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Mdolla. Victorian Visual Culture. Where Danger Lives. Pulp International - Whisper. Every celebrity’s time comes eventually.

Pulp International - Whisper

Reading about celebrities in these old tabloids is a bit like reliving their fame in real time, and in this Whisper published this month in 1957 we get to observe Marilyn Monroe in mid-career. You know that stage. It’s the one where she’s no longer a sparkling new star, but hasn’t yet earned the status of a venerable old treasure. It’s the stage where almost overnight the very editors who were partners in constructing the edifice of fame begin to take it apart brick and girder, with sledgehammers and blowtorches. In this issue Whisper editors throw Monroe into their monthly crucible “The Pit,” an unenviable place you may remember from our post on Liberace a while back.

So what had Monroe done? Whisper dishes dirt from Sukarno to Lollobrigida. Royal Musings: Washington's Imperial Wedding: Archduke Imre and Kathleen Walker. Just a reminder.

Royal Musings: Washington's Imperial Wedding: Archduke Imre and Kathleen Walker

I own the copyright to these photos. No one may reproduce the photos on message boards, websites, blogs or anywhere without my permission. All the photos were taken by me There are strict intellectual property right laws in just about every country, including the US and Europe. It is all right to provide a link. Luxembourg. Adweek – Breaking News in Advertising, Media and Technology. Literally Unbelievable. Style, Music, Sneakers, Entertainment, Girls, Technology. Aaron Huey on Cowbird. Schraubergott. Tattoos by Annie Frenzel. Tattoo Aftercare. Tickled Pink and Green. YouTube videos funded our gap year travels. Brix Picks - Movies. The wikipedia entry for Teen Witch reveals the shocking truth that the teenager musical was a box office bomb grossing less than $4000 in its opening weekend with a budget of two and a half million!

Brix Picks - Movies

Of course, with repeated airings on cable and midnight shows (at one of which friend John got to actually dance with Robin Lively!) It’s become the cult classic that we know and love. I recently revisited the innocuous favorite which is more than perfect for Sunday afternoon viewing and found it just as silly, strange, and dumbly enjoyable as I remembered. From the opening shots of Louise Miller gyrating to Taylor Dane style pop with the local hottie, Brad to the final scenes of Louise Miller gyrating to Taylor Dane style pop with the local hottie, Brad, the movie is an 80′s Disney Channel esque delight. Tim Hussin. Pie. R.J.


Cutler's film, "The September Issue" premiered tonight at the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center. In years past I leave the press line smelling like all the other photographers, for two reasons. 1.We are all hussling for photos and sweating. 2. Being packed together like sardines, we end up sweating on one another. As disgusting as this may be, I never thought I would get nostalgic due to it's absence. Walking back from the theater tonight I felt a little shortchanged. STRICTLY PRIVATE. Beyond The Queen and Driving on the Left. "Tweedland" The Gentlemen's club. TV-INTROS. True/False Film Fest. Cult group started a home unlike all others. Meet The New Aquarians. In 2007, when independent publisher Jodi Wille published a book about a 1970s mystical tribe from L.A. called the Source Family, she had no idea the profound ripple effect it would have on a certain swathe of the tripped-out contemporary art underground.

Meet The New Aquarians

Illustrated with photos of the long-haired, dreamy-looking family members, the book triggered a chain reaction in a specific substrata of neo-hippie musicians, designers, writers, graffiti artists, restaurateurs, alternative livers and spiritual seekers, some of them famous (Billy Corgan, Devendra Banhart, MEAR ONE), all of them free spirits, the kind who might themselves have joined the Source Family had they been born 30 years earlier. Father Yod | Courtesy of Isis Aquarian. The Source Restaurant | Courtesy of Isis Aquarian. The Source Restaurant Sign | Courtesy of Isis Aquarian. One of the early Source Family adopters was musician Guy Blakeslee, frontman of LA rock band, The Entrance Band. Ya Ho Wa 13 interview. Father / Yahowha and Pythias, Djin, Octavius, Sunflower...

Ya Ho Wa 13 interview

Yahowha 13 band at the Source Family House in L.A. (early 1970's)photo courtesy of Source Archives-Isis In 1988, I bought a new book called After the Acid Trip - The Ultimate Psychedelic Music Guide by Vernon Joynson. In it a music group called Ya Ho Wa 13 is described as such: "this band of Hollywood misfits reputedly made at least 9 albums for Higher Key during the '70's. " They are referred to as "musically very weird… largely mellow, mystical and probably drug induced. " In addition, there are pictures of two album covers - one has five men wearing only loincloths, all with bows and arrows crouching around and on top of a Rolls Royce. The Source Family Rises Again. When “it seemed like a good idea at the time” hooks up with “join us”-type faith, the world ends up with another juicy bite of quasi-religious cult history.

The Source Family Rises Again

If we’re lucky, it takes us to the freakiest outskirts of radical utopian adventure and glittery illumination, stopping short of tragedy and ruin—drinking Kool-Aid or wearing Nikes to your deathbed are kind of a bummer. Once you believe you’re “specially chosen” for a certain task or destiny, you’re kind of in the danger zone, but the Source Family, a Los Angeles-based community in the late 1960s and early 70s managed to steer clear of the seriously dark stuff. Centered around self-styled Western guru Father Yod, the Source Family gave us outrageously spaced-out drama, redeeming itself time and time again once it got way too nuts and even a little bit gross. The Source - The Untold Story of Father Yod, Ya Ho Wa 13 and the Source Family. I've been a fan of the Source family story for many years, since discovering their 13-CD box set God and Hair on Captain Trip Records.

The Source - The Untold Story of Father Yod, Ya Ho Wa 13 and the Source Family

But I never really knew all that much about the group or their spiritual father, Yahowha also known as Father Yod, Jim Baker and many other names. When I discovered that Isis Aquarian had finally written and compiled a full-length book chronicling the LA communes' story, my interest was piqued. For those unfamiliar with the group, let me start with a brief recap. Jim Baker was originally a decorated marine and Judo champion who left his first left behind to head for LA and a tryout for the movie role of Tarzan.

From Capitol Hill to a cult. Secret Style Icon: The Source Family. “Why seek any further without for that which lies within?”

Secret Style Icon: The Source Family

–Father Yod Even though Father Yod looked like a hippie Santa Claus and his religion was a confusing stew of New Age-y ideas (with lots of talk of “pyramid mirrors,” “sacred shins,” and “moon chakras,” maaan), he eventually amassed more than a hundred followers and lived in “The Father House,” a mansion in the Hollywood Hills, with most of them (rumors flew that the house was bought with bank robbery money, but the rumor-mongers didn’t take into account Yod’s fortune, which he amassed by starting a series of organic restaurants in Southern California).

They called themselves the Source Family. The Family was a common sight along L.A.’s Sunset Strip in the early ’70s. Groups of strangely serene young men and women would wander up and down Sunset Boulevard in long gauzy gowns and velvet robes, street-preaching and recruiting new members to their self-proclaimed “Aquarian tribe.” Messy Nessy Chic The Rock & Roll Cult of Sunset Boulevard. The only Hollywood-based cult of the 60s and 70s that comes to mind is the Manson Family, so when I happened upon this photograph of a secretive but wild group of beautiful young people who strolled around LA in the 1970s wearing colorful gowns, devoted to a Hollywood restauranteur-turned-spiritual leader who had 13 wives, a Rolls Royce and a rock’n'roll band, calling himself “Father Yod”– I was skeptical.

Messy Nessy Chic The Rock & Roll Cult of Sunset Boulevard

Creepy hippie cult? I had to know more… Fortunately, the story of The Source Family didn’t end in a murderous rampage in the Hollywood Hills. And even though they had some pretty spaced-out rituals, practiced a lot of tantric sex and their leader, “Father Yod” was basically a weird older dude snuffing out his sexual ego, the Source family, also known to themselves as an ”Aquarian tribe”, managed to stay away from the really dark stuff. The Source Family. Meet the Source Family. Peter Daou. Tensions In Israeli Feminism: The Mizrahi-Ashkenazi Rift. Introduction The Israeli women’s movement since its beginning in the mid 1970s has been dominated overwhelmingly by Ashkenazi women, that is women of European origin.

While there always were women whose origins are in Arab and Muslim countries, that is Mizrahi women, who were active in the Israeli feminist movement from its inception, they were few in number and their voice was rarely ever heard. The lowercase arab: Palestinian Pick Up Lines. If someone who fancies your eye just told you that they were Palestinian, what do you say? Have you ever wanted to woo a Palestinian? Have you desperately tried to make a Palestinian fall in love with you, but dismally failed? Jugendstilbäder. Twitter profile for deanomites. Jannik Schümann. Osho0041.htm. Orange-Connection 1981. Create stories from Tweets. – Be a publisher. Europe. + YOU KNOW YOU CAN'T ROME WITHOUT CESAR + NativeNorthwest. In conversation with Rita Leistner. “reFramed” is a feature showcasing fine art photography and vision-forward photojournalism.

The Racist Redskins by Michael Tomasky. Navajo Reserve in Arizona - 42-36228744 - Droits gérés. NATIVE & INDIAN ART. "All Things Oklahoma" Dein Berliner Stadtteilportal – Vintage Travel Poster - Frankfurt - Germany - Airport. Germany Wants to See You Vintage Travel Poster Post Card. Samuel Owen Gallery. The effects growing up in a progressive, intellectual, feminist Jewish community on me, my theology, my practice and my parenting.

The Rag Blog. DelayedGratification's Profile. The Ordinary, the Artistic and the Idiotic (Putong, Wenyi and Erbi) – the hottest Internet meme happening now in China. EmailEmail It all started just like any other Internet memes. Some folks on the internets posted a series of composite photos, each consisting of three images of some young people. Radfem-ological Images. Pop Culture: Movies, TV, Comics, Politics, and Entertainment News. Unfuck Your Habitat. "the last hippie standing" Groupieblog. Sinocism-China In The 21st Century. DigiCha-Internet, Digital Media, Online Gaming, Web, China.

Nomination for Friday Crush - "The Mooslims, they're heeere!" Nach mir die Sintflut - NZZ Folio 07/10 - Thema: Grandios gescheitert. After Words with Maggie Anderson. Maggie Anderson - Our Black Year Book Signing and Discussion Panel. Trying To Be "The Man" Jessi Jae Joplin's Photos from the gallery 80s Fashion In Film: Modern Girls - Page 2 - Buzznet. The Witching Hour. XoJane. The Mary Sue - A Guide To Girl Geek Culture.

Tracking international efforts to deal with climate change. Matador Abroad. Wanderings of a Cheerful Stoic. Orgien im Namen des Herrn. Jayesh Michael O. Jamaat ul-Fuqra. Sex Roles, Volume 21, Numbers 9-10. This study examined gender roles at the now disbanded commune of Rajneeshpuram in Eastern Oregon. The Rise And Fall of Rajneeshpuram, Sven Davisson (2:2) Rajneesh - Life on the Ranch. Osho's Place - Vegetarisches Restaurant - Café - Bar. Sannyas-E-Mail-Lists. Rajneeshees in Oregon: The Untold Story - DER SPIEGEL 10/1981 - Die liebende Gabe, die mich durchdringt. Untitled. Vivek interview. Bhagwan-Anhänger: Rote Socken - Geschichte - Politik. «GURU – Bhagwan, His Secretary & His Bodyguard» Trailer. A Mysterious End! The Demise Of Prince Wenzel Von Und Zu Liechtenstein. Rebecca Kimbel: Speaker. Holden B-Low. Colorado City Polygamists 2. Multichannel News. Komödie der Irrungen.