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Showmethatagain : new tutes for UDK terrain texturing. Hi Everyone, After many many hours slogging away at night and on weekends, I've *finally* managed to finish off my UDK terrain texturing tutorial set, woohoo All together they add up to nearly three hours of video, which is long I know, but I had a list of things I wanted to cover and I decided to go for 'comprehensive' over 'compact'. Not that I cover everything there is to know in this area, that would take ten times longer again. But hopefully - if you make through all of them - you will at least feel a great deal more comfortable in the material editor in UDK (and have a nice terrain material to boot). To make it a bit easier to go through, I have published them in sections this time so that people can pick and choose which bits they watch.

Ok so anyway, on with business, here are the tutes: The new tutes. Les Forums Unreal-Design -> Cours Video en Français sur UDK (Unreal Engine 3) Accueil. CoursUDK1. Angel Mapper - Rachel Cordone: Unreal Engine Contractor. Unreal Engine. UDK.