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Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues. Blooms Taxonomy. 249 Bloom's Taxonomy Verbs For Critical Thinking. COLLECTION: Bloom's Taxonomy. Course (re)Design Resources. Asynchronous Learning Definition. SAMR and Bloom's Taxonomy: Assembling the Puzzle. For teachers just starting out with educational technology, the task at hand can sometimes seem daunting.

SAMR and Bloom's Taxonomy: Assembling the Puzzle

Even though tools such as the SAMR model can help, the plethora of choices available can prove paralyzing, frequently resulting in ongoing substitutive uses of the technology that block, rather than enable, more ambitious transformative goals. Institutional Resources. The official website for comparing UK higher education course data - Unistats. Surface Pro 4 supporting teaching and learning at the University of Central Lancashire – Microsoft UK Higher Education Blog. The Japan Times BOOKCLUB. E-Polish. How to Write a Syllabus. JMOOCは日本とアジアのための 「学びによる個人の価値を社会全体の共有価値へ拡大するMOOC」の実現を 産学の連携によって強力に牽引します. 日本語教育 学のデザイン ―その地と図を描く― Learn Latin, Old English, Sanskrit, Classical Greek & Other Ancient Languages in 10 Lessons.

I receive weekly reminders of my linguistic ignorance whenever I read anything by authors fluent in Latin.

Learn Latin, Old English, Sanskrit, Classical Greek & Other Ancient Languages in 10 Lessons

How could I not, whenever Clive James starts to pontificate on the greatness of, say, Tacitus? “For students acquiring Latin in adult life, the language is most easily approached through those historians who really wrote chronicles — Cornelius Nepos, Sallust, Suetonius and Livy — but with the Histories of Tacitus you get the best reason for approaching it at all… What Sainte-Beuve said of Montaigne — that his prose is like one continuous epigram — is even more true of Tacitus.” Fantastic! So, which translation should I read? “There are innumerable translations but the original gives you [Tacitus]’ unrivalled powers of compression.” As with Latin classics, so with other Indo-European language texts, including Beowulf, originally in Old English, Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, in Classical Greek, and the ancient Vedic hymns of the Rigveda, in Sanskrit. via Metafilter. 1200 Free Online Courses from Top Universities.

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1200 Free Online Courses from Top Universities

Below, you will find 1,700 free online courses from universities like Stanford, Yale, MIT, Harvard, Oxford and more. You can use this collection of online courses to learn everything you want–from history, philosophy and literature, to physics, biology, psychology, and computer science. Our site also features collections of Online Certificate Programs and Online Degree & Mini-Degree Programs. HESA - Higher Education Statistics Agency - HESA - Higher Education Statistics Agency. Introduction The Joint Academic Coding System (JACS) is owned and maintained by the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) and the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) and is used for subject coding of provision across higher education in the UK.

HESA - Higher Education Statistics Agency - HESA - Higher Education Statistics Agency

JACS was first introduced in 2002/03 (UCAS year of entry 2002 and reporting year 2002/03 HESA) to replace the two different classifications systems previously used by the two organisations. JACS is currently used to code the subjects of both higher education courses and the individual modules within them across the full range of higher education provision. Subject Benchmark Statement: Languages, Cultures and Societies. Creating lessons using the FLLITE approach. Quality Training for Effective Learning. Imagine if you had the greatest procedures & processes in the world, however none of your employees were adequately trained on those procedures.

Quality Training for Effective Learning

What do you think the result would be? You guessed it – failure. Deming Said – “It’s not enough to do your best; you must know what to do and then do your best.” Without the proper training, your world class systems can be made irrelevant. Welcome to ICU OpenCourseWare. Японская электронная лексикография и корпусная лингвистика — Школа филологии — Национальный исследовательский университет «Высшая школа экономики» The Best Google Drive Add-ons for Creating Flowcharts and Diagrams. Pedagogy. Assessment. Formative Assessment Ideas.

An Overlooked YouTube Feature. YouTube contains many useful features that are frequently overlooked.

An Overlooked YouTube Feature

One of those features is using your YouTube channel to store videos even if you don't make them public. Another overlooked aspect of YouTube is that it can serve as a file conversion tool for some video formats. When you upload videos to YouTube you don't have to make them public. Since YouTube doesn't limit how many files you can upload, you can use your YouTube channel to simply store your video files for free.

When you need the files, you can download them at anytime. Occasionally, you may have a video file that you need converted to MP4. Check out the screenshots below to see how to download your files from YouTube. Welcome to Quick Rubric – Free, Fast, and Easy to Use! :) Flubaroo - Google Sheets add-on. Feedback tools. Create Quizzes and Student Responses. Quick Rubric :) 4 Free Tools for Creating & Playing Interactive Quiz Games. Earlier this week I wrote about "ghost mode" being the talk of the Future of Educational Technology Conference in Orlando.

4 Free Tools for Creating & Playing Interactive Quiz Games

That post prompted a few people to ask me about other quiz game platforms. I've used a bunch of them over the years. The following are interactive quiz game tools that I've used with great success in my classroom and or in my workshops. Kahoot: This is the obvious one to include in this post as it did inspire the post. Kahoot provides a fun way to gather feedback from a group through their phones, iPads, Chromebooks, or any other device that has a web browser and an Internet connection. Thinking Skills. What do we mean by "Thinking Skills"?

Thinking Skills

Thinking skills are the mental processes that we apply when we seek to make sense of experience. Learning Theories. Learning Theory. Bloom's taxonomy in Japanese ブルームのタキソノミー. ◆ ブルームのタキソノミー(分類学) ◆ アメリカ心理学会(APA)が1948年に大学の試験にかかわる研究者を集めて、 試験問題を分類して互いのコミュニケーションの円滑化を図る目的のプロジェクトをスタートさせた。

Bloom's taxonomy in Japanese ブルームのタキソノミー

年1回のペースで研究会を持ち、その8年後に結実した成果が、今日「ブルームの目標分類学 (タキソノミー:Taxonomy)」と呼ばれるものである。 教育の目標とする領域を「あたま、こころ、からだ」 の3領域(認知・情意・精神運動領域と呼ぶ。 KSA (Knowledge, Skill, Attitude)と略されて用いられる場合もある)に分け、それぞれに下記のレベルわけを提案した。 試験問題を集め、それを地道に分類することで導き出したボトムアップ(帰納的)な手法に基づくレベル分けであった。 Video from IH World. General classroom resources. Make Tutorials Easily Using the Ultimate Tutoralize Tool. Blended Learning in Higher Education: Framework, Principles, and Guidelines - D. Randy Garrison, Norman D. Vaughan. This groundbreaking book offers a down-to-earth resource for the practical application of blended learning in higher education as well as a comprehensive examination of the topic.

Blended Learning in Higher Education: Framework, Principles, and Guidelines - D. Randy Garrison, Norman D. Vaughan

Well-grounded in research, Blended Learning in Higher Education clearly demonstrates how the blended learning approach embraces the traditional values of face-to-face teaching and integrates the best practices of online learning. This approach has proven to both enhance and expand the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning in higher education across disciplines. In this much-needed book, authors D. Randy Garrison and Norman D. Vaughan present the foundational research, theoretical framework, scenarios, principles, and practical guidelines for the redesign and transformation of the higher education curriculum. The Best Tools and Apps for Flipped Learning Classroom.

Bring Your Lectures into the 21st Century. Birmingham Grid for Learning - Multiple Intelligences (Secondary) Quizzing and Testing Tools. CURRICULUM & PLANNING. Best Android apps to learn Japanese. A couple of months ago, I bought a new Android smartphone.

When I started looking for apps to install on it, I thought about what I wanted my phone to do for me, turning to the wide selection of Japanese apps to help my studies. iPhone user? Check out our list of best iPhone Japanese learning apps. Learn Foreign Languages. 50 forward-planning questions by. In March 2014, after a coaching and mentoring session, I posted 30 simple questions for the teacher, middle leader and senior teacher. 15 Free Learning Tools You've Probably Never Heard Of.

GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS. Jump to Topics Graphic Organizers In General. British National Corpus (BYU-BNC) (outil TTS - lecture de texte avec voix) Open JTalk.