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Clever Photoshop Master Stars In All of His Own Crazy Manipulations. While some people use Photoshop to make themselves look better, this Argentinian digital artist uses it to make himself look hilarious.

Clever Photoshop Master Stars In All of His Own Crazy Manipulations

Starring in the scenes of his wildest dreams or worst nightmares, Martin De Pasquale is a digital magician, creating surreal, situations for himself to be a part of. From trimming his facial hair with a lawnmower, to turning his tongue into a diving board for mini Martins to jump off, his ideas will certainly make you smile. And he shares some of his secrets in the PS Speed Art video below! Check out more of his original photo manipulations on Pinterest, Behance, and Facebook. Via: Stephen Fry Kinetic Typography - Language. Burning Moments Part II. Stop-motion Magic!

30 motion tests in 30 seconds on Motion Graphics Served. 17 De nuestras películas favoritas antes y después de los efectos especiales. Las películas sin efectos especiales son ya muy difíciles de encontrar, especialmente si se trata de producciones comerciales.

17 De nuestras películas favoritas antes y después de los efectos especiales tiene para ti 25 cuadros de algunas de tus películas favoritas en las que puedes ver el contraste de antes y después de que les agregara la magia de los gráficos por computadora. Luego de ver esto seguramente empezarás a valorar un poco más las artes gráficas digitales, bueno, nosotros lo hicimos. Mad Max: Fury Road © Kennedy Miller Productions Episodes © Warner Bros. 360° 3D Mapping Projection with Rabarama. LCI - Video Mapping on Mannequin Michael. AMAZING 3D real time face mapping! Human Face Video Mapping by Oskar & Gaspar. OMOTE REAL TIME FACE TRACKING & PROJECTION MAPPING+ on Vimeo. X-Men Photoshop Speed Design. Language. Worth1000 Home. Welcome fans of If you're looking for Worth's amazing creative content, then you've rocked up to the right place!

Just in case you missed the news, is now part of - and we've preserved all the amazing Worth1000 content here so you can search the archives to find old favorites and new contest art. We're delighted to have Worth1000's talented users and their treasure trove of imaginative and original content, built over many years, as part of our design community. But enough of that, we assume you want to get on with checking out some great design tips, brilliant creative contests, or even find some paid design jobs.

We've got you covered: Design Tutorials Photoshop humans into zombies, stone statues, animal hybrids and more. Photo Hacks These contests invite participants to use their humour and technical skills in Photoshop to play with icons, objects and media imagery to create new concepts. Photo Manipulation - 40 Examples of Incredible Photo Manipulation. Photo manipulation is an ever evolving collaboration between photography and graphic design. Combining certain elements to create a unique image, that can convince even the most experienced set of eyes, requires a very creative set of skills. Because the manipulation of a photo gives a realistic view of an unreal picture, you should have an open mind when gathering ideas on how to get creative with your images. Photo manipulations are a great source for inspiration, generally because designers are able to express their creativity through various aspects of design.

Several of the following images contain illustrative elements, while others display a more realistic approach. Wahyu Ichwandardi (Pinot) - New York, New York, United States, GrapeStory - Vayner Media. Top Funny Vine Compilation 2015. Pinot Compilation - The Best Stop Motion Art #2. Pinot Compilation - The Best Stop Motion Art #1. IMAGINA UN DIA. - El artista brasilero Lucas Levitan regresa con...

Edicion digital

Graffiti Kings - Clever stuff don't you think? KochaneZdrowie: surrealistyczne fotografie. Wyższe Ja: Przyszły Ja w łączności z Absolutem Skoro linearny czas po tamtej stronie nie funkcjonuje i możemy swobodnie podróżować po spirali czasu, co opisuję w artykule: Jak wygląda czas w wymiarze duchowym, nie zdziwmy się, jeśli w swoich senno-astralno-mentalnych podróżach, w trakcie integrac W kolejnej medytacji zobaczyłem czas w którym energia tego co stworzyliśmy przez te pół roku zacznie do nas wracać ,spotęgowana przez wszystkie nasze lęki ,obawy ,strachy ,pragnienia zemsty ,modlitwy o znaki Szczepienie dzieci - lekarze rodzinni i pediatrzy tracą uprawnienia foto: Za mniej niż pół roku większość lekarzy rodzinnych i pediatrów straci uprawnienia do zlecania szczepionek.

KochaneZdrowie: surrealistyczne fotografie

Od 1 stycznia 2016 r. Self Portraiture on Behance. EPIC Clone Action Video! Burning Man - Animation basics: Homemade special effects - TED-Ed. For the first recorded disappearing act, and our inspiration for 'teleportation', watch "The Conjuror" by George Melies (1899).The word pixilation, which refers to the use of humans in Stop Motion Animation, is attributed to Grant Munro, one of the collaborators on the 1952 film, "Neighbours", directed by Norman McLaren.Most recently, the pixilated film Luminaris (2011) by Juan Pablo Zaramella was nominated for an Oscar© in 2012.And be sure to check out PES’ Human Skateboard pixilation and Jan Svankmeyer’s film “Food”!

Animation basics: Homemade special effects - TED-Ed

View more pixilation collaborations by Aaron Hughes & TED-Ed's Lisa LaBracio at Aaron's Vimeo Page. To make your very own Stop Motion Animations & Pixilations at home, all you will need is a camera, or any device that captures images, and an app or software that will sequence the images.We love how easy it is to animate now with various apps for your phone & tablets. This lesson was directed by Aaron Hughes. You can see more of his work here. 32 Of The Most Beautiful Words In The English Language. Joyas del marketing, Los 21 banners más brillantes de la historia. Galería: Joyas del marketing, Los 21 banners más brillantes de la historia Posted: 11 febrero, 2014 by admin A continuación veremo el trabajo de algunos genios del Marketing haciendo lo que mejor saben hacer, generando ideas brillantes que venden cualquier cosa.

Joyas del marketing, Los 21 banners más brillantes de la historia

Porque desde mi punto de vista, no importa si tu producto no es el mejor, invierte en una campaña de publicidad creativa, y ya la hiciste! Parallel Worlds By Michal Karcz - fosgrafi. LA PELÍCULA CONECTADOS UNIVERSO. La Roma Records - Timeline Photos. TOP 5: FOTOGRAFÍA SURREALISTA. Un top 5 con los fotógrafos surrealistas favoritos de Fahrenheitº.


Además crea ilustraciones y tiene una carrera desde los años ochenta. Sus conceptos sin extraños y para comprenderlo, se requiere una lectura minuciosa de su arte. 30 ejemplares de Fotografía Surrealista. La fotografía no se trata simplemente de la toma de fotografías en estos días.

30 ejemplares de Fotografía Surrealista

Oprisco la fotografía - cartera. Cloned Video GIFs - Art Fucks Me. Turkish filmmaker, graffiti artist, and photographer Erdal Inci clones himself (meaning sections of video) to create stunning and hypnotic animated loops. via clonegifitalian Christopher Hi, I am an art director based in Berlin, Germany.

Cloned Video GIFs - Art Fucks Me

I'm always searching for visual stunning or conceptually interesting pieces of art. Website. 20 históricos fotografías blanco y negro coloreada. One of the greatest facets of reddit are the thriving subreddits, niche communities of people who share a passion for a specific topic.

20 históricos fotografías blanco y negro coloreada

One of the Sifter’s personal favourites is r/ColorizedHistory. The major contributors are a mix of professional and amateur colorizers that bring historic photos to life through color. All of them are highly skilled digital artists that use a combination of historical reference material and a natural eye for colour. When we see old photos in black and white, we sometimes forget that life back then was experienced in the same vibrant colours that surround us today. John Wilhelm / Collection_collection_family. Latest additions. El joven de 15 años que venció a miles de profesionales en un concurso de fotografía. Captura de pantalla 2013 10 23 a la(s) 18 36 23. Ewa mos two. Images. Ewa mos heart. 01. Ewa mos three. Ewa mos sire. Ewa mos shot. Ewa mos pig. Ewa mos octopus. Ewa mos heart.

Ewa mos food porn. Ewa mos face book drawings 4. Digital art inspiration 34. Door. 05. 01. 06. Images. Door. Aperfectvacuum.