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Easy French Macarons with Vanilla Butter Cream.


Cream Cheese and Cinnamon Crescent Rolls - StumbleUpon. I’m always looking for easy and delicious recipes that can be made quick and with ingredients I already have. This next recipe is one of those. They turned out so gooey and yummy – you will definitely have to try it out for yourself! This little treat has actually become the hubby’s favorite snack on a weekend morning. Eating them when they’ve come straight out of the oven is just pure heaven!

Cream Cheese and Cinnamon Crescent Rolls Ingredients 1 8 oz. package Pillsbury crescent rolls 1 tub whipped cream cheese 2 TB melted butter 1/2 cup sugar 1 TB cinnamon 1/2 cup powdered sugar (for glaze) 1 TB melted butter (for glaze) 1 TSP vanilla (for glaze) 2 TB milk (for glaze) Instructions Begin by rolling out your crescent rolls onto an ungreased cookie sheet. They will come out super gooey and delicious. Have you made something fun with Crescent Rolls lately? How To Make Croissants [Chocolate Croissants, Pumpkin Spice Croissants, and Cinnamon Sugar Croissants]

I hope you’re ready to see a billion underexposed photos of the same exact dough over and over and over again. Please say yes, because you will be rewarded with this. This was a… project. To say the least. I have been dying to try homemade croissants for ages, but after mention of them when I made almond joy scones, I could hardly wait. I have a very nostalgic reason for loving croissants: since I was young, each summer my grandma would always pick up a croissant from the Bread Box Bakery in Boyne City. But I also have a superficial reason for loving croissants: It’s Complicated. Too bad they don’t mention that it takes like 14 hours to really make croissants. I’m not about to tell you “oh! Oh… and I made four flavors of croissants: traditional, chocolate, cinnamon sugar and pumpkin spice. Easy enough… it all starts with some yeast and flour. I know you have all of the ingredients in your kitchen, which means you should probably start right now.

No. Then you fold it up like a letter. 1. 2.


Joe Pastry | Baking Techniques, History, & Science. How to Make Peanut Butter S'Mores Turnovers. Peanut Butter- S’Mores Turnovers I’m not much of a camper. My husband often takes my son on camping trips, and I happily stay behind and thank the gods for our bug-free house, cozy bed and well-stocked kitchen. I always send them off in comfort… marinate a little meat for them to throw on the grill, pack up some convenience foods and bake a few goodies too.

When they return from their camping weekends, I hear mostly about the evenings sitting around the campfire. Story telling, snuggling in blankets, singing songs and roasting marshmallows for S’Mores seem to be recurring favorites. Here’s the How To: Thaw out a box of Puff Pastry, and cut along the fold lines to make 6 large rectangles. Layer 1/4 of a whole graham cracker, a piece of milk chocolate bar and a spoonful of peanut butter on one side of the Puff Pastry.

Wet the edges with water (dip your finger in water and gently touch along the edge), fold over the filling ingredients and press edges together. Honeyed Pears in Puff Pastry - StumbleUpon. Poaching fruit is one of my favorite things to do when cold weather arrives. It's so warming to stand over a boiling pot of fragrant spices and lose yourself in thought. When I made these, I couldn't help but daydream as I stirred; if I were a pear... I wouldn't want to spend my days on the shelf of a cold produce department. I'd want to be taken to a warm home and placed in a jacuzzi of honey and spices. That sounds a little silly, but that's what I'd want... if I were a pear. The idea for these came from the Pepperidge Farm website. On a personal note, our Christmas tree is already up courtesy of Mr. Since poaching is a relatively easy task, I'll skip to some helpful tips for wrapping the pears in puff pastry.

The poaching liquid has a high concentration of sugar, so your pears will be sticky. When you reach the top, tuck in the end piece of pastry behind the last spiral. 4 small pears 1 sheet of ready made puff pastry dough, thawed 4 cups water 2 cups sugar 1 cup honey 1/2 lemon.