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Oxford Bookworms Library | Oxford University Press. Home Oxford Teachers' Club Graded Readers Oxford Bookworms Library New Edition Read your way to better English Oxford Bookworms have a worldwide reputation for providing learners with a great reading experience. They include a wide range of classic and modern fiction, non-fiction, and plays, in seven carefully graded language stages. How Good is Your English? Download our free app to find your level, and read a chapter from one of 30 Bookworms apps. Les Misérables... the story everyone is talking about. There's no mystery when it comes to improving English. Your students will enjoy a great story, have fun and improve their language with our new Bookworms Apps Get involved Find out how Oxford University Press is bringing English language teachers and trainers together with Social Networking.

Medicine comprehension worksheet. Boktips. Easy reading. How to Creatively Ruin Your Wreck This Journal: 9 Steps. Robinson Crusoe. Publishing fantastic books for dyslexic and struggling readers | Barrington Stoke. The Call of the Wild - Jack London. Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed your break! This lesson plan is for both Monday and Tuesday week 14. Watch the trailer below and then discuss in pairs: -What do you think the book will be about? - Who do you think will be the main character? Today we will read and listen to the first chapter together. - While you listen, underline words you don't know. Tuesday (5th of April) Listen to chapter 2 from page 13 together.

. - Work with the words that are homework for Tuesday. (The questions are inspired by Penguin Those of you who have Sv/eng - please read the text again and look up words you don't understand. Literature is Great. Introduction This lesson is about literature, with a focus on the UK. It develops the students’ ability to speak in long turns and use idioms, which originate from the works of Shakespeare. Cognitive processing reading skills are also developed through speed reading an authentic text based on the life of Charles Dickens. The students’ own experiences and opinions form the basis of all discussions.

Topic Literature Level Time 90 minutes Aims To give a short presentation about a book/novel that the student has read. Materials Lesson plan: download lesson plan Worksheets: download worksheet The plans and worksheets are downloadable and in pdf format - right click on the attachment and save it on your computer. Copyright - please read All the materials on these pages are free for you to download and copy for educational use only. RedKid.Net. #läshäxan - ett träningsprogram för läsning. – Digi-bloggen. Att ge alla elever möjlighet att lära sig läsa och förstå är en av våra största utmaningar i skolan. Och inspirera till regelbunden läsning av olika typer av texter. Just nu deltar 105 elever i åk 4 i ett träningsprogram för läsning. För att skapa goda lässtunder för mina elever så har jag snickrat ihop ett träningsprogram för läsning. Inom idrotten är intervallträning ganska vanligt.

Och på marknaden finns en hel del verktyg som kan användas för att styra din tid. #läshäxan och den lilla bokvätten är ett 45 minuter långt program som eleverna följer varje vecka, tre dagar i skolan och två dagar hemma. Till en början läser eleverna skönlitterära texter som de själva valt. Från början var filmen en 45 minuter lång och en steg för steg instruktion. #läshäxan och den lilla bokvätten from Lottabo on Vimeo. Fifth Grade / Number the Stars pdf book. Skip to Main Content District Schools Translate Sign In go Students Parents Community Employees Fifth Grade 159 Mitchell Rd.

Hampton, GA 30228 Phone: 770-471-0844 Fax: 770-471-8066 d Questions or Feedback? | Schoolwires Privacy Policy. Rotten School Books 1-16 (R.L Stine) Readers Poster SideA for Web 1. Super Teacher Worksheets - Thousands of Printable Activities. Authors. ESL English Listening & Adult Literacy - News - Audiobooks - Songs - Radio Dramas. Laurie by Stephen King Part One (25 min. at normal speed - Various speeds available) Part Two (28 min. at normal speed - Various speeds available) Laurie is a beautiful and heartwarming story.

It is a story about hope and life in general. This story introduces us to Lloyd, a man who recently lost his wife. One day, her sister visits Lloyd in Florida and gives him an unexpected gift - a mixed breed puppy named Laurie. 6 Alternatives to Reading Logs by @shfarnsworth - Teacher Tech. Guest blog post by Shaelynn Farnsworth Let’s face it, reading logs are typically not accurate in time read or books finished. From forged signatures to parents exaggerating the time their student spends in a book, reading logs do very little to motivate students or to instill a love of books. If the purpose of reading logs is to create habitual readers why do they continually fail both students and teachers? What alternatives to tracking pages or time offer more value and choice to readers? 1. BookSnaps Have students share what they read on social media. 2. Book blogs provide students a social experience of sharing what they read with a global audience. 3.

Along with Book Blogs, students can create Vlogs sharing what they read. 4. As adults, when we read something that we enjoy we talk about it. 5. Give Me 5 is a simple strategy where students choose 5 quotes from the book that best illustrate the author’s message, insight into a character, or conceptual understanding. 6. Is It Just Me, Or Is the World Going Crazy? In the past year, despite hundreds of people asking me, I’m proud to say that I’ve managed to avoid all temptation to write an article about Donald Trump or the slow motion, 20-car pileup that is this year’s US presidential election. Until now. Before, I stayed out of the gravitational pull of Trump’s narcissistic publicity machine for a few reasons: There’s already so much stuff out there about him and how terrifying he is as a presidential candidate, I never felt like there was anything I could say that wasn’t already being said by somebody smarter or more informed than me.The guy doesn’t need any more attention or publicity.

Seriously, fuck him.But most importantly:Trump is an effect, not a cause. You don’t get a major party nomination off your own merits; you get there because you’re able to represent and channel millions of people’s thoughts and feelings. So I just avoided the topic altogether. Safe from what? Too much college education? But the world isn’t worse. But why? Gemensam läsning av Kort kjol i 9E. Tiny Texts | Read, listen & learn a littleEnglish. Teachers Notes | Penguin Books Australia. AuthorsBooksEventsAbout Featured BestsellersNew ReleasesSeriesBrandsComing SoonOur PicksClassicsFilm & TV Tie-Ins Non-Fiction All Non-FictionHealth & LifestyleFood & Drink Fiction All FictionContemporary FictionLiterary FictionCrime & ThrillersRomanceRural Young Readers Babies & Toddlers (0-2)Preschoolers (3-5)Children (6-8)Children (9-12)Teen & YA (13+) Penguin Books Australia A Penguin Random House Company

Culture - The 25 greatest British novels. Att släppa taget om läroboken i engelska | Förstelärare i Svedala. Redan i åk 4 började vi en medveten satsning på att digitalisera undervisningen genom att använda Google Classroom. I engelska hade vi då ett digitalt klassrum där jag utvidgade det kapitel som vi utgick ifrån, vi jobbade även med annat centralt innehåll än det som fanns i läroboken. Under vårt tematiska arbete med Billy Elliot projektet, som jag tidigare bloggat om jobbade vi på engelsklektionerna utifrån youtubeklipp från filmen och textutdrag ur boken. På British council finns det en guldgruva av metodtips att ösa ur. När vi skulle starta upp höstterminens arbete kändes det som vi var mogna att släppa läroboken. Jag har tidigare bloggat om hur vi gjort våra bokcirklar digitala i vår svenskundervisning. Min ide var nu att föra över detta till engelska. Jag tänkte utmana eleverna (och mig själv) att testa en digital bokcirkel med hjälp av Oxford Owl.

Ord som stör eller förstör – en klassisker vid bedömning av engelsk text. Att diskutera: Boktips: Läsa på främmande språk av Bo Lundahl. 6 Excellent Free Sites to Practise Reading Comprehension. It’s been too long since I’ve written about improving reading skills. Last time I posted about sites to help you practise reading comprehension was in May last year. Way too long. The truth is that doing reading comprehension activities in class takes time, especially if we are talking about long texts with an amount of difficulty, and very often this is one of the tasks we give students as homework. On the other hand, I am one of those teachers who think reading aloud in class is a good exercise. In my opinion, These are some of the sites I’ve been recommending my students to further practise reading comprehension.They are all completely free. 1.

I teach different levels, and what I like most about Newsela is that you can give the same news article to all your classes no matter the level. The site also offers a multiple choice exercise to test your comprehension of the article. Although you have to sign up, the site is free. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hope you find these sites useful! Ebooks | American English. Fiction: New and Classic Short Stories. Our privacy promise The New Yorker's Strongbox is designed to let you communicate with our writers and editors with greater anonymity and security than afforded by conventional e-mail. When you visit or use our public Strongbox server at The New Yorker and our parent company, Condé Nast, will not record your I.P. address or information about your browser, computer, or operating system, nor will we embed third-party content or deliver cookies to your browser.

Strongbox servers are under the physical control of The New Yorker and Condé Nast. Strongbox is designed to be accessed only through a “hidden service” on the Tor anonymity network, which is set up to conceal both your online and physical location from us and to offer full end-to-end encryption for your communications with us. This provides a higher level of security and anonymity in your communication with us than afforded by standard e-mail or unencrypted Web forms.

Stories sorted by author. Stories & Poems. BBC Learning English - Dramas from BBC Learning English / Alice in Wonderland: Part 1: Down the rabbit hole. For ESL English Language Learners. Läsning på djupet - läsning tillsammans - Mia Smith. Många rapporter kommer om att elever går ut grundskolan utan att ha läst en hel bok. Jag har bestämt mig för att göra det jag kan för att motverka detta, så nu läser mina elever böcker i engelska. Mycket av detta har jag läslyftet att tacka, både gällande metoder och mod att våga. Just nu kör jag ett projekt där två klasser samarbetar. Eleverna har fått välja mellan två böcker och jag har skapat läsgrupper där eleverna från de två klasserna blandats. Den ena boken är Holes av Louis Sachar, den andra är The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian av Sherman Alexie. För att få ihop samarbetet har jag byggt läsprocessen på digitalt samarbete. Steg 1 Val av bok, uppstart och ett första gruppsamtal.

Steg 2 Eleverna fick sedan fortsätta läsa enskilt. Steg 3 Som avslutning samlas vi till ett ytterligare samtal. Steg 4 Gruppdiskussioner i all ära, jag vill att eleverna ska få en chans att visa sin personliga reflektion också. 31 great books for students, chosen by students. During the school year, most of the books that students read have been assigned to them by their teachers and parents.

We wanted to know: what are the books kids love to dig into on their own? We asked several fourth and fifth grade TED-Ed Club Members to share the books that they’ve recently read and want to recommend to other kids their age. Amulet by Kazu Kibuishi.Although this is a graphic novel, it is worth reading as a series for your own time. -Andre Wooning, Grade 4, Coolidge School Beast Quest: Sepron, The Sea Serpent by Adam Blade Do you love adventure and a book that makes you wonder?

Best of the Best by Tim Green This book about baseball demonstrates true determination. BFG by Roald Dahl This is a funny book which shows how two unlike things or species can become friends by being kind. Book: The Book with No Pictures by B. Do you want to make your teacher act funny and crazy in front of the WHOLE class? The Cay by Theodore Taylor I was surprised by how much I liked this book.

Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level. Short Stories at East of the Web. A game of Scrabble has serious consequences. - Length: 4 pages - Age Rating: PG - Genre: Crime, Humor A semi-barbaric king devises a semi-barabaric (but entirely fair) method of criminal trial involving two doors, a beautiful lady and a very hungry tiger. - Length: 7 pages - Genre: Fiction, Humor ‘Bloody hell!’

- Genre: Humor Looking round he saw an old woman dragging a bucket across the floor and holding a mop. . - Length: 3 pages Henry pours more coal onto the hearth as a gust of wind rattles through the cracked window frame. . - Length: 14 pages - Genre: Horror ulissa Ye relished all the comfortable little routines and quietude defining her part-time job at The Bookery, downtown’s last small, locally-owned bookstore. - Length: 8 pages - Age Rating: U The forest looked ethereal in the light from the moon overhead. . - Length: 15 pages - Age Rating: 18 Corporal Earnest Goodheart is crouched in a ditch on the edge of an orchard between Dunkirk and De Panne. . - Genre: Fiction - Length: 20 pages.

Read The Yellow Wallpaper Online - Free. Oxford Bookworms Library Teacher's Site. Fluentu. Epic! - Read Amazing Children's Books - Unlimited Library Including Flat Stanley, Scaredy Squirrel, Batman, and Many Others. CommonLit. Penguin English eBooks - An Arakanese from Myanmar. Lässtrategier i engelska: ställa frågor till texten – Hanna Fjeld. An ESL Reading lesson plan template. Book Vocabulary -- BBC Learning English - Course: Towards Advanced / Unit 2 / Session 4 / Activity 1. Jane Austen's facts and figures – in charts | Books.

□ Reading Comprehention 1-5 +TB 1-2 □... - Teachercom's Library. A great holiday activity for your class (a free, adaptable template included) – EDTECH 4 BEGINNERS. A good read. Thug Notes - Classic Literature, Original Gangster | Wisecrack. Preview Challenging Topics With Students With Text Graffiti. CommonLit. Best Books 2017 — Goodreads Choice Awards. Skönlitteraturen skärper engelskan. Waterstones. Reader Response Questions and Prompts for Fiction and Nonfiction. Find book. What Is a Book Talk?: Your Guide to Making Them Work in the Classroom. Dyslexia friendly books.