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LLT Vol5Num2 Review of Hot Potatoes REVIEW OF HOT POTATOES Paginated PDF version Reviewed by Paula Winke, Georgetown University, and David MacGregor, the Center for Applied Linguistics Overview The program Hot Potatoes, currently produced by Half-Baked Software, Inc., was designed to allow teachers to make interactive, Web-based exercises that can be accessed by students at any Internet-capable computer terminal with a standard Web browser. Hot Potatoes uses both HTML and JavaScript; however, one does not need to know these languages to make the Web-based exercises.

Home Home Activities: Adjectives & Nouns Adverbs Articles Command Forms Comparisons Conditional Tense Demonstrative Adjectives Future Tense Gustar Verbs like Gustar Interrogative Words Negative/Affirmative Words Numbers Past Participle Perfect Tenses Por vs Para Prepositions with qtvr movie Present Participle (gerund) Present Progressive Tense Present Tense Preterite Tense Preterites w/ Irregular Meanings Preterite vs Imperfect Pronouns DO Pronouns IO Pronunciation Reflexive Verbs Relative Pronouns Saber vs Conocer Ser vs Estar Sequence of Tenses Si Clauses Subjunctive Mood (present) Subjunctive mood (past) Time-¿Qué hora es? Tener-idiomatic expressions Unplanned events with SE Verb conjugation charts:

Wordplay - Spanish Vocabulary Game ¿Imperfecto o indefinido? Agradezco mucho a Gloria la oportunidad que me ofrece de aclarar un poco en qué sentido debe entenderse una valoración aspectual en términos terminativo/no-terminativo (de amplio uso en nuestra tradición gramatical) para que resulte operativamente válida en el proceso de instrucción gramatical. Una de las condiciones básicas para una buena interpretación aspectual es entender “terminado” o “no-terminado” en relación estricta con el lexema verbal concreto al que se aplica y el contexto en que el verbo está siendo usado y adquiere, por tanto, su significado preciso. En caso contrario, estaremos permanentemente en peligro de caer en interpretaciones absurdas como las que se hacen en estas dos caricaturas.

¡Bienvenidos a Así! Get started with We'll send you an email to activate your account, so please triple-check that you've typed it correctly. Your username should be a minimum of four characters and can only include lowercase letters and numbers. Publicaciones Acti / España: Revista de Auxiliares de Conversación Acti / España es una publicación anual que recoge un conjunto de actividades creadas por auxiliares de conversación y destinadas a motivar e implicar al alumnado de español del Reino Unido e Irlanda. Lo más destacable de esta revista es el ingenio de sus autores para crear actividades que, a la vez que cubren una parte del currículo, entretienen, son flexibles en cuanto a tiempo y nivel y presentan la realidad española actual, por lo que constituyen un excelente banco de materiales para este profesorado. Últimos números: Acti/España 17 (2013) Acti/España 16 (2012)

Minus: A Brilliant File Sharing Application With a Plethora of Features Although you will find them in big numbers, file hosting websites normally service only their primary purpose: storing files. In order to share these files with others, you have to resort to the traditional URL sharing technique that requires them to download the files before they can view them. And anybody who has downloaded files from an web host knows the problems: timeouts, waiting limits, download limitations, etc. Here to solve these problems for people who want to simply share files by letting others view what they upload is a wonderful web service called “Minus”. Flash Video - Simple object tag (static publishing) See a demo exercise Wouldn't it be nice if you could play video in your exercises, and in most, if not all browsers? Here's a really multi functional and highly customizable player. The code is xHTML1.1 valid and tested on WinXP SP2, Win7 in:

YouTube Audio Transcription YouTube added a feature that generates video captions. "We've combined Google's automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology with the YouTube caption system to offer automatic captions, or auto-caps for short. Auto-caps use the same voice recognition algorithms in Google Voice to automatically generate captions for video." The feature only works for English and it's been enabled for a small number of channels that usually feature talks and interviews: UC Berkeley, Stanford, MIT, Yale, UCLA, Duke,UCTV, Columbia, PBS, National Geographic. Another new feature is auto-timing, which lets you upload the transcription of a video and it automatically generates the time codes. "All you need to do is create a simple text file with all the words in the video and we'll use Google's ASR technology to figure out when the words are spoken and create captions for your video."

Any idea why I can't get this site? do I need to register? I use to be able to get it two years ago. Pls anyone let me know? by martavalls Sep 9

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