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How to Create Placemarks and Layers On Google Maps Engine Lite – Practical Ed Tech Tip of the Week. National Geographic Thematic Maps Launch in New Google Tool. National Geographic has been producing thematic maps for decades, revealing not just physical features but also location-based details on cultures, history, wildlife, science, and more.

National Geographic Thematic Maps Launch in New Google Tool

Now, a treasure trove of more than 500 of those maps are available online in a new service from Google Maps. The National Geographic maps can be found in their own section of Google Maps Gallery, which launched officially on February 27. Projects for My Subject - Google Earth for Educators. Google Lit. Maps Gallery. Have You Tried the New Google Maps? Last spring Google announced the availability of a new desktop version of Google Maps for those who wanted to try it out.

Have You Tried the New Google Maps?

I've been using it since then and occasionally reverting to the old version. This week Google announced that the new Google Maps desktop version will be rolling out to all users over the next couple of weeks.