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Cash Elementary MTAC Committee Documents and Resources

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Explore this resource to learn about WSFCS policy for book reconsiderations and the role of censorship and free choice in the library.

MEDIA AND TECHNOLOGY ADVISORY COMMITTEE GUIDELINES. Request for Reconsideration of Educational Materials (1) Book Challenge final Policy and Form 2001 (1) The Freedom to Read Statement. Advocacy, Legislation & Issues. Interpretations of the Library Bill of Rights. Access to Resources and Services in the School Library: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights. Not Censorship But Selection.

The Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA) Home - National School Library Standards. AASL infographic strongstudents 2013. The Students' Right to Read. The First Amendment in Schools. The First Amendment in Schools How does the First Amendment protect students and teachers in schools?

The First Amendment in Schools

NCAC presents the following collection of materials on the topic of censorship in schools for the use of students, educators, and parents everywhere. This information is not intended as legal advice. School Libraries Count! AASL's National Longitudinal Survey of School Libraries. American Libraries. Student Success. (Courtesy Vancouver Public Schools) Schools with a strong school library program and a certified school librarian ensure their students have the best chance to succeed.

Student Success

More than 60 education and library research studies have produced clear evidence that school library programs staffed by qualified school librarians have a positive impact on student academic achievement. These studies clearly demonstrate that strong school library programs help all students do better academically, even when other school variables are considered.

Students who don’t speak English at home can be among those who benefit the most. School library programs foster critical thinking, providing students with the skills they need to analyze, form, and communicate ideas in compelling ways.School libraries are places of opportunity. Library Advocacy. Lifelong learners. Principals Know: School Librarians are the Heart of the School was crowdsourced by Dr.

Lifelong learners

Judi Moreillon and Dr. Teresa Starrett using funds provided by the Texas Library Association, Demco, and the Dean's Research Funds (College of Professional Education, Texas Woman's University). Lifelong Learners Imagine a place where all students feel welcome and are encouraged to grow and learn. That space is the school library. (36) The heart of a school; the library. 5 Ways to Advocate for Your School Library This Year. Advocacy.

5 Ways to Advocate for Your School Library This Year

How often do you think about how to advocate for your school library? How often do you read blogs, articles, and essays published with ideas on how and why to advocate for your program? It is an almost constant thought in my mind. Will I receive funds this year? What laws protect my school library program? The Impact of School Libraries on Student Achievement: Exploring the School Library Impact Studies.