visual a las bellas fotografías invernales del artista Håkand Strand. Con el clima invernal como su musa, el fotógrafo sueco explora la serenidad de los entornos nevados, árboles desnudos, carreteras solitarias o vallas de madera entre alfombras de nieve blanca y espesa, son los únicos elementos entre la quietud gélida.

21 Most Beautiful Nature Photos On Stumbleupon These are the 21 most beautiful nature photos on Stumbleupon. Stumbleupon is big society where you can spend all your day and all you life with smile on your face. On that site you can find lots of things, like photos, animals, home stuff and many more, nature photos like these one below. 16 Of The Most Magnificent Trees In The World How do I love thee, tree? Let me count the ways; you change carbon dioxide into the oxygen we breathe, you sequester carbon, and you provide shelter for countless critters. There are many reasons for which we should all be tree-hugging hippies, but within the scope of this article, all we’ll focus on is how amazing some of them look. Granted, not all of these amazing beautiful trees are trees (the Wisteria is a vine, Rhododendrons are shrubs, and bamboo technically belongs to the grass family), but we’ll give them a pass because they are amazing, huge and beautiful. If you know of an amazing tree not on this list, you can submit it at the bottom of this post. 125+ Year Old Rhododendron “Tree” In Canada This huge 125-year-oldold rhododendron is technically not a tree – most are considered to be shrubs. 144-Year-Old Wisteria In Japan Image credits: At 1,990 square meters (about half an acre), this huge wisteria is the largest of its kind in Japan. Image credits: falcor88

Best Camera Settings for Landscape Photography Last Updated: March 9, 2018 Don't miss stories. Follow PhotographyTalk It's no wonder that landscape photography is so popular... For starters, it's an accessible given that we're surrounded by landscapes big and small that we can photograph. It also doesn't really require any special gear - you can take high-quality landscape photos with nothing more than your smartphone. And compared to other types of photography, landscapes are relatively "easy" to master. Having said that, it's not as simple as pointing your camera at something pretty and pressing the shutter button. I've put together a few suggestions to help you get better landscape photos. Sunrises and Sunsets Getting an ideal shot of a sunrise or sunset is probably one of the most complicated landscape photography tasks. Not only do you have to consider how to capture the gorgeous colors of the moment, but you also have very challenging lighting conditions to consider. Mastering White Balance In many situations, this works out okay.

Aquascaping Is Underwater Art Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Seen | Fill The Well Like Fill The Well on Facebook! You may have never heard of aquascaping, but to many people it’s a very serious art. The International Aquatic Plants Layout Contest holds an annual competition that ranks the best of aquarium design, and the results are phenomenal. Here are some of the entries that showcase the incredible underwater landscapes that contests have designed using their expertise in art and biology. “Forest Scent” by Pavel Bautin “Pale Wind” by Takayuki Fukada “Whisper of the pines” by Serkan Çetinkol “Verve!” “Way to heaven” by Dmitriy Parshin “Wild West” by Stjepan Erdeljić By Georgi Chaushev By Francisco Wu By Long Tran Hoang “Pilgrimage” by Shintaro Matsui If you liked this, please share:

El fascinante fenómeno botánico de la "Timidez entre árboles" Timidez botánica: el singular fenómeno por el que las copas de los árboles nunca se tocan Quizá en alguna ocasión haya coincidido que, paseando por algún bosque o zona poblada de árboles, hayamos mirado hacia arriba y visto, para nuestra sorpresa, que las ramas y las hojas de los árboles habían crecido pero sin cubrirlo todo, sin tocarse las ramas y hojas de los diferentes árboles entre ellas, como si se tratase de un techo fragmentado, con la luz colándose entre esas grietas como dejadas al azar, o con un propósito que aun está por ser descubierto. Científicos de diversas disciplinas llevan desde los primeros compases del siglo XX cuestionándose qué provoca este fenómeno conocido como “timidez entre árboles”. Por algún motivo, en ciertas especies de árboles las copas crecen sin nunca tocarse, con lo cual se forma un dosel con brechas.

5 Advanced Landscape Photography Tips Most of the time, landscape photography tips are intended for beginners rather than advanced photographers. That’s a problem — it says to advanced photographers that there is nothing new to discover. But landscape photography is incredibly complex, and there are still techniques out there for everyone. This article goes through some of the most important. If you’re an advanced photographer, and you’re not sure what else there is to improve, my hope is that this will be a good start. Just a quick note to start: Don’t be fooled by the seemingly simple nature of some of these tips. Instead, these tips focus on the other half of photography: creativity. 1) Scout for locations The importance of scouting cannot be overstated. In fact, until a few years ago, I was the same way — I didn’t scout for locations at all. Back then, this didn’t seem so bad. So, what is scouting? Another bonus is that scouting lets you use “bad light” to your advantage. Scouting has to be done in person. Conclusion

Powerful Pictures Three sisters pose for photographs taken years apart. A Russian war veteran visits the tank that he fought in which has been preserved as a monument. A child gives a gift to riot police in Bucharest. Retired Police Chief Captain Ray Lewis is arrested at an Occupy Wall Street protest. A monk prays over the body of an elderly stranger who died suddenly while waiting on a train in China. A dog named Leao keeps watch by the the grave of his owner who was killed in a landslide in Rio de Janeiro. Tommie Smith and John Carlos raise their fists in a gesture of solidarity at the 1968 Olympic games. John F. Christians protect Muslims during the 2011 Cairo uprisings. A North Korean man waves his hand as a South Korean relative weeps, following a luncheon meeting during inter-Korean temporary family reunions at Mount Kumgang resort October 31, 2010. A dog is reunited with his master after the 2011 Japanese Tsunami. A mother comforts her son following the 2011 tornado in Concord, Alabama.
