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Juuso Kähönen


Noisli - background noise and color generator for working and relaxing. Ascended master. Both "Mahatmas" and "Ascended Master" are terms used in the Ascended Master Teachings.

Ascended master

Ascended Master is based on the Theosophical concept of the Mahatma or Master of the Ancient Wisdom. However, "Mahatmas" and "Ascended Masters" are believed by some to differ in certain respects.


Kokonaisvaltainen kirjoittaminen. Päihdepolitiikka. How sugar affects the brain - Nicole Avena. Dr.

How sugar affects the brain - Nicole Avena

Avena’s website has links to new research and articles about the effects of sugar on the brain and behavior, and how this can influence body weight.Want to learn more about the adverse effects of sugar? Read Food Junkie, Dr. The Devastating Effects of Pollution in China (Part 2/2) The British Library's Photostream.


Lääke- ja päihdeaineet. Musa. Yhteiskunta. Henkisyys, self-help, psyka. Tieteellinen tutkimus.