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10 Principles Of Effective Web Design - Smashing UX Design. Advertisement Usability and the utility, not the visual design, determine the success or failure of a web-site. Since the visitor of the page is the only person who clicks the mouse and therefore decides everything, user-centric design has become a standard approach for successful and profit-oriented web design. After all, if users can’t use a feature, it might as well not exist.

We aren’t going to discuss the implementation details (e.g. where the search box should be placed) as it has already been done in a number of articles; instead we focus on the main principles, heuristics and approaches for effective web design — approaches which, used properly, can lead to more sophisticated design decisions and simplify the process of perceiving presented information. Please notice that you might be interested in the usability-related articles about 10 Usability Nightmares1 and 30 Usability Issues2 we’ve published before,we’ll cover more principles of effective design in our following posts. 1.

6 Tips for a Great Flex UX: Part 5. By Theresa Neil Since the book focuses on rich interactions, I want to spend some time on Adobe Flex/AIR. These tips are based on the best Flex resources I have found, and how you can use them to craft a great user experience. This is part 5 of 6: * Play With It: 10 Explorers & Galleries * Learn From the Best: 10 Great Flex Apps * Learn From the Rest: 10 Great RIAs * Stock Your Toolbox: 40+ Custom Flex Controls * Review Usability Best Practices * Avoid Common Mistakes: 10 Anti-Patterns Don’t forget the usability basics. Jakob Nielsen’s Ten Usability Heuristics are as relevant now as they were in 1999. 1. The system should always keep users informed about what is going on, through appropriate feedback within reasonable time. 1.0 BaseCamp by 37signals The upload button is enabled, until clicked. 1.1 Picnik Progress message and indicator shows while the application loads 1.2 Tick A feedback message is displayed when an action is performed 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Minimize the user’s memory load. 7. 8. 9 Essential Principles for Good Web Design. Art and the Zen of Web Sites. Design. Persuasion: Applying the Elaboration Likelihood Model to Design. Persuasion is part of every aspect of our lives. Politicians want our vote, businesses want us to buy their products, and people want us to like them. Even altruistic nonprofits want us to change our behaviors around environmental issues and public safety, or give them our money to help fight hunger and disease (the nerve!). Article Continues Below This reality is no different for websites and other digital properties. Persuasion is a necessary component of good design, ensuring that users will engage with your product in the way you intended, leading to the outcome you intended. Understanding persuasion will highlight the importance of developing strong messages, help you better incorporate and refine effective persuasive techniques into your design, and allow you to explain to others (potential clients, peers) how and why your design is effective at persuading users.

The really nice elephant in the room#section1 Persuasion is communication. The Elaboration Likelihood Model#section2. The Principles of Design. The web professional's online magazine of choice. In: Columns > Design in Theory and Practice By Joshua David McClurg-Genevese Published on June 13, 2005 Starting with the Basics This column is about Web design—really, it is—though it may at times seem a bit distant and distracted. In my opinion, any good discussion about design begins with the fundamentals. We can group all of the basic tenets of design into two categories: principles and elements. Web design is a relatively new profession compared to other forms of design, due to the youth of our medium.

How Does Web Design Fit In? I tend to define Web design as being one of many disciplines within the larger field of design (a peer to print design, industrial design, interior design, etc.). The first three articles of this column will be dedicated to unearthing these universal gems of insight so that we may better understand our profession. The Principles of Design There are many basic concepts that underly the field of design. Balance. Top 10 Mistakes in Web Design. Url's Internet Cafe. The Classroom.

Web Navigation: Designing the User Experience -- Sample chapter. Why Instructional System Design or ADDIE. Instructional System Design (ISD) is often referred to as ADDIE, which is the acronym for the five phases of ISD — Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. It may be defined as the systematic and iterative method for creating learning experience that develop and enhance skills and knowledge.

In the past, ISD and ADDIE were often referred to as a Systems Approach to Training (SAT), (U.S. Department of Defense, 1975; Department of the Army, 2011). ISD can be thought of as a roadmap that helps to ensure the learners and their organization achieve their learning intents through formal, nonformal, and informal environments. Related Models Besides ADDIE or ISD, there are other systematic approaches to training such as the Dick and Carey Model and Bela Banathy's Instructional System. These approaches have some common elements: Competency Based (Job Related): The learners are required to master a Knowledge, Skill, or Attitude (KSA).

ISD verses ID Why ADDIE? Next Steps References.