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Thug Kitchen. Pill Bottle Survival Kit. What Preparedness Items Should You Stockpile? A reader emailed me last asking the following question: I’m new to prepping … How do I start and what gear should I be stockpiling? If your just getting started, prepping can sometimes seem a little overwhelming. From stockpiling food and water to picking the right survival gear, figuring out where to get started can be a pretty big challenge. My advice to anyone who feels lost, is to start with the basics and the essentials. There’s no use stockpiling a room full of ammo if your water supply would only last a day. That’s not downplaying the importance of security, it’s just a reminder that you need t keep a balanced approach. The first things I would do is to make sure I have my essential needs covered. Here are a couple of articles that might help you get started: After covering the essentials I would move onto stocking up on basic survival supplies, first aid items, and anything else that may be unique to your situation.

A couple of things to consider: Strobe Illusion - Stare into the Strobe and begin to hallucinate! INCREDIBOX.