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Learning, made joyful - Memrise. Herramientas para aprender idiomas online. El aprendizaje de un idioma extranjero se considera una hazaña importante en la edad adulta.

Herramientas para aprender idiomas online

Diferentes idiomas requieren diferentes horas de dedicación. Una estimación interesante de la dificultad de cada idioma se presenta en esta infografía por el Foreign Service Institute. Dependiendo del nivel en que la lengua materna u otros idiomas que ya se hablan, difieran de la lengua que se está intentando aprender, alcanzar un nivel de habla fluido, puede llevar desde varios meses a un par de años.


Hiztegiak. Grammar. ENGLISH SKILLS Proficiency excercises. EGA. ENGLISH. FRENCH. Hiztegiak. Verb conjugation. Lingu@net WorldWide. BBC Languages. Can you master a language in a weekend? - Further - Education. One-third of British people under the age of 50 cannot remember their own phone number, according to a study conducted by the Institute of Neuroscience at Trinity College Dublin in 2007.

Many of these would claim they have a "bad memory", but Ed Cooke – a Grand Master of Memory who can learn a 1,000-digit number in an hour – says that's not true. Cooke insists the key to remembering is learning to think in more memorable ways. He began teaching himself memory feats when he ended up in hospital for three months aged 18. "I realised that if I had the time to spend eight hours a day practising, which I did, then I could get quite good. Plus it impressed the nurses," Cooke says.