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Divine Comedy

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The World of Dante. Dante's Inferno, widely hailed as one of the great classics of Western literature, details Dante's journey through the nine circles of Hell.

The World of Dante

The voyage begins during Easter week in the year 1300, the descent through Hell starting on Good Friday. After meeting his guide, the eminent Roman poet Virgil, in a mythical dark wood, the two poets begin their descent through a baleful world of doleful shades, horrifying tortures, and unending lamentation. Божественная комедия, аудиокниги онлайн. Божественная комедия Данте Алигьери. Digital Dante at Columbia. DANTE CHRONOLOGY. 1265 - Dante is born, probably May 29, under the sign of Gemini. 1274 - First meets, and falls in love with Beatrice Portinari, according to the Vita nuova. 1283 - Dante's father dies.


He is married shortly thereafter to Gemma Donati, with whom he has four children (Jacopo, Pietro, Giovanni and Antonia). Dante Project (2.0)