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How to remove related videos from the end of an embedded YouTube video | illuminea. As I’m sure you’ve seen, YouTube displays related videos at the end of videos you have viewed. This can be useful, but this can also be problematic. For example, we were recently working on a very personal project for a client. This client had a great video to use for their cause, but because the project was so personal to them, they felt uncomfortable that all these random, unconnected videos were being offered to viewers at the end of the video.

I remembered that I had seen that you can remove related videos from the end of a YouTube video. It turns out, it’s really quite easy to do! Let’s say I want to embed this adorable kitten video in my site to share it with my readers: You see all those supposedly related cute kitten videos at the end? Go to the video’s individual page on YouTube. While I was searching for this solution, I came across a list of parameters that you can add to YouTube embed code to customize the player: YouTube Embedded Players and Player Parameters. To. WeB1WeB2. - Toute l'actualité des plateformes sociales (blogs, wikis, réseaux sociaux, microblog…) et du Social Business (marketing + CRM + commerce)

Web 2.0 traduction. Web 2.0 is here. Web 2.0. Tim O'Reilly on What is Web 2.0? Webvolution.